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iReport and fonts


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Hello all,


I just spent the last 4 hours reading all the posts about ireport and fonts... but nothing seems to work for me.


I want to be able to generate the pdf files using custom ttf fonts (not really custom, but none of the ones included) like arial. This is what I have unsuccessfully tried so far:


1) create a fonts.jar and add it to the system classpath

2) add the same fonts.jar to the ireports classpath

3) add the %windir%/fonts to the system classpath

4) add the %windir%/fonts to ireport classpath


no matter what I do I still seem to be unable to see arial.ttf in the pdf font drop box. I have seen people talk about an "external font" option in that drop box, but I am using ireport 1.2.6 and that option is not present.


I am running out of ideas here and would really appreciate some help.


thanks in advance,


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I believe I found the source of confusion here and decided to post it in case anyone else has run into this.


When the .exe file is compiled, the classpath is imbued in the file. Your system classpath is not used at all. The solution for me was to run the jar (or the .bat files included in the package) so that the application would use my system's classpath instead.


It seems to me that adding an option to specify the directory for the fonts wouldn't be too hard. Maybe a feature request? This would make many people's lives much easier. :)

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