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Posts posted by arnaudsimon091

  1. Hello everyone,

    I have a strange problem in JasperReports Server, in one report (reportA) I have some text fields and in an another report (reportB), I have a subreport that contains the reportA.

    When I launched my reportB the first time, everything worked, I had the expected result.

    But when I modified my reportA several times, at one moment my reportB didn't update his content.

    So my reportB displays a content that doesn't exist anymore inside the JasperReports server as you can see on these images :




    Is it possible that my older version of the report A is still on the JasperReports server ? I don't understand what could cause this behaviour.

    Thanks for your help !

  2. HI iggy !

    I found a way to approximately do it, I will give you a sample case :

    In this sample, we want to have a "master report" and a "slave report" which will copy the content of the master.

    1) Build the master report (just a classic text field inside) and publish it on jasperserver

    2) Build the slave report, put only a subreport in it with this expression "repo:/path_to_your_master_folder/master_report_files/main_jrxml" then publish it

    3) Check with the main_jrxml file of your slave report that you have a subreport with the good expression in it (can be buggy sometimes)

    -> Now when you update the master report and publish it again (change the static text for example), the slave report is updated

    WARNING : This method doesn't work if you have external config (images, input controls, ...) so be prepared to copy them with another method

    Hope this will be helpfull !

  3. I finally found what I should do in order to have a report of the jasperserver inside my subreport.

    Let's say I have a "master report" in jasperserver and a ''slave report" = subreport which contains master report.

    To put I had used this expression in the subreport "repo:/path_to_report/report_files/main_jrxml" and published it.

    Then everything worked (subreport contained  a jasperserver report).

    But I had another problem, when I updated my "master report", I saw that my "slave report" weren't updated.

    So I opened the "main.jrxml" file of the "slave report" and I saw that instead of a subreport, it contained only a static text.

    So I modified my "slave report" until I had a subreport with the expression "repo:/path_to_report/report_files/main_jrxml"

    slave1.png.58f884a624387a80a1a54ad978c20ac9.png -> slave_content.png.90fad67df5c90969d7ca42170a787508.png

    Now when I modified my "master report", my "slave report" is updated.

    PS : With this method, external resources like "input controls" or "images" in the "master report" can't be automatically updated in to the "slave report"

  4. Hi blenheimfire ! 

    I have faced this problem too, you need to change your "AND" statement in your query.

    Instead of : 

    AND p.RegistrationDate BETWEEN $P{StartDate} AND $P{EndDate}

    use : 

    AND $X{[bETWEEN], p.RegistrationDate, StartDate, EndDate}

    Try to check this doc to have a better understanding of this syntax : https://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-administrator-guide/v60/cascading-input-controls

    Best regards.

  5. Hello again iggy,

    If you want a good rendering in the XLS format, you need to place carefully your elements in yoaur report (no overlaping) and add this property in your report to render images / graphics (in the source tab) : 

    <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.ignore.graphics" value="false"/>

    PS : You haven't got a missing line in the second report, it's just not aligned, change your column header and it should be fine

  6. Thanks for your answer ! I have seen that this problem doesn't occurs in the PDF format and in the JasperReports Server, but I still don't know why borders are displayed this way in jaspersoft Studio

  7. Hi jean-pierre ! I had the same problem, and I think that exporting dashboards is not possible for the moment with visualize.js.

    If you want to export your dashboard inside your Angular application (in PDF for example), you should just put the PDF of your dashboard into a folder of your JasperReports server and create a button in your Angular application which will redirect the user to this resource.

    I put you some images here to show you how it works, have a nice day !



  8. Hello everyone !

    I would like to know if it' is possible to assign specific permissions to JasperReports's users (not only read, read+write, ...), like the permission to publish content or to manage datasources for example, is it possible in JasperReports server ?

    Thank you in advance for your help !

    Examples of permissions : 

    * Administer Security

    * Read Content

    * Publish Content

    * Manage Data Sources

    * Schedule Content

    * ...

  9. Hi jean-pierre, to upload a report with scriptlets you need to put your scriptlets in jasperreports-server-7.1.1apache-tomcatwebappsjasperserver-proWEB-INFlib and in jaspersoft studio, choose the option "all sections and no details" in the "if no data type" option  :


    Watch my video for more details : 

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