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Jivan Phadtare

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Everything posted by Jivan Phadtare

  1. Hello, Seems like you are looking to represent number on dashboard using dashlates. If so then while creating dashbaord you can select Text filed (shown in attachment "Dashboard_1.PNG") as a dashlate in dashboard. Alternatively you can have report or ad hoc view designed to represent number and then use that report/as hoc view as dashlate while creating dashboard. Hope this helps you.
  2. Hello, It looks like you are looking for page size configuration while printing. You can do so in jaspersoft studio at bottom right corner pannel. I have attached the screenshot (Studio_1.PNG, Studio_2.PNG) For more details you can refer to below URL of studio user guide document. https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jaspersoft-studio-user-guide/v8/getting-started-jaspersoft-studio Hope this will find you useful.
  3. Hello, It looks like you are looking for page size configuration while printing. For more details you can refer to below URL of studio user guide document. https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jaspersoft-studio-user-guide/v8/getting-started-jaspersoft-studio Hope this will find you useful.
  4. Hello, From your description it looks like you defined date field datatype as varchar in store proc. Ideally date field datatype should be DATE. May be you can try to change datatype to DATE in store proc.
  5. Hello, As per the attached log error, it seems that it is caused by below error. Error clearly says that, keystore files are not available or accessible Kindly make sure keystore file (.jrsks and .jrsksp) files are present at the home directory of user who installed the jasperserver. Also, please verify the access for home directory where keystore files resides. ------ Caused by: org.apache.commons.configuration2.ex.ConfigurationException: Could not locate: org.apache.commons.configuration2.io.FileLocator@569cec3c[fileName=.jrsksp,basePath=C:Usersstham,sourceURL=,encoding=ISO-8859-1,fileSystem=com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.crypto.utils.Base64SynchronizingFileSystem@75f4703b,locationStrategy=com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.crypto.utils.JrsBasePathLocationStrategy@4358f3c5] ------- Hope this will help you.
  6. Hello, Could you please check the 'jasperserver.log' file. This log file will capture possible error during report run. so looking at 'jasperserver.log' file might help to narrow down the issue. This log file is available at location : ...webappsjasperserver-proWEB-INFlogs
  7. Hello, You can try using compareTo() function this function accepts string and if it matches to provided string then it will return 0. so you can try using expression something like below and set true value as 1. IF($F{arret_dorm}.compareTo( "Yes")==0,1,0) Hopefully this will help you.
  8. Hello, found similar query posted earlier with regards to this where it was mentioned using DATASETS and putting them into table components or subreports it's possible. Please refer below URL for reference. https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/1082151/can-we-use-multiple-database-data-source-single-jasper-report#:~:text=Yes%2C%20using%20DATASETS%20and%20putting%20them%20into%20table%20components%20or%20subreports. https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-deploy-reports-tibco-jasperreports-server-subreports-use-different-data-sources Hopefully this will help you !!
  9. Hello, Found the similar issue at below community URL where it was solved by setting Split Type property of Detail band to "Prevent" https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/848392/problem-splitting-subreport You can try to set this property in your main report details band. Attached the screenshot of this setting. Hopefully this will help you in your case.
  10. By looking at log it seems that it caused by below ------------------- Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column "resource_uri" of relation "jiaccessevent" does not exist Position: 49 ------------------- Per this error message, kindly check in your 'jasperserver' database "jiaccessevent" table exist if so then make sure this table contains column "resource_uri"
  11. Hello, Jaspersoft studio 6.0 is very old version, we tried to search but it's not available on edelivery portal. We could see studio version 6.2.3 is available on below portal. https://edelivery.tibco.com/storefront/view-component-download.ep?partNumber=01009515 If this version is useful for you then you can download it.
  12. Hello, Plesae try to follow below steps and see if this solution can help you. 1) Stop the server2) Remove the following files from WEB-INF/lib directory: -javax.mail-1.6.2.jar -jakarta.mail-api-1.6.3.jar3) Restart the server.4) Try to schedule a job with email notifications and check if you receive an e-mail. Hope this is useful.
  13. Hello, Plesae try to follow below steps and see if this solution can help you. 1) Stop the server2) Remove the following files from WEB-INF/lib directory: -javax.mail-1.6.2.jar -jakarta.mail-api-1.6.3.jar3) Restart the server.4) Try to schedule a job with email notifications and check if you receive an e-mail. Hope this is useful.
