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Teodor Danciu

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Everything posted by Teodor Danciu

  1. Changed Status from Assigned to Feedback Requested Hi,When I tested with JR 6.0.0, indeed I got the same exception as you above for an image with onErrorType="Icon" and scaleImage="RealSize" and pointing to a dropbox image that redirected to HTTPS.However, when I ran the same report with the latest JR 6.3.1, there was no error and the image displayed an icon, just as it should given the onErrorType attribute.Can you confirm that in the latest JR, the on error image behaviour is correct and that you can avoid crashing the report if the image redirect is not followed through?In the meantime, I'll see what we can do for the redirect to be supported.Thanks,Teodor
  2. Changed Status from New to Assigned Changed Assigned User from @mrabbi to @teodord
  3. Changed Resolution from Open to Fixed Changed Status from New to Resolved Hi,In JR 6.2.2 we enhanced the support for internationalization, with the addition of font set definitions in JR font extensions, to allow grouping font families in super-sets that can cover several languages/scripts.When using a font set, the font family resolution occurs during text processing and is performed on a per character basis, allowing mixing of words in different languages/scripts in the same text element.This new feature might solve your problem, so please give it a try.Thanks,Teodor
  4. Changed Assigned User from - to @mlupey
  5. Changed Assigned User from - to @mlupey
  6. Changed Assigned User from - to @mlupey
  7. Changed Assigned User from - to @mlupey
  8. Changed Assigned User from - to @narcism
  9. Changed Assigned User from - to @narcism
  10. Hi, Anything new on this one? Thanks, Teodor
  11. Changed Assigned User from - to @giulio Hi,iReport is no longer supported and no fixes will be provided. I suggest you switch to Jaspersoft Studio instead.Thanks,Teodor
  12. Changed Assigned User from @narcism to @teodord @matienzar,If you embed JR Lib in your own application, maybe you could add some logging information when the report filling is triggered and you'll be able to see which report was executing at the time the error was raised.Another way to log this information about which report is being executed is to implement a global scriptlet and deploy it in your application as a JR extension. You could log the report name on the beforeReportInit event and this will be triggered for all reports being executed.The JR Ultimate Guide has a section about global scriptlets.I hope this helps,Teodor
  13. Hi, I think we first need to agree on the terminology. My understanding is that here we are talking about hidding "crosstab row group headers cells". These cells are the ones that constitute the columns that appear on the left, and contain the row group header information, helping to identify different row groups. The easiest way to solve this is by enhancing our crosstab definition model to accept a printWhenExpression for row group header cell definitions. If my understanding is correct and you still need this, please log a RFE on the trackers. Thanks, Teodor
  14. Changed Resolution from Open to Suspended Changed Assigned User from - to @abresci
  15. Changed Status from New to Feedback Requested Hi,Since this is an old tracker, let me clarify what we can do about it.We are only going to look at recent version of the JR Library, to see if there is any obvious bug that we need to fix.For sure are not going to do anything about JR 3.0.0 or JR 4.6.0, which are old versions and the source code has changed a lot since.@ramavtar_bhardwaj, You mentioned that although you use JSS 6.1.1 to design your reports, you actually run them with JR 4.6.0. I suggest you upgrade.Now, let's concentrate on JR Lib 6.2.2.@tsukebumi,Can you attach a simple JRXML showing the problem? We need to understand which exporter you use, because we have 3 Excel exporters in JR Lib.Note that the JExcelApi one is currently deprecated and we do not plan to fix. It will actually be removed in the future.Thank you,Teodor
  16. Hi, Not sure what the problem is here. Do you want to turn off those exceptions in the logs, or do you actually want to have a valid markup text with ampersand in it? First of all, the simple expression with a single ampersand character in it is not a valid styled text value. Styled text must be valid XML content, except only for an optional root tag, which is added automatically by JR when processing the value. The single "&" is not valid XML content because ampersand is special XML character and needs to be escaped, so the attempt to parse it as XML obviously fails. If styled text parsing failures don't need to appear in your logs, then you can turn them off using your preferred logging library configuration. For example, if you use log4j, you could add this line to the log4j.properties in your classpath: log4j.logger.net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRStyledTextParser=OFF If the problem is the presence of ampersand characters in styled text, then it is important to know where the value is coming from. Does the ampersand need to be hardcoded in the JRXML expression like above, or is it actually coming from the value of a report field or parameter? If I wanted to write Tom & Jerry, first in red and the second in blue, I could use this expression: "<style forecolor=\"red\">Tom</style> & <style forecolor=\"blue\">Jerry</style>" Having said that, if your text is coming from a database and it contains ampersand, if it is not valid XML already, you need to pre-process it and escape ampersands with & as seen above. I hope this helps, Teodor
  17. Hi, We are not aware of any issue with running JasperReports Library on Java 8. Not sure about iReport, which is an EOL product for many years now. With JR Lib, at some point we needed to upgrade the JDT compiler to support Java 8, but after doing so, there were no other issues we know about. Thanks, Teodor
  18. Hi, Starting with version 6.1.1, we introduced the possibility that frame elements could be made smaller than their content. In your case, you could try take the whole content of your large band and isolate it into a frame, for which you can then set a smaller height, provided that the frame will grow at runtime to accommodate all its rendering content. This way the band will grow as necessary instead of shrinking due to internal content collapsing. I hope this helps. Teodor
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