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Everything posted by CrazyK

  1. Hi, thanks for your answer, but I can't manage this over the sql-statement, because the report and its sum-fields are more complex than mentioned above. I not only need the sum for one time-period. In fact I need the sum for three time periods (the whole lifetime of the product, last month and for comparision the month before). In addition to that I need the sum for sales for all three time periods but with an additional condition to another data-field. Altogether, the report has 22 sum-fields with absolutely differnt conditions to any of the other fields. So the only chance I can see is a variable which sums on condition. Thanks Marco
  2. Hi, I try to design a report. Therefor the data is loades from a sql-datasource. the table contains sales positions with the date, when it was solt, the qty, the price and a sku. now I want to group the data by sku. (so I added a group) near to the sku I want the sum of the field qty, but!!! not the sum of all datasets, only the sum of that datasets, where the year of date is this year. Therefor I changed the expression of the sum-variable that way: new BigDecimal( ($F{sales_positions_vpo_dbeleg} >= '01.01.2010' ? $F{sales_positions_vpo_nmenge} : '0' ) ) but that doesn't seem to work. The result for one article is -2 in the report but in fact it is 45. So how could I only sum that datasets, which have a specific condition? ( changing the sql-query to: sum(vpo_nqty) where date >= '01.01.2010' group by .... in my situation is not possible, so the calculations has to be done in the report itself. Any suggestions? Thanks Marco
  3. Hi, habe a problem to connect to the database. We're using Gupta SQL Base. I made some tries but nothing really works. 1. I tried to use the JDBC-Driver delivered with the db. I added the JAR to the classpath. When setting up a new connection I entered the following: JDBC-Driver: jdbc.gupta.sqlbase.SqlbaseDriver JDBC URL: jdbc:sqlbase://192.168.xx.xx:2155/DB username: SYSADM password: XXX but I get an error: general problem null, please check your username and password. The next problem with this jdbc-driver is that we use a custom country-file. In a java-sample it looks like this: Code: String s1 = "A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z \C4 \D6 \DC "; String s2 = "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z \E4 \F6 \FC \DF"; String s3 = s1.concat(s2); //Set the Whitespace settings for the country as in country.sql jdbc.gupta.sqlbase.SqlbaseDriver.SetCountryWhiteSpace("\9 \A \D \20"«»); //Set the Numeric settings for the country as in country.sql jdbc.gupta.sqlbase.SqlbaseDriver.SetCountryNumeric("0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"«»); //Set the Alpha settings for the country as in country.sql jdbc.gupta.sqlbase.SqlbaseDriver.SetCountryAlpha(s3); 2. then tried using the jdbc-odbc-bridge from sun. but when using the button "test" iReport crashes without any error-message. It just close. ok.. thats it. would be nice if somebody could help me with that problem. Maybe there is a way to use a javaBean to connect to the database. So I could use the JDBC-Driver with the right country-code in the bean. But I have no Idea how to use this. maybe someone has a sample for this. Thanks for help Marco Post edited by: CrazyK, at: 2006/09/13 06:52
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