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Everything posted by jasperrocks

  1. Url to find reports under a particular folder https://domain.org/jasperserver/rest/resources/pathtofolder?type=reportUnit&recursive=1
  2. Hi All, To prevent logging of user password in tomcat logs we would like to enable static encryption in jasper by setting the dynamic encryption to false (security-config.properties file in /jasper-home/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver/WEB-INF/classes/esapi) .we don't want to change the configurations in server.xml file configs as it removes complete log information and doesn't make sense of log definition. we used the below url to generate the encrypted key for user passwords https://domain.com/jasperserver/encrypt.html Any Idea on how to get the encryption key for a string entered?
  3. Hi All, Is there any way to list all the reports in Jaspersver using rest API.I'm working on something like this but the below one is not working.Any help is appreciated https://domain.org/jasperserver/rest/resources/Operations?Type=reportUnit&recursive=1
  4. Hi All, When a user pushes report from Jasperstudio to Jasperserver we will able to see the password of the user who pushes the report into server in Tomcat Logs.Is there any way we can encrypt the password in Jaspersoft studio?
  5. Update the postgres database table to change the resource name "public.jiresource"
  6. If you are using oracle you can use fetch first 40 rows only clause at the end of the query; If SQL Server TOP 40 clause If MYSQL limit 40 clause
  7. In the subreport connection expression, you can use $P{REPORT_CONNECTION} and the above mentioned connection string in Data source expression.I don't think you don't need to create this $P{subConn}
  8. You can create roles for certain group of users if you are uisng jasperserver and give permissions to reports or folders based on roles.
  9. If you are using oracle you can use fetch first 40 rows only clause at the end of the query; If SQL Server TOP 40 clause If MYSQL limit 40 clause
  10. Do you have dev and test instances on same servers?
  11. I'm not sure this may be the reason I assume there is an old subreport. jasper file in the server and each and every report is still using the old .jasper file to fill the data.
  12. Click on the subreport element in the main report and on the right side you will edit parameters button .select that and map the values you want to pass it from the main report to the subreport.
  13. Hi All, Our Team is looking for solutions to build CI/CD system for jasperserver where developer commits the code into git and the newly made code changes should get through to jasperserver through python/java scripts. I'm interested if anyone built this system and some insights from them. Thanks
  14. I'm facing the issue in jasperreports when exported to excel it is creating extra space in a cell.It is working as expected for PDF as shown in picture.But when exported to excel it is creating extra space due to property stretch with overflow=true (I need to use this one as it helps for PDF exporting).I used the property net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.column.width =1000 for the last element to increase the width while exported to excel .it helped to get the result but the extra space is created as show in picutre.Please let me the properties I need to use for this kind of situation. The properties I used to entire report are <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.remove.empty.space.between.rows" value="true"/> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.remove.empty.space.between.columns" value="true"/> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.white.page.background" value="false"/> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.detect.cell.type" value="true"/> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.ignore.graphics" value="false"/> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.page.break.no.pagination" value="apply"/> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.one.page.per.sheet" value="false"/> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.print.keep.full.text" value="true"/> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.exports.xls.font.size.fix.enabled" value="false"/> The properties for particular last element <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.auto.fit.row" value="false"/> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.column.width" value="1000"/> <property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.wrap.text" value="true"/> For the detail band elemets I used position Type=float strecth type = elementgroup heigh Looking for possible solution to remove extra space in cell PDF export Excel Export Thanks
  15. Hi, I'm trying to import some files from Jasperserver CE 5.0 to Jasperserver EE 6.3.0 through buildtomatic/js-export.sh feature where I'm controlling which files to export through JS-EXPORT --uris /foldername and trying to import the exported zip file using js-import --input-zip output,zip.Here the issue it is deleting all the reports in 6.3.0 and replaced by 5.0 reports.How can control import where it should not delete the existing reports. Thanks
  16. @hozawa can you please explain how you achieved this and is there any sample code?
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