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Teodor Danciu

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Everything posted by Teodor Danciu

  1. Hi, You could try simply move pages from one JasperPrint to another. Moving report styles and fonts would further help. But it is not guaranteed everything would work perfectly. Note that all documents have to have the same pages size and orientation. If it is only for displaying in JRViewer and for printing, this might work well. Just don't try to export to XML and load it back. It would not work. I hope this helps. Teodor
  2. Hi, I think the problem is with the parsing of that huge XML file. The actual report rendering and PDF export processes are themselves pretty fast. You could try generate a document with 600 pages using a faster data source (JREmptyDataSource) and see how long it takes for those. Any improvements would have to target that XML parsing. If you are using the built-in XML data source of JR, note that it relies on DOM. A custom made SAX implementation would work faster for you. I hope this helps. Teodor
  3. Hi, You need to use the pdfFontName, pdfEncoding and isPdfEmbedded attributes. Check the /demo/samples/fonts sample provided. I hope this helps. Teodor
  4. Hi, Yes, this seems to be a problem. Until we fix it, you could try pass parameters in a HashMap instance, which accepts null values, instead of a Hashtable instance. I hope this helps. Teodor
  5. Hi, You can get The JasperReports Ultimate Guide instantly from here: http://jasperforge.org/sf/wiki/do/viewPage/projects.jasperreports/wiki/MoreDocs Thank you, Teodor
  6. Hi, The query should be: Code: <queryString> <![CDATA[sELECT * FROM $P!{table} WHERE persCostID=$P{key} AND TF98='inp' ORDER BY persID, TF11;]]> </queryString> I hope this helps. Teodor
  7. Hi, Check the supplied /demo/samples/jfreechart sample in the project distribution. Also, you might want to consider using the chart component, as shown in the /demo/samples/charts reports. I hope this helps. Teodor
  8. Hi, Check the samples from the project distribution package. Almost all of them show how to export to XLS and CSV. Thanks, Teodor
  9. Hi, This is indeed a bug. Could you please report it as a bug here: http://jasperforge.org/sf/tracker/do/listArtifacts/projects.jasperreports/tracker.bugs so that we can keep proper track of it and solve it as soon as possible. Thank you, Teodor
  10. Hi, You'll probably need to wrap the array into an instance of the JRDataSource inteface and put in in the <dataSourceExpression> of the subreport element. Try see if the supplied JRBeanArrayDataSource implementation suits your needs. Check the /demo/samples/datasource sample inside our project distribution. I hope this helps. Teodor
  11. Hi, Even if you are not showing the report, JR would still use AWT to do the layout and calculations and needs fonts metrics and staff. So you either install and X-server or use JDK with the -Djava.awt.headless=true option (requires JDK > 1.4) or use other solutions such as Xvfb or PJA. I hope this helps. Teodor
  12. Hi, It would be helpful if you could provide us with a JRXML sample file here that would show what is working and what is not working. Thank you, Teodor
  13. Hi, You won't be sure until you test it. And it should be fairly easy to do so with only a few lines of code. No need to use a DB, just place the intermediate XML files on disk. The classes you mentioned are correct. I hope this helps. Teodor
  14. Hi, Binaries that old (JR 0.5.2) are not compatible with later versions of the library. The solution would be to export the generated documents in 0.5.2 to XML format using the JRXmlExporter and then import them back in JR using 1.2.5. The XML export format should have kept compatibility during that time. I'll keep my fingers crossed though. I hope this helps. Teodor
  15. Hi, The message says exactly what's wrong with your code. You supplied the exporter with the document to export, set a few other parameters to it, but you did not tell the exporter where to put the generated HTML: OUTPUT_STREAM or OUTOUT_FILE? Check again the supplied samples and see what you have missed there. I hope this helps. Teodor
  16. Also, altering the report template before using it for filling with data is an option. Check the /demo/samples/alterdesign sample for details. I hope this helps. Teodor
  17. Hi, A solution would be to used the styled text functionality. Check the /demo/samples/styledtext sample provided. I hope this helps. Teodor
  18. Hi, I think what you need is to use conditional styles. There you could pile up multiple conditions and each could come up with its own style to apply. Check the /demo/samples/scriptlet sample for alternating row colors and note that multiple conditions could be used in a single style definition. I hope this helps. Teodor
  19. Hi, There is now an FAQ about this here: http://jasperforge.org/sf/wiki/do/viewPage/projects.jasperreports/wiki/FAQ17 Thank you, Teodor
  20. Hi, You could use a chart customizer implementation to control the color of chart bars, just like we do in the /demo/samples/charts/BarChartReport I hope this helps. Teodor
  21. Hi, Well, we don't have a resource bundle in the JAR for Swiss-French, only for France-French. You either use that or make your own viewer_fr_CH.properties file and put it in the classpath. I hope this helps. Teodor
  22. Hi, The code sample you are looking for is in the /demo/samples/noxmldesign sample provided with our project distribution. I hope this helps. Teodor
  23. Hi, You supply the locale as the forth parameter of the viewReport() method. Check the supplied /demo/samples/i18n sample. I hope this helps. Teodor
  24. Hi, Try "John".equals($F{FirstName})?Boolean.TRUE:Boolean.FALSE I hope this helps. Teodor
  25. Hi, There is nothing special about deploying JasperReports on any Web server. You could take a look at the Web application sample that we supply in the /demo/samples/webapp folder of our project distribution and see how JR can be used in Web environment. I hope this helps. Teodor
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