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Swapnil Pawar

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Everything posted by Swapnil Pawar

  1. Hi, Subscription and license both needed for the cloud service. For more information please feel free to our sales team. thanks!
  2. Hello, Seems the issue is due to the proxy, you can try by increasing the timeout period of the proxy, also you may need to check with the network admin team about this issue.
  3. Hello, The error you're encountering, java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError, suggests that the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) cannot find the specified class at runtime. In your case, it's mentioning a class with a name like file_name_04599e37895ab4e3069d40b1076b40920ae51f24fac5f79d7b591336514ea071. The message "wrong name: file_name" indicates that there might be an issue with the naming conventions for the class or file. Java expects the filename to match the class name (including case sensitivity), and it seems there's a mismatch. here are some ways to troubleshoot this issue: Make sure that the class name in your code matches the file name (excluding the file extension). Check for typos or case mismatches. If your class is part of a package, make sure that the folder structure matches the package structure. The file should be in the correct directory according to its package declaration. Sometimes, the issue can be due to a corrupted build. Try cleaning your project and then rebuilding it. In many IDEs, you can find options like "Clean" or "Build" to perform these actions. Ensure that there are no duplicate class files or conflicting versions in your project. If there are multiple versions of the same class in the classpath, it can lead to such errors. Verify that all the required libraries and dependencies are correctly included in your classpath. Missing dependencies can result in NoClassDefFoundError. Ensure that your libraries and dependencies are up to date. Outdated libraries might have compatibility issues. You can go for the new installation of the Japsersoft studio and then switch to the old workspace. you can also refer this webpage for more idea: https://community.jaspersoft.com/forums/topic/19239-noclassdeffounderror/ I hope this will help you.
  4. Hello , Could you please elaborate more on this issue by providing the video or more description on this? thanks!
  5. Hello, Glad to know the issue is resolved. Yes, we need to manually refresh once we make a change in the parameter as you understood. thanks!
  6. Hello, In JasperReports Library 7.5.0 the isStretchWithOverflow attribute has been deprecated, and replaced with the textAdjust attribute. These are helpful when your textField's dimensions might be too small for the amount of data that might come from your datasource. The textAdjust attribute includes the original two behaviors and adds a third. Please use the StretchHeight option in the test field to avoid the text cut issue. - StretchHeight: replicates the previous behavior you got from setting isStretchWithOverflow to true https://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/schema.reference.html#textField
  7. Hello, Please Confirm that the "foto" field is a Blob type in both your database and your Java code. If it is, ensure that you are handling Blob data correctly when populating the result set. Make sure you are using the appropriate data type and methods to retrieve Blob data from the result set. If the "foto" field is stored as a Blob in the database, make sure you are correctly handling the type casting in your Java code when retrieving the Blob from the result set. I hope this will help you, thanks!
  8. Hello, While executing the report, an exception occurred: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Resource not found at repo:Event_Detail_Blockage_Sub_Report.jrxml.Could you confirm the location where you've placed the sub-report? Please verify that the path specified in the main report's jrxml is accurate. It's possible that the path has been altered on your new server. I recommend double-checking the path specified in the sub-report expression: <subreportExpression><![CDATA["repo:Event_Detail_Blockage_Sub_Report.jrxml"]]></subreportExpression>Ensure that the sub-report file, Event_Detail_Blockage_Sub_Report.jrxml, is indeed located at the specified path. If the path has changed on the new server, update the expression accordingly. I hope this will help you, thanks!
  9. Hello, Please follow the below YouTube video: To enable the "output to host file system" option in the schedule output. Please enable the property enableSaveToHostFS and set it to true. In the file ..webappsjasperserver-proWEB-INFapplicationContext.xml Save the file and restart the server. I hope this will help you, thanks!
  10. Hello, Could you please elaborate more to understand your requirement? Thanks!
  11. Hello, This is not documented, could you please let us know the use of changing the externally defined user password from the jasperserver API. As this users are LDAP side created and jasperserver also validate it with the LDAP then synchronises into the jasperserver database. You can change the password of the user in the LDAP side and then login to the jasperserver then it will automatically update it in the jiuser table of the jasperserver database. I hope this will help you, thanks!
  12. Issue: The Jasperserver home page keeps refreshing after login, this issue is with the HTTP and domain in the URL. Workaround: For JRS 8.2.0 for workaround to redirect http-to-https , in /opt/wildflyVersion/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml In <server name="default-server"> section within <host name="default-host" alias="localhost"> please add <filter-ref name="http-to-https" predicate="equals(%p,8080)"/> and after <handlers> please add <filters> <rewrite name="http-to-https" target="https://%v:8443%U" redirect="true"/> </filters> After adding these changes please restart the server. Please find the below attached modified standalone.xml file.
  13. Hello, In the Column Header band, add a static text element with text Header in it, no quotes. In the Detail band, add a text field with text "DetailField" in it, in quotes. I hope this will help you. thanks!
