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Problems with datasource


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habe a problem to connect to the database. We're using Gupta SQL Base. I made some tries but nothing really works.


1. I tried to use the JDBC-Driver delivered with the db. I added the JAR to the classpath. When setting up a new connection I entered the following:


JDBC-Driver: jdbc.gupta.sqlbase.SqlbaseDriver

JDBC URL: jdbc:sqlbase://192.168.xx.xx:2155/DB

username: SYSADM

password: XXX



but I get an error:

general problem null, please check your username and password. The next problem with this jdbc-driver is that we use a custom country-file. In a java-sample it looks like this:



String s1 = "A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z \C4 \D6 \DC ";
String s2 = "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z \E4 \F6 \FC \DF";
String s3 = s1.concat(s2);

//Set the Whitespace settings for the country as in country.sql
jdbc.gupta.sqlbase.SqlbaseDriver.SetCountryWhiteSpace("\9 \A \D \20"«»);

//Set the Numeric settings for the country as in country.sql
jdbc.gupta.sqlbase.SqlbaseDriver.SetCountryNumeric("0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"«»);

//Set the Alpha settings for the country as in country.sql


2. then tried using the jdbc-odbc-bridge from sun. but when using the button "test" iReport crashes without any error-message. It just close.


ok.. thats it. would be nice if somebody could help me with that problem. Maybe there is a way to use a javaBean to connect to the database. So I could use the JDBC-Driver with the right country-code in the bean. But I have no Idea how to use this. maybe someone has a sample for this.


Thanks for help Marco

Post edited by: CrazyK, at: 2006/09/13 06:52

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  • 6 years later...

It's too late but it may help someone;

I had faced with the same problem as well, I was calling a stored process which took two parameters. I was sending one parameter. You may be you have the same mistake. by the way in ireport 4.5.1 it gives the warning that you have to give two parameters but ireport 4.8.0 does not give this warning, it just give he null check bla bla error.


proper form of function calling => exec sp_myStoredProcess param1 param2(which I forgot to send)

what was I did in ireport v 4.8.0 => exec sp_myStoredProcess param1

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