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nicolaifriis's Achievements

  1. 1) Create a chart in a sub-report taking year/month as input parameter 2) Put the sub-report in the detail band of the main report 3) Write a SQL in the main report that returns one row for each month/year. For example a group by on year,month in your data or be creative where to get the dates :) 4) Use the year and month fields as input to the sub-report You will now get one chart for each row (year/month) in the detail band.
  2. You can create reports on XML data with XPath queries (I guess you already figured this part out). The tricky part is getting your XML file from the database and use it as a XML datasource. What I usually do (might be other ways to do this too) is write a SQL query that gets the XML blob from the database and map it to a java.sql.Blob field in the report. (The approach would have to be adjusted a bit if the XML is in another type in the database, I usually keep them as blobs.) I then create a datasource as an expression for my sub report. Example: new net.sf.jasperreports.engine.data.JRXmlDataSource($F{xml_blob}.getBinaryStream(), "/settings") The sub report can then be developed and tested on a local file and run on the server with XML files from the database since it is independant of where the XML file is coming from. Hope this gives you an idea where to start. Nicolai
  3. Jasperreports server provides your report front-end, presenting your collected data from various sources in a web based interface. The process of collecting data and putting it all together is not directly supported by the Jasper platform and has to be done with another tool (for example an ETL tool like Talend). In some cases (where the number of sites and volume of data is not huge) reports and dashboards can be built directly on the production data sources, without having to extract/collect it into a data warehouse. The Jasper platform is a good choice if you want to get up and running fast and at low cost, just building on your existing data sources, not having to buid a data warehouse solution first.
  4. The exceptions tell us that there is a syntax error in one or more of your XPath expressions. XPath expressions are compiled runtime, not when you compile the report.
  5. Have you tried increasing the memory allocated to your JVM on your serer? The settings you should check are -Xms and -Xmx.
  6. Try a "print when" expression on the page break to only print it when there is data in the section. For example by checking the first value of a field.
  7. If you set the property net.sf.jasperreports.page.break.no.pagination=apply and add a page break first in each band header you should get a new sheet for each page-break. You have to use non-paginated Excel export when running it.
  8. To control pages in Excel exports I usually do the following. 1) Explicit page breaks in the report where a new sheet should be created 2) Set the property net.sf.jasperreports.page.break.no.pagination=apply on the report to tell the engine to apply the page breaks. Might also have to set net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.one.page.per.sheet=true 3) Export the report with the non-paginated exporter 4) Use the property net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.sheet.name=<sheet-name> on the first element after each page-break to set the name of the sheet. Can be an expression setting the name based on data.
  9. Connection expression on the sub-report (in the main report): javax.naming.InitialContext.doLookup("jdbc/jmydb").getConnection()
  10. We have deployed Jasperreport server 5.1 and are getting some problems with the user-interface in Internet Explorer 9 (and Firefox 3.6). The footer appears on the top of the page, the top menu is blocked and partial out of place. There are no errors anywhere, neither on server or client side. The functionality appears to be working but it looks really bad. Can anyone confirm that Jasperreports server works in Internet explorer 9? We are unsure if the problem is on our client side (in the browser) or with the server.
  11. SQL logging has been confirmed by Jasper to not work with Websphere.
  12. I have tried setting it both in the server management panel and through the log4j.properties file (with a server restart). I am trying debug JRXML based reports. I tried enabling debug on some of the other settings in the management panel and they seem to be working fine. For example I get the full log of SQL from browsing the repository with the hibernate SQL log setting. This leads me to belive my log configuration is ok, just a problem with the setting for SQL logging. Nicolai
  13. We have set the log settings for net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.JRJdbcQueryExecuter to Debug, but no SQL appear in our log file. Some other log statments are coming out fine (info, warnings) but no SQL. Anyone else have had problems getting this to work on Jasperserver 4.5? Nicolai
  14. Is it possible to change the resource id of a report without remaking it? Nicolai
  15. Anyone know of a setting to enable compression (zip) of report output when it is stored in the database?
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