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Everything posted by goodweather

  1. Hi again.... @Giulio Toffoli Some news: I restarted my PC but still have the issue. I saw another post where the user mentioned that JS Studio was not looking to the right store... I added the certificate in my own java jre store. That user modified the Jaspersoft Studio.ini file by adding 2 commands -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore="C:/Program Files/Java/jre-1.8/lib/security/cacerts" -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword=changeit Still it is mentioning the PKIX issue... Any other thing I can check/try? Can I verify that the Jaspersoft certificate is well added in that store?
  2. Thx a lot for this @Giulio Toffoli !!! I downloaded the certificate (you may need to review the text of your instruction) and I also succeeded to add it to the keystore (you may also need to review the text of the command as the certificate file name has been replaced by "_" and that you are not indicating the password of the keystore (but Google is my friend 😉 ). I retried launching the JS Studio and it is still indicating the same issue but I guess I need to restart my PC. Will do that later. Would be good to add this kind of instructions in a README1st file as part of the JS Studio CE download. Have a nice w-e!
  3. @Giulio Toffoli I forgot to mention that the idea was indeed to design some reports to be used in an application that will use the report file. So, at this stage I just need to know how to start JS Studio... Thx for your support!
  4. Thx for this, Giulio and I would enjoy following the tutorial BUT my issue is that JS Studio is not starting at all because I'm getting this error. I downloaded the latest JS Studio CE 6.21.2 then unzipped the content and just clicked on the Jaspersoft Studio.exe file as there is no other instruction):
  5. OK. Just finally found a clear article indicating that there was a 3rd component, the JS CE server that was also needed. As indicated here in a post by JS but also in that article, the free server is discontinued so, the conclusion is that, I cannot run this SW unless purchasing a license.
  6. OK. Just finally found a clear article indicating that there was a 3rd component, the JS CE server that was also needed. As indicated here in a post by JS but also in that article, the free server is discontinued so, the conclusion is that, I cannot run this SW unless purchasing a license. Good luck with your issue!
  7. Hi Rudi, as I read you succeeded running JS Studio free edition, maybe that you could help me by explaining what to do to get this software working? I installed the JS Studio but then when starting it I'm getting a SSL certificate issue. I even don't know what this is... In other words, would you be kind enough to list what needs to be done besides just unzipping the Studio file and running the exe? Is there something to be done with the Library or is this just additional features? Thx in advance!
  8. Same issue for me (the initial certificate issue). Besides the installation of JS Studio on my PC, is there something else to be done? I read people speaking about a server... Didn't find any installation instruction either... Is this Community Edition working for someone? Don't understand this company is not providing basic installation help. I understand they don't want to help in general for the free edition and only for the commercial one BUT they should at least help on installing the free edition which may bring purchases of the commercial one.
  9. Nobody can help on this topic? Seems I have a SSL related error: "unable to find the valid certificate for the specified target" Don't even know what to look for... Thx!
  10. Sorry in advance for this probably stupid question (once you know the answer). We want to try Jaspersoft and I downloaded the Community edition. Well, I first only took Jaspersoft Studio but it doesn't work then I also downloaded the Library but I don't know what to do with it. There is no exe, no installation instruction. Tried to get support from Jaspersoft people but they don't provide support for the Community edition. So, I'm here with the willingness to try a software for which the software supplier doesn't provide any installation help...☹️ Can anyone point me to some step by step instructions on what to do to install Jaspersoft and get it running (ability to create a basic "Hello world" report in Studio)? Thx in advance!
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