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jpivot error


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I am having a problem trying to debug jpivot errors in olap views. I am getting this error while doing certain navigation operations:


JPivot had an error ...


org.apache.jasper.JasperException: javax.servlet.jsp.el.ELException: An error occurred while getting property "result" from an instance of class com.tonbeller.jpivot.tags.OlapModelProxy


org.apache.jasper.JasperException: javax.servlet.jsp.el.ELException: An error occurred while getting property "result" from an instance of class com.tonbeller.jpivot.tags.OlapModelProxy

at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.handleJspException(JspServletWrapper.java:510)

at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper.service(JspServletWrapper.java:375)

[.... snip ....]


I can reproduce what seems to be a similiar problem with the demo data. Here are the steps:

Use the "SugarCRM sample unit 1" view. Use the OLAP Navigator to move the "Account Location" to the first item in the Rows section. Then open the "All locations" so you see data rows for "Canada", "Mexico", and "USA". If you then try to open the "All Periods" for "Canada", the jpivot error occurs.


I have tried viewing the jasperserver.log, the mysql logs and the mondrian debug log but none of them seem to point to a specific problem. (Note: I had to put the mondrian.properties file into the apache-tomcat/bin directory as it did not seem to be used when it was in the WEB-INF directory. I don't know if this is normal.)


Any help would be appreciated.

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Hi Sherman,


There were no other details in the log that I could find.

Have you been able to reproduce the problem?


I have done some more testing and it seems that I can work around the problem by using the OLAP Navigator. Rather than opening the "All Periods" by pressing the '+', if I use the OLAP Navigator to select each of the available periods (including All Periods) no error occurs and I can see the information I am looking for. This is not quite the same because all the period information is shown for each of the locations. The strange thing is that I can close each of the "All Periods" for the other locations and therefore get back to only the information I want.


It seems to me the the problem is with the MDX first generated by selecting "+ All Periods". However by coming at the data from a different direction it ends up with a MDX that shows what was first wanted.



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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi Sherman,


Have you had a chance to look into this yet?


I did find some more log information. The catalina.out contains:


08:30:51,621 ERROR [jsp],http-9080-Processor3:704 - Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception
at com.tonbeller.jpivot.mondrian.MondrianQuaxUti.isCallTo(MondrianQuaxUti.java:64)
at com.tonbeller.jpivot.mondrian.MondrianQuaxUti.isFunCallTo(MondrianQuaxUti.java:604)
at com.tonbeller.jpivot.olap.query.ExpGenerator.genExp(ExpGenerator.java:74)
at com.tonbeller.jpivot.olap.query.Quax.genNormalExp(Quax.java:1127)
at com.tonbeller.jpivot.olap.query.Quax.genExp(Quax.java:1112)
at com.tonbeller.jpivot.mondrian.MondrianQueryAdapter.onExecute(MondrianQueryAdapter.java:136)
at com.tonbeller.jpivot.mondrian.MondrianModel.getResult(MondrianModel.java:180)
at com.tonbeller.jpivot.olap.model.OlapModelDecorator.getResult(OlapModelDecorator.java:54)
at com.tonbeller.jpivot.olap.model.CachingOlapModel.getResult(CachingOlapModel.java:48)
at com.tonbeller.jpivot.olap.model.OlapModelDecorator.getResult(OlapModelDecorator.java:54)
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor124.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:585)




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  • 3 weeks later...

I am still having this problem with the new version (1.1.0 OS linux installer)


Use the "SugarCRM sample unit 1" view. Use the OLAP Navigator to move the "Account Location" to the first item in the Rows section. Then open the "All locations" so you see data rows for "Canada", "Mexico", and "USA". If you then try to open the "All Periods" for "Canada", the jpivot error occurs.


The strange thing is that this problem does not occur in the PRO version.


Just to see if the problem was related to the database, I connected the OS version to the database created by the PRO version. This did not make the problem go away.


Could it be a configuration issue? The mondrian properties seem to be pretty much the same (as shown in the application UI).


Thanks for your help,


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  • 4 weeks later...

Loading the jpivot file did not work for me. Is there maybe something in my setup you can see that I am missing?


I have created a simple cube using MS Analysis Services using SQL tables. The fact table is a purchaseorder table and the two dimensions are Vendor (just looking for vendorname) and PurchaseOrderDateC (just a basic time dimension).


My datasource in Jasper validates to the db on the server fine.


