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Posts posted by andrew_50

  1. Do you mean a QR Code overlaying an logo, or side-by-side?
    Both work just fine, until you try scanning the QR Code if it's overlaid.
    If overlaid, them the logo has to be "light enough" for a scanner to think it's "white space"

  2. Noting that despite the ReportServer CE (8.2 being I think the last) being AGPL(?) licensed, TIBCO (or whoever is the power now) is refusing to honour requests for the source.

    Pretty much sucks.

    And, given that the CE is withdrawn, and that the source isn't being provided, what exactly is the point of having this community forum?

    Paid subscribers presumably get support directly, and have no need of a forum.

    CE users largely do not know enough to solve many of the problems, when they get past trivial.

    Note: TIBCO offering a license for 20k Euros PER YEAR is way out of reach for most small businesses.

  3. Super tacky...
    The solution appears to be this...

    • Delete the .snap file from the folder .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/
    • Start JasperSoft Studio - the main screen is now ok, but projects are all "lost"
    • Shut down JasperSoft Studio
    • Restore the .snap file
    • Restart JasperSoft Studio

    Happy days or whatever...

  4. The instructions I have been following, which I believe worked in the past, are now failing on me.
    Probably down to me.

    What I did (my instructions to self) are below.

    The install all seems to be ok, but fails on the line      sudo ./js‑ant import-minimal-ce


    The error/build log is...

    Buildfile: /home/tomcat/jasperreports-server-cp-8.1.1-bin/buildomatic/build.xml
         [exec] Result: 128
         [echo] Back-End version: fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git-SNAPSHOT
         [echo] Front-End version: fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git-SNAPSHOT
         [echo] chkAndSetLocaleDbSettings: parse: scripts.properties for db commands
         [echo] Maven settings: /home/tomcat/jasperreports-server-cp-8.1.1-bin/buildomatic/build_conf/default/maven_settings.xml

         [echo] The property -DimportFile needs to be specified on the command line
         [echo] For instance:     js-ant import -DimportFile=js-catalog.zip
         [echo] For options try:  js-ant import-help-pro

    /home/tomcat/jasperreports-server-cp-8.1.1-bin/buildomatic/bin/import-export.xml:230: The following error occurred while executing this line:
    /home/tomcat/jasperreports-server-cp-8.1.1-bin/buildomatic/bin/import-export.xml:46: Missing file argument for import/export

    Total time: 5 seconds

    Drawing a blank as to what's wrong here.
    Not sure why git is even a consideration.



  5. Well... rest on the server is neither here nor there.

    My wondering is about what Studio does. Does it try and keep (in some sense) a persistent connection?

    The impetus for the question is that there's been a few odd things happen with reports aimed at our development server (which is often taken off line, and brought back up).

    There is nothing appearing in the tomcat or jasper server logs, but I wasn't really expecting anything.

    If I can come up with a better way of documenting the weird people are experiencing, then I know that it'd help. But I have to start somewhere

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