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Jitendra Mandalia

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Everything posted by Jitendra Mandalia

  1. Hi @yoannbsk If you have local samples, that will really help. As it is working fine independently and fails with subdataset only, need to see complete jrxml, the one which is working and the one which is failing. So we can verify what is wrong. What I got from your information is, the one which works fine, works on studio and JRS both, and the jrxml with subdataset doesn't work on both studio and JRS. Is that right? Please provide that clarification too. Thanks.
  2. Hi Can you please add the steps you are executing? Are you uploading file to JasperReports Server? How are you downloading this file? We will try to replicate it to find the right approach once you provide the steps. Thanks.
  3. Hi From the newer version of JasperReports Server and Jaspersoft Studio, you can publish the modified report from the Studio to the server by using "Publish" option, to upload the Studio report to the server. To save the report locally, you will need to use "Save" or "Save As" option. You can set the preference for Jaspersoft to publish the report when you change the report and save the same. So you can combine both the actions. To set these preferences, go to Jaspersoft's property/preference dialog and update the same, as shown in the below image.
  4. Hi, This scrollbar behavior has changed for Crosstabs from JasperReports Server 8.1.1. There are only Crosstab's Row header and Column header level scrollbars. And sorry to say that no way to get the older behavior to have page level scrollbar using just a configuration change. Thanks.
  5. Hi Have you checked into the jasperserver.log file? Do you see any errors being thrown there for this execution? Please share if you see any errors there when you are seeing this UI message. Usual path for the jasperserver.log file with Tomcat application server is, tomcat/webapps/jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/logs/jasperserver.log Thanks.
  6. Please refer to below article for the latest details about this topic. https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/installation-steps-installer-distribution
  7. Hi Have you tried following what @rpachipu suggested? You should see each subreport going to new sheet if you can add the static field with net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.break.after.row Example: https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-split-xls-document-according-some-condition You can also use page break element too. One of these elements should be placed in the subreport page footer to export the report out in separate sheets.
  8. Hi I will need more details to help you out in this. 1. What is your Application server? Are you using Tomcat, if so, can you get me its log around the time this error occurred? This is to see what exact error it is throwing? You will find Tomcat's logs folder with logs in the catalina.out file. 2. What is the JasperReports Server version are you using to render this report to Blue Yonder? 3. Apart from Application or Web server log, can you also give me JasperReports Server logs i.e jasperserver.log, around the time this error occurred? The file should be in the JasperReports Server installation directory i.e. /jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/logs/ or /jasperserver/WEB-INF/logs/
  9. With subqueries in Jaspersoft Studio Report, the field name in the subquery may not be referenced when running the report on JasperReports Server vs. in Jaspersoft Studio (where it can be referenced). This is due to differences in the way reports are rendered using the Jaspersoft Studio vs. JasperReports Server engines. There are only two options for the versions available today, either you use the field name aliases as you have been doing or use derived tables or CTEs, which allow you to define field names within your query.
  10. Hi Sorry for the delay. Can you please provide a sample JRXML for us to verify how it is set and what is causing this issue? Without that, it will be hard to reproduce and identify the cause.
  11. Hi This is a problem with Java not supporting the Indian Locale and number format in its core library. There is one option, that is to use ICU4J library to display this format. Please refer to below articles and help on using the ICU and example of the same. Similar Community Question: https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/521543/number-format-displayindian-format Reference to ICU4J and Github links: https://icu.unicode.org/download/73 https://github.com/unicode-org/icu/releases/tag/release-73-2
  12. The result of the query depends on the output of the parameters passed. That is where this error seems to be thrown. What is the result of "TA.test_master_ref IN ($P!{PatientSampleTestMasterRefs}) )"? Jaspersoft uses output of $P!{} and appends the same to the query and that is where this error could be coming. 1. If you want to use TA.test_master_ref IN with "IN" operator then rather than using $P!{} you need to use $X{} as shown in examples below. $X{IN, <column_name>, <parameter_name>} ==> $X{IN, TA.test_master_ref, PatientSampleTestMasterRefs} Assuming here PatientSampleTestMasterRefs contains list of values i.e. 'val1', 'val2', 'val3' Another example: select * from city where $X{IN, city_column, city_list_parameter} Check below link for more examples of using $X{}. https://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/sample.reference/query/ 2. Also, if you can enable the debugging, you can verify the output for this query in the log file. And also you can paste the same to this question for us to understand how the end result looks and where is this error in the final query. You can find similar examples with enabled debugging in the link provided above.
