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Teodor Danciu

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Everything posted by Teodor Danciu

  1. Hi, There is nothing special you need to do to use a stored procedure call in the <queryString> tag of JRXML as long as that stored procedure does not have OUT parameters and returns a ResultSet. This means that the stored procedure can be executed through a PreparedStatement in JDBC. If your stored procedure does not comply with these, then it must be called through CallableStatement in JDBC and JasperReports does not know how to handle this by default. And you probably need to call that stored procedure in you application and pass the data as a JRDataSource to the engine. I hope this helps. Teodor
  2. Hi, Please note that report templates usually need to be compiled only at design time and not at runtime. Only if you have dynamically build report templates, that incorporate some user feeback/design options at runtime, you would have to use the API to build and compile them. But I doubt it is your case. If you only have JRXML files, than you can very well make the report compilation process part of your overall application built process. There is even an ANT task available in JR to batch compile all JRXML files into .jasper files. Is like comipiling .class files from .java files. You could take a look at our supplied /demo/samples/antcompile sample found in the project distribution. I hope this helps. Teodor
  3. Hi, Reports first have to be filled with data and only after that they can be exported to other formats. The jrprint file is the result of the report filling process and represents a generated document in our proprietary format (serialized JasperPrint object). Have you tried run "and fill" first? I hope this helps. Teodor
  4. Hi, This is a know limitation of our RTF exporter. So far we have not managed to make hyperlinks work in RTF. We'll try again for some of the future releases. Thank you, Teodor
  5. Hi, Those rendering differences are caused by missing fonts on the AIX machine. If for instance you have used fontName="Arial", it works perfect on Windows, but on AIX, since Arial does not exists, some other default font is used, with different font metrics, hence the various side effects. The recommended way to deal with fonts on crossplatform applications is to make sure you rely on some TTF files that you ship with your application and install them on-the-fly using the Font.createFont() method. You would also be referencing thos TTF files in the pdfFontName attribute in JRXML. I hope this helps. Teodor
  6. Hi, If there is enough space on the page for the summary to print, it will appear before the column footer. This is how it was meant to work, not a bug. The question is: Do you really use the summary section? If not, then setting its height to zero solves the problem, right? Thank you, Teodor
  7. Hi, This looks like an infinite loop problem due to some layout issues with the subreport. It seems like the subreport overflows onto a new page no matter how many new pages the engine starts. To pin-point the cause we would have to see the templates involved. You could attach them or a simplified version of them, to this post. Thank you, Teodor
  8. Hi, You need to use the pdfFontName attribute to point to a corresponding PDF built-in font or TTF file that would have the italic properties. Take a look at our /demo/samples/fonts sample provided in the project distribution. Another approach would be to use the recently added support for font mapping at export time (the FONT_MAP exporter parameter). Same sample would be relevant in this case too. I don't know what version of JR you were using previously, but in the early days we used to simulate italic fonts usint iText, by default. This behavior could now be turned on only using the font mapping functionality of the PDF exporter. I hope this helps. Teodor
  9. Hi, And what exactly says this error message? Thanks, Teodor
  10. Hi, Could you attach some files to see the problem? Do you mean the text spills into the next cell to the right of the current cell? Thank you, Teodor
  11. Hi, This is because the initValueExpression is used only for obtaining a value to display before the variable is actually incremented the first time. If we are talking about a SUM and we want it to start with 5, not 0, then you should add the 5 in the expression of the field that displays the sum, or have a separate variable with calculation Nothing that adds the 5 to the sum variable. This is because the initValueExpression of a variable is not considered as part of the series used to increment the variable during iteration. This initial value is only for displaying purposes, before the variable incrementing kicks off. I hope this helps. Teodor
  12. Hi, This is now on our TODO list, but I'm not sure when it will be available. The hardest thing would be to make these hyperlinks work in the JRViewer. Thank you, Teodor