  14. js-import.bat --input-zip export1_0.zip --update
  15. Hello Jan, Could you please add the screenshots, so it will help us to investigate?
  16. Resolution: To export all reports only from all organizations or export only scheduled jobs. To export all reports only from all organizations of the JRS repository: js-export.bat --uris / --output-zip myExport.zip --keyalias deprecatedImportExportEncSecret To export the all report jobs only from all organizations of the JRS repository: js-export.bat --report-jobs --output-zip myExportreportjobs.zip --keyalias deprecatedImportExportEncSecret
  17. Issue: Error Trace while exporting the report Jobs: ERROR ExporterImpl:157 - com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSException: org.quartz.JobPersistenceException: Couldn't retrieve calendar: Bad value for type long : xaced0005737200286f72672e71756172747a2e696d706c2e63616c656e6461722e486f6c6964617943616c656e64617296a7acb5493e22db0200014c000564617465737400134c6a6176612f7574696c2f5472 Resolution: We exported all reports first successfully and then tried to export all jobs that failed with that test. So identified an issue in the Jobs. Please configure the jasperreports-server-pro-8.0.0-binbuildomaticdefault_master.properties file and jasperreports-server-pro-8.0.0-binbuildomatickeystore.init.properties file to export the resource from the command line. Main fix: Please configure the jasperreports-server-pro-8.0.0-binbuildomaticconf_sourceieProjs.quartz.properties file. Search property as quartz.delegateClass , Please update quartz.delegateClass property value as follows: quartz.delegateClass=org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.PostgreSQLDelegate For more information, you can see the below article to get more information about the available quartz.delegateClass. Driver delegates understand the particular ‘dialects’ of various database systems. http://www.quartz-scheduler.org/documentation/quartz-2.1.7/configuration/ConfigJobStoreTX.html#:~:text=org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.PostgreSQLDelegate Finally, under the buildomatic directory run the following commands: Build the buildomatic utility with the updated configuration: ./js-ant.sh clean-config gen-config To export the whole repository including jobs and everything. ./js-export.sh --everything --output-zip exportfull.zip --keyalias deprecatedImportExportEncSecret
  18. Export calendar command from the buildomatic: js-export.bat –calendars --output-zip export829.zip --keyalias deprecatedImportExportEncSecret
  19. Issue Description: While importing the resource (export.zip) and got the below error. Error Trace: [java] ERROR BaseExportImportCommand:45 - java.lang.NullPointerException: entry [java] java.lang.NullPointerException: entry [java] at java.base/java.util.Objects.requireNonNull(Objects.java:246) [java] at java.base/java.util.zip.ZipFile.getInputStream(ZipFile.java:371) [java] at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.export.io.ZipFileInput.getFileInputStream(ZipFileInput.java:74) [java] at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.export.ImporterImpl.getInput(ImporterImpl.java:277) [java] at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.export.ImporterImpl.readDocument(ImporterImpl.java:247) [java] at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.export.ImporterImpl.getImportInputMetadata(ImporterImpl.java:287) [java] at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.export.ImporterImpl.setTask(ImporterImpl.java:113) [java] at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.export.ImportCommandImpl.process(ImportCommandImpl.java:81) [java] at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.export.BaseExportImportCommand.process(BaseExportImportCommand.java:112) [java] at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.export.ImportCommand.main(ImportCommand.java:43) Resolution: The repository export zip file does not contain the index.xml file, which is missing and it seems the export was not done successfully. usually, this issue comes across when the server is on the VM, so we are unable to export successfully somehow. As a workaround tried exporting an organization/s level export and importing it into the target JRS version and it worked fine. Please try first on the test/dev environment and then on the production environment. thanks!
  20. Error Trace: com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.ErrorDescriptorException: class java.lang.Long cannot be cast to class java.lang.Integer (java.lang.Long and java.lang.Integer are in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap') (Error UID: 752ef8d7-9b1f-45c5-a092-192fe855c5b0) at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.remote.services.ReportExecution.getFinalReportUnitResult(ReportExecution.java:173) at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.remote.services.impl.RunReportServiceImpl$2.run(RunReportServiceImpl.java:498) at com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.logging.util.LoggableExecutorService$1.run(LoggableExecutorService.java:84) at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1128) at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:628) at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:829) Resolution: Above error we were seeing the Jasperserver UI once we executed the report, We resolved it by editing the .jrxml file at the Jaspersoft studio side by changing the filed and parameter class type from the java.lang.Long to java.lang.Interger then republished the report on the server and finally resolved this issue.
  21. Hello, Please verify that the user account in question has the necessary permissions to be assigned to the role. Sometimes, access to certain roles or user lists is restricted based on permissions settings. Kindly ensure that both the user and the role are part of the same organization. In a multi-organization setup, users and roles might belong to different organizations, making it impossible to assign users to roles across organizations. I hope this will help you troubleshoot, thanks!
  22. Hello, I just checked in the TIBCO SUPPORT PRODUCT DELIVERY portal and found that for the 6.1.2 there is no JSS version available only the JRS and JRL product is available. You can download the JSS v 6.2.0 as it is present in the portal and later versions of the JSS from the TIBCO Support portal and request for the old verison you want to download. Then our product team will give access to that product as soon as possible. I hope this will help you, thanks!
  23. Hi, It is really hard to tell any reason behind this strange behavior, as the SendGrid configuration worked after connecting via it without doing anything. If the issue is with sendgrid connection then it should reflect in the jasperserver.log file anyhow without this seeing the log file it is really hard to say anything. If in the future if in case if you come across this issue then try with the restart of the jasperserver if possible if the log is not present in log file, but it usually it traces the error . I hope this will help you, thanks!
  24. Hello, I am able to publish the subreport on the Jasperserver and explore it through the Jaspersoft studio server repository explorer, so it seems there is no issue. Please check from your end whether the server-published file is jrxml or not, try to copy it to another folder, and then try to explore it from the Jaspersoft studio.
  25. Hi David, Please try by changing the data source to publish the report on the Jasperserver. Could you please share the jrxml report and sample data to reproduce the issue at our end? Which version of the Jasperserver and Jaspersoft studio are you using?
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