  13. Options suggested by @tepavac05 in his answers are valid options to improve memory performance. Your memory setting with -Xms32g and -Xmx56g seems high enough to handle large datasets in memory if you are pulling large amount of data into JasperReports Server memory. Either you are running very large reports towards the month ends or your garbage collection is not happening properly. I don't see any other reasons for memory to reach to 99% (assuming it's only happening due to JRS and no other process in conjunction doing this). The only thing, apart from the options suggested by @tepavac05, would be to use different Garbage collector i.e. G1GC and see if that improves memory cleanup. We have seen this Garbage collector, compared to ConcMarkSweepGC. JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -XX:+UseG1GC" (This setting specific link is also what @tepavac05 shared in his answers) Assuming your current max available RAM 56GB.
  14. This issue can occur with conflicting library versions. As per the error it seems there are conflicting versions of the SLF4J (Simple Logging Facade for Java) library in the classpath. The error message suggests that the LoggingEvent class, is attempting to access the a method, but the class loaders for class (org.slf4j.MDC) and the class trying to access it have different Class objects for the org.slf4j.spi.MDCAdapter type. It seems that the conflict is there with the SLF4J logging library with JasperReports. To resolve the issue, check SLF4J versions you have, remove any conflicting/duplicate libraries, and ensuring compatibility with JasperReports and other plugins you already have.
  15. Hi sanidu_lakmal I don't see much options other than the provided config which would cause this issue. Can you share what exact JRS version are you using? Is it 8.2 or 8.0.4? Do you have all the hot fixes applied specific to the version you are using? Can you try with the latest version with all the hot fixes applied? That will make sure all the configuration are applied correctly. We don't see any other reason behind this error.
  16. Hi Is it possible to share the JRXML? Or can you try with very simple JRXML? It seems that it errors out just when it tries to parse the JRXML file based on the exceptions, and it seems to be related to jboss.logmanager failing to log a message similar to the link below. https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus/issues/12615
  17. I don't see why it shouldn't work now. Can you recheck the chromium path? The usual location for Chromium in Linux is /usr/bin/chromium-browser... If there is any issue with the path then correct it and restart the server and try. If the given path is correct, then I will try to verify a few things to see if the issue is identifiable. As this seems to be specific to your environment.
  18. Hi The OAuth implementation could become a complex implementation based on the type of integration is required. There is a Dr. Jaspersoft session related to OpenID integration and that might help on certain aspects of this implementation. If this is not a complete solution you are looking for then you might need to work with our Customer Success team who can help you to implement the solution or even implement the solution on your behalf and provide you with the required code. Though it does require an Upshift plan, if that is something feasible on your side. Dr. Jaspersoft - SSO with OpenID Connect: Jaspersoft Customer Success: https://www.jaspersoft.com/customer-success
  19. Hi, I am combining both the solutions provided by our team here. 1. In WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml <prop key="net.sf.jasperreports.chrome.argument.enable-logging">stderr</prop> Add below 2 properties after the above property in the file, if these don't exist. <prop key="net.sf.jasperreports.chrome.page.isolate">true</prop> <prop key="net.sf.jasperreports.chrome.argument.remote-allow-origins">*</prop> 2. In WEB-INF/js.config.properties: Put your server URL with correct domain apart from local URL. deploy.base.local.url=https://localhost:8443/jasperserver-pro deploy.base.url=https://{domain}:8443/jasperserver-pro --Example http://bi.example.com/jasperserver-pro for deploy.base.url And in WEB-INF/classes/jasperreports.properties add the following: net.sf.jasperreports.chrome.argument.ignore-certificate-errors=true **make sure to use http or https appropriately. These changes require a restart of the JR server. As the issue is repeating with dockerized setup, need to make sure all these are correctly set and remote JRS is restarted after all these change.
  20. Hi aburgos_2, The solution is to prepare a keystore with the two certificates. Suppose you have two certificates (server1.cer and server2.cer). Below is an example to add these two certificates to the same keystore using Java tool. You can use OpenSSL too to do the same. By using a recent version Java, i.e. java 11, create the key store with the following commands: keytool -import -keystore myStore.jks -alias Server1 -file server1.cer keytool -import -keystore myStore.jks -alias Server2 -file server2.cer You can verify that both the certs are in the store by running: keytool -list -keystore myStore.jks You should see the two certs in the output if both are successfully added to the keystore. Keystore type: PKCS12 Keystore provider: SUN Your keystore contains 2 entries server1, May 17, 2023, trustedCertEntry, Certificate fingerprint (SHA-256): CA:3B:B2:FB:A3:1C:30:90:C2:CA:89:F0:F0:BD:BC:1A:65:1A:AA:29:44:E8:AA:25:9C:af:6D:bc:33:EA:6F:95 server2, May 17, 2023, trustedCertEntry, Certificate fingerprint (SHA-256): 73:A5:89:84:5D:9F:C6:A6:5F:44:3F:D5:32:16:70:EE:F9:14:C0:F4:11:BA:35:76:A5:17:0B:A8:0D:66:20:55 Then you can import this keystore with both the certificates i.e. myStore.jks in Jaspersoft Studio. Thanks.
  21. Problem Details: Jaspersoft provides Visualize.js Javascript API library to embed visualization in web application/container by retrieving on-demand interactive reports, adhocViews and dashboards from JasperReport Server. It throws an error similar to an example above on the client side. It could vary per browser. There might not be any error related to this in the JasperReport Server logs. Error: visualize.js:1 03:10:30.843 [Report] [visualize.js:1] [ERROR] - resource.not.found : Resource cbe66ce3-fdf5-410e-8de9-65e6aa733e35 not found. Root Cause: Due to the browser's default settings to block 3rd party cookies, the report loading API fails to load Jaspersoft reports. It is possible to load adhocView and dashboard (with adhocViews) but due to the report API’s usage of cookies i.e. reportObj.report() function fails to maintain session and cannot load the report. Use Cases: Web Application and JasperReports Server hosted on different domains. That is where due to the CORS restriction browsers could block 3rd party cookies.When accessing a secured Web Application endpoint i.e. https://webappserver.test.com/… and using an unsecured JasperReports Server (JRS) endpoint.http://jrserver.test.com/jasperreport-pro/client/visualize.js OR http://jrserverapi.test.com/jasperreport-pro/rest_v2/reportExecutions Possible Solutions: The Jaspersoft team has provided a more long term solution in the latest release 8.2.0. For older versions below solutions can be used to make reports work. There are a couple of options to resolve this issue. Solution 1 Use SSL connections (HTTPS) for a web application and JasperReport Server. Visualize.js library should be able to maintain the 3rd party cookie with that approach. Solution 2 One option is to avoid CORS requests and have the application using the visualization library and JRS available on the same domain as some browsers reject 3rd party cookies in CORS scenario. Solution 3 Use a proxy/load balancer server to access your web application and Jaspersoft reports to let the browser assume that all the endpoints are running on the same domain. Endpoints should be secured (HTTPS).
  22. Hi Can you please provide an example of the same? What you are trying to achieve? Not all methods are supported with every service. Thanks.
  23. Hi Can you please provide some more details here? Are you using custom JRDataSource implementation (.jar) or JasperReports DataSource provider class? How are you getting these two tables to the report? It will be helpful if you can add some example of the same. Thanks.
  24. Hi, Have you tried capturing the build errors with maven debug enabled, to see if it can provide more details? If not can you try that and provide that here? Also, do you have right reference to the maven repo? Your stack trace has below error for jasperserver:server. Caused by: org.eclipse.aether.resolution.ArtifactResolutionException: com.jaspersoft.jasperserver:server:pom:8.1.0 was not found in https://artifactory.devops.ellucian.com/artifactory/admin-framework-local/ during a previous attempt Why is it searching in https://artifactory.devops.ellucian.com/artifactory/admin-framework-local/ repo for the jasperserver:server ? Make sure you have below three repo referenced property. repositories> <repository> <id>central</id> <name>Maven Central</name> <url>https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2</url> </repository> <repository> <id>jaspersoft-clients-snapshots</id> <name>Jaspersoft clients snapshots</name> <url>https://jaspersoft.jfrog.io/jaspersoft/jaspersoft-clients-releases</url> </repository> <repository> <id>jaspersoft-central</id> <name>jaspersoft-releases</name> <url>https://jaspersoft.jfrog.io/jaspersoft/jrs-ce-releases</url> </repository></repositories>[/code]
  25. Your JRXML and data binding seems to have some issues. If you are testing out this functionality, I would suggest you to create simpler example. There is no need to repeat the Static text for each time, rather you can create a textField with concatenated text for "Name " + $F{id} to have Id displayed for each city name. Please refer to below two examples. I don't see any issue with your HtmlExporter code, as you are creating Input and Output streams fine. You can also try with JasperExportManager.exportReportToHtmlFile method. https://www.tabnine.com/code/java/classes/net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.HtmlExporter
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