  14. Hello, It seems that, you would get this error if the file is encoded as Unicode. Kindly check your xml file and try saving the file to ANSI or UTF-8 encoding. For more details you can refer to below article. Hope this will help you. https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/content-not-allowed-prolog
  15. Hello, The error doesn't explain much details. Please check 'jasperserver.log' file for more details about this error. In this log file caused by might have captured. This log file is loacated at : ...webappsjasperserver-proWEB-INFlogs
  16. Issue : 'EAN128-barcode4j' type of barcode report takes time to generate barcode in Jaspersoft studio. Resolution : 1) Barcode generation for 'EAN128-barcode4j' type is taking time. For 50 barcode per page studio takes around 40 sec to generate the barcode report. 2) To increase the barcode generation for 'EAN128-barcode4j' type of barcode below property at barcode report level need to set as "image" net.sf.jasperreports.components.barcode4j.image.producer=image Setting this property at report level will improve barcode generation time. Post setting this property 50 barcode will generate in 14 sec. By default above property value set as 'svg' but to increase the barcode generation time this need to be set as 'image' 3) Attached video zip file ('Property_Configuration.webm') shows how to configure above property. property_configuration.webm
  17. It looks like your report query validation is getting failed. If you don't want to validate sql then you can set below property to 'false' in file "security-config.properties", restart JRS and then try to run the report. security.validation.sql.on=false if you would like to validate sql then Please check file "security-config.properties" for below property. security.validation.sql.on=true If this property set as true then make sure in "security.properties" file below property is also uncommented. # sqlQueryExecutor=Alpha,ValidSQL,500000,true,SQL_Query_Executor_context Also, plesae uncomment below property from "validation.properties" file. # Validator.ValidSQL=(?is)^\s*(select|call)\b((?!\binto\b)[^;])*;?\s*$ If your report query using "with" keyword then you can use property below as you mentioend in description. Validator.ValidSQL=(?is)^\s*(select|with|declare)\s+[^;]+;?\s*$
  18. This might be compatibility issue as highlighted in below URL. If you still persist this issue then you can refer to below URL. https://community.jaspersoft.com/jaspersoft-studio/issues/2493 https://community.jaspersoft.com/node/800116 Hope this finds you useful.
  19. Per attached error it looks like phantomjs.exe is either not installed or inccorrect path is configured in 'jasperreports.properties' file. Below URL has information about how to install phantomjs and how to configure it. https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/phantomjs-libary-jasperreports-server https://helicaltech.com/add-phantomjs-libary-in-jasperreports-server/ Hope this links finds you useful.
  20. Found same error on : https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/get-problem-some-content-error-when-opening-report-exported-xlsx Below is the suggestion : This problem can be related to complex date format patterns. For example pattern like this: EEE, d MMM yyyy h:mm a z This is a Java pattern and it doesn't have a match in Excel. It gets transformed into something like this: 42433.5511111109 and will be the source of this error. Hope this finds you useful.
  21. Hello, I found below community article where similar error was mentioned. Please refer the below article, it seems that workaround is mentioned on this. You can try it. https://community.jaspersoft.com/jaspersoft-studio/issues/3858 Hope this will find you useful
  22. Hello, I found below community article where similar error was mentioned. Please refer the below article, it seems that workaround is mentioned on this. You can try it. https://community.jaspersoft.com/jaspersoft-studio/issues/3858 Hope this will find you useful.
  23. It looks like field 'JobPostsId' is not defined in your jrxml. You have to define the fields before using it. When you open your jrxml in studio, in outline section expand field and make sure 'JobPostsId' defined.
  24. In this article we will discuss how to create jasperserver JDBC datasource connection to TDV database. Tool Requirement : To make connection to TDV database first "TDV Studio" and "TDV Server" needs to installed on local machine. This can be downloaded from below edelivery site. https://edelivery.tibco.com/storefront/view-download.ep?sku=11801-1&version=8.6.1 1) TDV Studio File_Name : TIB_tdv_server_<version_name>_all.zip 2) TDV Server File_Name: TIB_tdv_server_<version>_win_x86_64.exe Steps To Make Datasource Connection : 1) Once the 'TDV Studio' and 'TDV Server' is installed make sure it is up and running. By default TDV studio installation port is 9400. For any installation issues you can review the logs to check for error. TDV server log file : ...TDV Server 8.3logscs_server.log TDV studio log file : ...TDV Studio 8.3logscs_studio.log 2) A valid connection to database needs to be established. Here for demo purpose we have used MySQL 8.0 database. Please refer to attached video file "MySQL_Connection.webm" on how to create connecton with MySQL database. In this video we have created "Demo" folder under TDV "Shared" location and created "TDV_Demo" as MySQL datasource. We used 'sqluser' as userid to create connection to MySQL database. This user can be created using below script which can be run through MySQL command line. CREATE USER 'sqluser'@'%' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'sqluser'@'%'; FLUSH PRIVILEGE 3) Once the connection to database successfully established, we need to create views in TDV. Please refer to attached video file "TDV_View.webm" on how to view in TDV. In this video we have created views 'test_sales', 'test_items' and 'test_stocks' 4) Post view is created into TDV we need to publish the views. Steps to publish views are mentioned in attached "TDV_View_Publish.webm" video file. 5) Now, we need to make datasource connection from JasperReports Server to TDV. Port=9401 is default connection port for TDV. Attached screenshot "TDV_Datasource.PNG" shows how to make connection to TDV datasource. ( Note : JRS 7.8 + version only supports for TDV datasource connection as inbuild TDV jdbc driver is included post JRS 7.8 version. ) Below are the connection details used for TDV datasource connection : Driver Name : cs.jdbc.driver.CompositeDriver Port : 9401 (default TDV port) Domain : composite Datasource : <name_of_datasource_from_TDV> URL : jdbc:compositesw:dbapi@localhost:9401?domain=composite&dataSource=<datasource_name>&unsupportedMode=silent UserName : TDV_username Password : TDV_password Driver : ...webappsjasperserver-proWEB-INFlibtdv-csjdbc8-8.2.0.jar mysql_connection.webm tdv_view.webm tdv_view_publish.webm
  25. Hello, It seems that bulk report publish from studio to server doesn't supported. From studio one by one need to publish report. However, this seems to possible using the REST v2 API and the repository service . Kindly refer to below Wiki articles for more details about this. Hope it will help you. https://community.jaspersoft.com/jaspersoft-studio/issues/7906 https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/1067396/jasperserver-publish-multiple-reports-time
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