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  1. Hello, I have a strange problem with the JasperPrintManager class. Problem: When I use this following code (printing without preview of the document) the printer prints only the first page of my print job and computer hang it self. Code: JasperPrint printJob = JasperFillManager.fillReport(pWorkingDirectory + "template.jasper", pParameters, this) JasperPrintManager aJasperPrintManager = new JasperPrintManager() ; aJasperPrintManager.printPage(printJob, 0, true) ; Please help Raphy Post edited by: raphy, at: 2006/12/05 16:24 Post edited by: raphy, at: 2006/12/05 16:25
  2. Hello, How can I collaps the blank line spaces with text fields I have tried all properties in the text field, but there is no effect. Problem: I have four fields: tel, fax, mobile and email and I woud like to print without any blank line between two fields when ont of the field is emplty. (NB: I am using print when expression to detect the empty variables and "remove line when blank option ticked" in the property pane) Thanks for your help Raphy
  3. Hello, Thanks for your reply, have you any exemples for this problem (i.e: i am using a masterreport containinng a subreport containg itself another subreport): Raphy
  4. Hello, Is it possible to use a subreport containning another subreport. If yes how can I pass a custom datasource to the last subreport. Thanks for your help. Raphy
  5. Hello, I am trying to export a report to a Excel file. But I have received a message error as follows: Code:java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/poi/hssf/usermodel/HSSFCellStyle on line : Code:[code]JRXlsExporter exporter = new JRXlsExporter() ;Please tell me if anybody have an idea to resolve this problem. Best regards Raphy
  6. Thanks for your reply. All classes functionning correctly. Thanks a lot. But the problem is I couldn't acces directly to the methode: public JRDataSource getPosRecordsList () to retreive the data source array list.The solution is to call the methode: public Object getFieldValue (JRField field) throws JRExceptionand retreive the data source as an objet.Is it correct? Best Regards Raphy
  7. Hello, Writing affter 4 weeks, please help me to resolve my problem. I have implemented all classes as you describe in the reply. Actually I don't know where to put this line: Code:$F{getPosRecordsList} Best regards Raphy
  8. Hello, Thanks a lot for your prompt reply, I'll try to implement your example. Raphy
  9. Hi CBox, Thanks for your reply, Do you have any examples to this solution. I don't know how to impliment your idea. If you have any examples, they makes me to find a solution. Once again thank you very much for your reply. Raphy
  10. giulio wrote: In the subreport properties window (element properties window actually) there is a table to set subrpeort parameters. Please note that a datasource is a consumable object, you can use only once. You should find a way to reset your custom datasource each time you attempt to fill your subreport or provide a datasource instance for each your records in the main report. Giulio Hello, Thanks for your reply. How can I reset or provide the subreport's datasource instance for each records in the main report? Raphy
  11. Hello! I am trying to using custom data sources and subreports together. Situation: I have two classes named CustomDataSourceParents and CustomDataSourceChildren and work perfectly as individual reports. Problem: I would like to print a listing of all parents with their own children. Question: How can I passe the parent id as parameter to my CustomDataSourceChildren class to retrieve all their children. Thank you in advanced for your kindly reply. Best Regards Raphy
  12. Hello, I have my tools class as follows: public class Tools { public static final String Name = "Raphy" ; public static final String getName () { return Name ; } } When I set the textfield expression for the textfield as "Tools.Name" and executing the report gave me the results "Raphy". This is correct. But when I set the textfield expression for the same textfield as "Tools.getName()" and when executing the report I got the error message as follows: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: test/Tools The tools class and the report are in the same directory & and classpath set correctly. Please help me Best regards Raphy Code:public class Tools { public static final String Name = "Raphy" ; public static final String getName () { return Name ; } }
  13. Hello, I have a problem when I try to export to the excel file format (XLS). The error message as follows: Exception occurred during event dispatching: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/poi/hssf/usermodel/HSSFCellStyle Error on line: JRXlsExporter exporter = new JRXlsExporter() ; I have already imported this package in my project. All other formats (.pdf, .rtf etc.) working correctly. Thanks for your help Raphy
  14. Hello! Is it possible to set a relative path (instead of an absolute path like D:\dev\myproject\images\logo.jpg") to a image contains in the report. Thanks for your reply Best regards Raphy Post edited by: raphy, at: 2006/09/12 09:00
  15. Hello, I have my tools class as follows: public class Tools { public static final String Name = "Raphy" ; public static final String getName () { return Name ; } } Code: public class Tools { public static final String Name = "Raphy" ; public static final String getName () { return Name ; } } When I set the textfield expression for the textfield as "Tools.Name" and executing the report gave me the results "Raphy". This is correct. But when I set the textfield expression for the same textfield as "Tools.getName()" and when executing the report I got the error message as follows: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: test/Tools The tools class and the report are in the same directory & and classpath set correctly. Please help me Best regards Raphy
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