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Swapnil Pawar

Jaspersoft Staff
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Everything posted by Swapnil Pawar

  1. Issue: Users can get the following data truncation error when creating the datasource with a bigger password: ERROR SqlExceptionHelper,http-nio-8080-exec-1:131 - ERROR: value too long for type character varying(250) Resolution: Please increase the password column length in jijdbcdatasource table which is present inside the Jasperserver database. Please follow the following steps to make suggested changes. The following example is for the Postgresql database. 1) In pgAdmin create a connection by right click on the server. 2) Follow the path in pgAdmin in where we created the server connection: Databases ->jasperserver db -> schema ->public ->tables dropdown ->jijdbcdatasource table. Please expand that column of the jijdbcdatasource table. Right-click on the password column and select the properties option then increase the password column length to more than 250. This is a workaround if the upgrade in the future then you need to keep the track of such tables where you increased size of the column and need to manually increase the size of the specifci column/s size in the specific table and import the repository into the target JRS version. I hope this will help you! Thanks!
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