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  1. Hello, Recently I have noticed that my jasper reports postscript files are very large for small simple reports. For example, a report that is one 8.5x11 page with 12 lines of text has a 651,484 byte PS file. The PDF file for the same report is only 3159 bytes. The postscript files in the cups spool are: d00225-001: PostScript document text conforming DSC level 3.0 I am currently using jasper reports 3.7.0 on Ubuntu 10.04 Linux. The size of these files are causing problems with remote printing. Any ideas would be appriciated. -Mark
  2. I am working on a linux system with jasper 2.0.2. All of my reports are producing very large post script files. Most of the reports are simple line reports with no graphics just text. The files are 2 megs per page. I have read about the changes Eugene has made to optimize text printing. I have set the Minprintjobsize flag and Eugene's code is being executed in the TextRenderer object, but the postscript files continue to be very large. I get no difference in size with Eugene's code executed or not. That is creating the new TextLayout object does not effect the size of the postscript file. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. -Mark mark@orderpt.com
  3. I have noticed that this change is implemented it the latest release. But I have a very simple line based report and I have the MinimizePrinterJobSize flag set correctly. I have even checked to be sure Eugene's changes is being executed, but my Post Script files are still large. A 10 page report of simple lines of text is 20+ megs. This is on a linux system with jasper reports 2.0.2. Any advice on how to get my post script files down to a reasonable size?
  4. If I have just enough data to require an additional page to print the summary, none of the other bands are printed. I would like all the other bands to be printed on every page including the summary page. Is there a way to do this. Thanks -Mark
  5. I am trying to create a vertical line between data columns. I have tried doing this several ways. 1. add a line the size of the the band. 2. add a boarder to a text box on the right or left and side and have the text box be the size of the band. 3. Did the same as above with a frame. These all work fairly well. They all seem to print ok.. but the problem is when I view in PDF. for most zoom sizes it is ok but under 95%-115% I get little breaks in the vertical line. Not all lines... but depending on the zoom size the breaks are in different intervals... again it prints without the breaks. Has anyone else seen this issue? Any solutions? -Mark
  6. The solution to this problem was under Report Properties... The "More" tab.... Check the "Floating column footer" This cause the footer to be displayed right after the last detail line. -Mark
  7. Page with a rounded rectangle around it. Attached is a pdf with my current output. Here is what I have so far: In the column header and the column footer I have rounded rectangles with shorter square rectangles over them so I have rounded corners on the top and bottom. Then I have vertical lines on the right, left and middle of my detail band that are the full height of the band. The problem is that the vertical lines do not connect with the horizontal line at the top of the column footer. I have tried a couple approaches to creating this page and this is the closest I have gotten. Any advice on correcting this problem or a completely different approach would be appreciated. -Mark [file name=sample.pdf size=3895]http://www.jasperforge.org/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/files/sample.pdf[/file]
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