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jpivot error


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Hi Folks,


I'm currently having the same problem using the jasper server pro 3.1 distribution.

In the bin directory the jpivot.jar is 'jpivot-3.0.0.jar'


Should this be fixed in this version or do i need to replace this version?





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The next version due out in under a month will have Mondrian 3.0.4 and the related JPivot version in it. The JPivot is heavily modified from the base JPivot - different look and feel, navigation etc.


There is no fix in there to connect to MSAS 2005 or 2008. Will try for the following release.




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  • 4 months later...

I am also getting the error described in this thread, and I'm at wits end. Can anyone help?
Alternatively, is there a 'Hello World' type demo somewhere that shows how to create an analysis view using a MySQL connection for jasperserver?
I am new to using jaspersever & I am at wits end trying to get a demo analysis view working for a JDBC connection to my own MySQL data.

Specifics: when using jasperserver-community-3.5.0. I set up my own analysis data source, uploaded a simple analysis schema, createed an analysis connection, then created a simple analysis view. The MySQL data source 'test' gives', 'Test successful', the MDX query  did not give any errors when creating the analysis view, and the MDX query ran & returnedresults in JasperAnalysis-Workbench-3.5.4.

I hate to give up on using jaspersoft, but I don't know what else to try.

p.s. I'm running on Windows XP & installed jasperserver using the jasperserver-3.5.0-windows-installer.exe, and run using jasperserver's built-in tomcat & MySQL.
My own data lives on a remote MySQL server.

For the record, when I try to view my analysis view I get an error that begins with:

javax.servlet.jsp.el.ELException: An error occurred while getting property "result" from an instance of class com.tonbeller.jpivot.tags.OlapModelProxy)


Post Edited by bobbyo at 08/05/2009 23:30

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi  .........,


could u send me that "jpivot.jar" file,


i also got same issue...send ur file to this id     




javax.servlet.jsp.el.ELException: An error occurred while getting property "result" from an instance of class com.tonbeller.jpivot.tags.OlapModelProxy

javax.servlet.jsp.el.ELException: An error occurred while getting property "result" from an instance of class com.tonbeller.jpivot.tags.OlapModelProxy	at org.apache.commons.el.Logger.logError(Logger.java:484)	at org.apache.commons.el.Logger.logError(Logger.java:588)	at org.apache.commons.el.ArraySuffix.evaluate(ArraySuffix.java:318)	at org.apache.commons.el.ComplexValue.evaluate(ComplexValue.java:145)"Regards

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello everybody,


i was getting started with jasper analysis and trying a simple schema/mdx  query (built following the examples in the mondrian tech. guide) and i had the same jpivot exception this thread started about, so maybe i'm having the same or similar problem.


main details of my test system:


JasperServer 3.5 using bundled istances of mysql, tomcat and jre

i'm using a mondrian connection with a jdbc data source pointing a default instance of ms sql sever 2005 on the same machine (but accpeting connections throught tcp or named pipe, not shared memory)

jdbc driver: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver (the jdbc 3.0 implementation, jar file: sqljdbc.jar)

i get the same exception and stack trace also with the dirver net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver

(the jdbc connection it seems to work anyway)


i tried the 2 following queries:


SELECT {[Measures].[unit Sales], [Measures].[store Sales]} ON COLUMNS, {descendants([Time].[2008].[1])} ON ROWS FROM [sales] WHERE [Gender].[F]

which execution accessing the analysis view immediately gives the error




SELECT {[Measures].[unit Sales], [Measures].[store Sales]} ON COLUMNS, {[Time].[2008].[1]} ON ROWS FROM [sales] WHERE [Gender].[F]

with which i get the initial result visualized but if try to expand a dimension i get again an error with the same exception an dstack trace


i'll paste in the code section the schema i used and the stack trace returned with the error for the two queries above


i tried the schema you can see below also without the measure "Promotion Sales", where the value was coming from a sql expression; nothing changed


(in my attempts i already took care of restarting the server after any modification to the schema file and consequent reloading into jasper server, since, as i read somewher in this forum, it is  recommended to do so with js 3.5)



i get the same error also with JasperServer 3.1 (same installation type described above for 3.5)


thanks in advance to anyone even just reading this and apologies for my english, not my first language nor a second perfectly spoken one


Post Edited by fmaroni at 09/22/2009 09:08

Post Edited by fmaroni at 09/22/2009 09:28

Post Edited by fmaroni at 09/22/2009 13:24
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