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  1. Hello all, I've been using Jaspersoft Studio extensively for a long while now, but I've never quite understood/got accustomed to the project based saving system. I'm quite simple, and I'm used to just save a file wherever I want to, like in microsoft office. Let me deal with version management (I do this in GIT). However, Jaspersoft Studio, in a seemingly random manner, starts new projects in new folders. Sometimes I copy an existing report, to make a basis for a new report. This works most of the times. Sometimes, unpredictably, this gets split off into a separate, new "project". The file gets saved in a folder somewhere far away from my actual project, and before I notice, I've wasted a lot of time. Jasper then also refuses to save the file to the original, correct project. Instead, I copy the file from the new project to the old project, delete the unwanted "new" project, and continue my way. Now my original project is messed up as well. For some reason, Jasper has created a subfolder in my original project. It's an empty folder, and now my main projects is that. I can't change directories. This whole system is incomprehensible for me, and it's absolutely maddening. I'm sure it has a purpose, but it has always eluded me. What I'm asking: -Can someone explain like I'm 5 how this is actually supposed to work? So that I can change my workflow to better fit Jaspersoft Studio's intended use? Or -Can I make Jaspersoft fit my workflow better? Ditch the entire project-based system and just let me save whatever I want wherever I want Thanks for reading through my frustrated rant 🙂 Hope I can figure this out soon
  2. Hi all, I have a report with a bunch of subreports in a detail band, and I would like them to never split. As in, if it doesn't fit on the page, I want the subreport to start on a new page. But no matter what I do, it always splits. I tried putting every subreport in a separate detail band, for which I've tried and tested every split type. I also tried putting the tag splitType="Prevent" in the subreport brackets, but it doesn't allow me to do that. I really really wish that would be an option. TL;DR Jasper should never split subreports
  3. Hi, as I'm running into some issues regarding the value of some of my parameters, I'd like to be able to see what actually happens behind the curtains. It would greatly help me diagnosing the problem if I could see what Jaspersoft studio does step by step, like you can with macros in VBA or with Python or R. Is there any way to accomplish this? Thanks in advance!
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