I created a simple schema that looks like the following:

<Schema name="ProcureITVendorSchema">

<Cube name="VendorPOs">

<Table name="purchaseorders"/>

<Dimension name="Vendor" foreignKey="vendor_id">

<Hierarchy hasAll="true" allMemberName="All Vendors" primaryKey="vendor_id">

<Table name="vendors"/>

<Level name="VendorName" column="VendorName" uniqueMembers="true"/>



<Dimension name="PurchaseOrderDateC" foreignKey="vendor_id">

<Hierarchy hasAll="false" primaryKey="vendor_id">

<Table name="purchaseorders"/>

<Level name="Year" column="Datec" type="Numeric" uniqueMembers="true"/>



<Measure name="Pototal" column="Pototal" aggregator="sum" formatString="#,###.##"/>




I loaded that schema into Jasper.


I then created a simple MDX query in my olap view that looks like the following and also validates and saves in Jasper:


SELECT {[Measures].[pototal]} ON COLUMNS, NON EMPTY{[Vendor].[All Vendors].[Dell]}



However, when I try to run the olap view itself, I get the:


JPivot had an error ...


org.apache.jasper.JasperException: javax.servlet.jsp.el.ELException: An error occurred while getting property "result" from an instance of class com.tonbeller.jpivot.tags.OlapModelProxy

org.apache.jasper.JasperException: javax.servlet.jsp.el.ELException: An error occurred while getting property "result" from an instance of class com.tonbeller.jpivot.tags.OlapModelProxy


Anything glaring that anyone can see in my setup that I may have missed? Or some other piece that needs to be added?


Your help is greatly appreciated!

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I have gotten past the jpivot error. Now I am down to only a login failure. I believe once I get past the login failure, my view will work.


I know it must be something simple that I am missing. Here is what I have for datasource connection info:


Through Analysis Manager on a database server, I have created a database called ProcureITCubeDB. The datasource for the database is a db on the same server.




For the datasource connection in Analysis Manager I am using Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server. I am using Windows NT integrated Security. My test connection works fine from within AM.

My cube in AM is called VendorPO. Like I said in an earlier post it is just a simple cube with a pototal measure in a fact table and a vendor dimension that looks for the vendorname. The key that links the tables is vendor_id.


Within Jasper, I have created an olap datasource to the ProcureITCubeDB:


My username and password are what I use on our domain. I went to the cube and right clicked and did manage roles and added myself as a user that is unrestricted to the cube.


In Jasper I have an olap connection that uses the olap datasource I mentioned earlier. Then when I try and execute the MDX query, I get the following message:That is not a valid MDX Query: [Microsoft][sqlServer 2000 Driver for JDBC][sqlServer]Login failed for user 'nmeister'.


Is my setup wrong anywhere that you can see? I can access the cube from an excel spreadsheet with no problem.

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I am using a mondrian connection. Does that require the same http basic authentication? I have http enabled from any source to the server that the cube exists on on our internal firewall. Do I specifically have to configure something in Analysis Manager? I guess I have not seen where that setting exists.
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Sorry, I wasn't clear.


My understanding is that a cube in Microsoft Analysis Services is not really accessible via JDBC, so you cannot use a Mondrian connection that uses a JDBC data source. You need to create an XML/A connection in JI, which uses HTTP Basic to connect and authenticate against Microsoft Analysis Services.





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Which version of jpivot did you get into source code repository ?

There is a 1.6 RC2.1 on JI 1.1.0 ... but this version for me

didn't work to fix a problem that it seems with your.




ddaly wrote:

I solved this problem by building jpivot from the latest CVS and putting the resulting jpivot.jar into the webapp.

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It wasn't a version. I just built the current source (as of Oct 31/06).


I was just going to put my .jar into the patches for the project but I noticed that Sherman had put a jpivot.jar there (as of Nov 2 ??). Have you tried that?




If you are still having a problem, I would be happy to put my version into the patches. I don't want to clutter up the patches with unnecessary stuff.



Post edited by: ddaly, at: 2006/12/08 16:04

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Hi ddaly,


Thanks for reply me quickly.


The exception problem was resolved.

I just put the .jar from JI tracker, and the problems didn't happen again.


But I didn't understand yet, why this jar is not in JI distribution... Do you know some about that ?


Best regards.



ddaly wrote:

It wasn't a version. I just built the current source (as of Oct 31/06).

I was just going to put my .jar into the patches for the project but I noticed that Sherman had put a jpivot.jar there (as of Nov 2 ??). Have you tried that?


If you are still having a problem, I would be happy to put my version into the patches. I don't want to clutter up the patches with unnecessary stuff.

Daryl.<br><br>Post edited by: ddaly, at: 2006/12/08 16:04
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