Jasperserver does not provide an out of the box solution to configure Ehcache replication using ActiveMQ over ssl in a clustered environment.
Clustering (page 135): https://docs.tibco.com/pub/js-jrs/8.0.3/doc/pdf/TIB_js-jrs_8.0.0_Ultimate-Guide.pdf?id=11
Please see below steps to configure ActiveMQ over SSL or AmazonMQ (which only supports over SSL):
1. Creating your SSL certificates, keystore and truststore files for broker and client, see http://www.giuseppeurso.eu/en/activemq-and-the-ssl-transport/ for further details
2. Enabling the SSL transport for ActiveMQ with trusted clients
3. Before starting the broker’s VM, set the ACTIVEMQ_SSL_OPTS environment variable so that it knows to use the broker keystore. (note that in previous versions of ActiveMQ this property was called SSL_OPTS in some scripts. As of v5.12.0 all scripts use ACTIVEMQ_SSL_OPTS):
export ACTIVEMQ_SSL_OPTS = -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore=/path/to/broker.ks -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStorePassword=password
3. Configure Ehcache to use ssl protocol ssl://hostname:port?key=value
4. Specify the java properties for the client to reference the client keystore that was created in step 1.
Other references: