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Posts posted by arnaudsimon091

  1. Hello everyone,

    I have implemented a scriptlet which use the jasper REST_V2 API and the jasper credentials appear in clear text inside the java code :



    I can restrict the permisisons on the report which use the scriptlet but despite low permissions, the user is able to download the scriptlet inside jaspersoft studio 

    (right click on the scriptlet inside the report files + download to file) : 


    Is it possible to disable the download of a file from jasper server based on permissions ?


    Thanks for your attention.

    Arnaud simon



  2. Hello everyone,

    I have recentely configured HTTPS on my JasperReports Server, it works fine and I can use visualize.js with the "https" link.

    However, I still have an HTTP connector, but I can't use visualize.js with this one. (If I delete my HTTPS connector to serve only in HTTP, visualize is unavailable).

    Is it possible to use visualize.js with only HTTP connection ?


    Thanks for your help,


  3. Hello everyone,

    I have recently configured HTTPS for my jasper server and everything works fine, I can access using my domain name.

    But when I want to use the same domain name for my default 8080 HTTP connector (tomcat/conf/server.xml),

    I have a 401 error and my webpage is always in reloading mode.


    Is it needed to configure some files in order to use a domain name to serve jasper as HTTP ?

    Thanks for your help !

  4. Hello there,

    I think that it would be easier for you to use default adapters instead of java.sql.Drivermanager, moreover it isn't needed to write credentials.

    To do so, you need to export your data adapter to a XML file, then publish it to jasperReports server.

    After, that, configure each "Default Data Adapter" property in each subreport, compile them, compile your main report and publish it without datasource connection.


    (more information in this jaspersoft documentation : https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-deploy-and-use-data-adapter-tibco-jasperreports-server-v56)

    Best regards


  5. Hello there, 

    I recently managed to pass values from subreport to main report using the "return values" menu.

    For example, imagine you have a example_variable in your subreport, just click to return values,

    add the variable name, create a variable with the same name in your main report with the parameter calculation = "System"

    (cool site https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7348408/returning-a-value-from-sub-report-to-main-report-in-ireport)






    Have a great day !

    Best regards, Arnaud


  6. I finally found how to use a UUID in a mongo query.

    You should first convert your UUID in base64, to do so I used 2 online converters, the first one gave me the 12 first base64 caracters, the second one the 12 last 

    (yes, this is strange).

    To give you a concrete example : 

    Basic UUID : 41e73145-2489-54e1-d2fc-d400bea5e9b1

    Site 1 : QecxRSSJVOHS/AAA1AC+pQ

    Site 2 : RTHnQYkk4VTS/NQAvqXpsQ==

    Final base64 result :  QecxRSSJVOHS/NQAvqXpsQ==

    Then to use it in Jasper, you'll need this syntax : 

    _id: new BinData(4,"QecxRSSJVOHS/NQAvqXpsQ==")


  7. The solution is overhere : https://community.jaspersoft.com/jasperreports-server/issues/10886


    Post 19 : 

    Probably *not* in JSS, but in JRS, you could try replacing two JAR's with their latest versions here:


    Post 20 :

    @kkumlien 's solution worked for me. Steps I took were the following:

    1. Download both .jar specified in post #19
    2. Go to "{jasperserver_root}apache-tomcatwebappsjasperserverWEB-INFlib"
    3. Remove old versions of jars ("js-mongodb-datasource-2.0.9.jar" and "mongo-java-driver-3.3.0.jar" in my case)
    4. Paste downloaded jars
    5. Restart JR Server


  8. Hello everyone,

    I try to make a findQuery for mongoDB in jaspersoft studio but when I try to use a UUID in the process, I always have 0 results.

    Example query :

      'collectionName' : 'Orders',
      'findQuery' : {
        "_id" :  UUID("4925b1a6-5cd6-6d19-9f2a-7a0083a7bb9a")

    Is there something wrong in my query in your opinion ?