  13. Hi, I think we are aware of this, but did not try to solve it since printing seems to be correct on paper. These rendering problems sometimes tend to become complicate, especially since we are dealing with various output formats that are not consistent with each other in terms of graphics renderding. A workaround would be to make the line pieces overlap one pixel. You can do that by placing the line at y=-1. I hope this helps. Teodor
  14. Hi, Have you tried to post here: http://jasperforge.org/sf/tracker/do/listArtifacts/projects.jasperreports/tracker.feature_requests Thanks, Teodor
  15. Hi, Use the $P!{} syntax. The /demo/samples/query sample provided with the project shows how to use a parameter in the ORDER BY clause. I hope this helps. Teodor
  16. Hi, We are currently tracking something that seems to be related to the Orion class loaders. So for no significant progress has been made on this. Maybe you could add some feedback on this. http://jasperforge.org/sf/go/artf1373?nav=1 Thank you, Teodor
  17. Hi, Note that those should be valid Java expressions. And in Java you cannot subtract Double ojects just like that (unless you are using JDK 1.5 syntax). So, you either try: new Double($F1{actual}.doubleValue() - $F2{}.doubleValue(forcast)) Or, you could learn how to config the JDT compiler for 1.5 compatibility here: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=8390023&forum_id=7912 http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=8391557&forum_id=7912 http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=8401091&forum_id=7912 Another approach would be to use the Groovy compiler. Check the supplied /demo/samples/groovy sample in our project distribution to see how simplified expression syntax could be used thanks to the Groovy language. I hope this helps. Teodor
  18. Hi, I think the scriptlet functionality would give you the flexibility you need. You could pass to the report the list of subtypes as a parameter of type Collection. Then, in the scriptlet implementation, you would have the freedom to build the complex data structure you hold those counts and in the mean time you would have the instruments to perform conditinal incrementing of those counts using your own code. In the end, you'll probably use a small subreport to displat those counts, because you don't know at design time how many counts there'll be. I hope this helps. Teodor
  19. Hi, Make sure you have the png-encoder-1.5.jar in the classpath. You can find it in the /lib directory of our project distribution. Thank you, Teodor
  20. Hi, I don't see anything wrong with the image in your report. Maybe if you could post the entier stack trace of the exception we could figure out where it comes from. Thank you, Teodor
  21. Hi, Make the ticket a subreport and put it twice in the master report. You could put it in the detail of the master and again in the header of a group that breaks with every record in the data source (its expression could be on the REPORT_COUNT built-in variable). I hope this helps. Teodor
  22. Hi, chetan_33 I'm terribly sorry that I have mislead you and pointed to a sample which actually did not have isStartNewPage true. Maybe with a little effort you could modify that sample yourself and put the isStartNewPage on true to see if page breaks occur like expected, every 5 records. Thank you, Teodor
  23. Hi, The problem comes from the fact that your report template has 5 columns. On multi column reports, the width of the group headers and footers decreases accordingly. As you can see in iReport, there are those vertical grid lines showing you the virtual boundaries of those bands. You ignored them and you have put elements as wide as the page itself. This is why they render on top of themselfs because the engine will fill 5 columns (will start from the top of the page 5 times) before adding a new page. If you still think you need 5 columns for the detail band, you should consider a subreport with 5 columns, but only for the detail. I hope this helps. Teodor
  24. Hi, When the styled text content is not a valid XML, we interpret it as raw text, without raising any exceptions. But in this particular case, the styled text is a valid XML, with tags that our styled text recognizes, is just that the value for the size attribute is unexpected. Our HTML support in styled text right now, does not support the % character, or any other letter. It only supports integer numbers there representing the size of the font as you would normally specify using the fontSize attribute in JasperReports. Note that our HTML support is limited, so any other HTML constructs that would work in a browser do not necessarily work in JR. Thank you, Teodor
  25. Hi, The only way to force page breaks right now is to use the isStartNewPage attribute on a group. Breaking a group every N rows is easy. You can check the /demo/samples/jasper sample to see that the BreakGroup there breaks every 5 records. I hope this helps. Teodor
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