    Thanks for your help

  9. Hello everyone,

    I try to create a UUID parameter from a string and I had an error message : 

    java.util.UUID.fromString cannot be resolved to a type 

    Same error if I want to create a random UUID with java.util.UUID.randomUUID

    Does anybody know how to create a UUID from String in jasper, or if it's possible to use UUIDs in the first place ?

    Thanks in advance

  10. I have contacted the support for this issue.

    The problem was the absence of the "Temp" folder inside the organisation folder, it's necessary to have it with Administer permissions on ROLE_USER in order to export a dashboard in PDF / docx.

    Contact me if you have a similar problem.

  11. Hello everyone ! 

    I have a strange problem, I can export my dashboard to PNG but I can't export it in any other format (PDF, DOCX, PPT, ...).


    When I try to do, an error message is prompted and it tells me that I haven't got the permission to export the file (This is strange because my dashboard is in my folder (I can exports reports, etc)).


    Do you know what I need to configure in order to autorize the export of dashboard ?


    Thanks in advance for your help.

  12. Hello everyone,

    Since yesterday, I have a strange problem with Jaspersoft Studio and JasperReports Server.

    When I modify some reports in studio, each ~30-45 min I can't use RestV2 to publish a reporty (Load RestV2 forever).

    Meanwhile, if I want to disconnect and reconnect to the server, it doesn't work (load the authentification forever)

    This problem stops when I restart Jaspersoft Studio and wait 5 min.

    I don't know what could cause this problem, maybe a bad query in one of my report ? (strange because I worked on an old report without changing the query and it worked well before)

    Does somebody ever add a similar problem or have a clue about what can create this behaviour ?

    (If you need more informations, feel free to ask me)  

  13. Hello everybody !

    I am using a DateRange and everything works well, but when I try to do the same with a TimestampRange it doesn't work.

    My DateRange : 

    new net.sf.jasperreports.types.date.DateRangeBuilder("DAY").toDateRange()

    My try in TimestampRange (it doesn't work) :

    new net.sf.jasperreports.types.date.DateRangeBuilder("DAY").set(Timestamp.class).toDateRange()

    Could someone tell me how to use a TimestampRange in Jaspersoft Studio ? (the same way as a DateRange)

  14. Hi jean-pierre !

    You can publish reports with the REST API,  go to this documentation (https://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/how-use-rest-v2-upload-report-unit-jasperreports-server-base64-encode-approach) for more information.

    Example of a shell script right here : 

    #put all the jrxml into a variable

    JRXML_DATA_1=$(cat ../select_acti.jrxml) 

    #curl command to publish the jrxml file

    curl  -X POST http://your_server:8080/jasperserver-pro/rest_v2/resources/path_where_you_want_to_put_the_report -H "Content-Type:application/jrxml" -H "Content-Disposition:attachment; filename=name_of_the_jrxml_file" -H "Content-Description:your description" -d "$JRXML_DATA_1" --user username:password

    #load a reportUnit into a variable :

    RESOURCEDESCRIPTOR_XML_1=$(cat ../select_acti_reportUnit.xml)

    #curl command to create the reportUnit

    curl -X POST http://your_server:8080/jasperserver-pro/rest_v2/resources/path -H "Content-Type:application/repository.reportUnit+xml" -d "$RESOURCEDESCRIPTOR_XML_1" --user username:password


    example of reportUnit file : 

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

    Best regards,


  15. Hi jean-pierre ! 

    If you want to copy a report to another folder,  you'll need to use a syntax like this : 

    Method : POST

    Headers : Content-Location resource_to_be_copied_path

    Request : http://your_server:8080/jasperserver/rest_v2/resources/path_to_folder_where_you_want_to_copy_resource?overwrite=true&createFolders=true

    Sample image : 


    If you need more informations, you can check the REST API documentation in the Docs section of this website, it's pretty usefull.

    Best Regards,


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