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Posts posted by martin.clarke

  1. Hi

    My StartDate parameter, class java.util.Date, default is TODAY( )

    When previewed the current time is specified: hh:mi:ss

    I need that to be 00:00:00, or, I imagine, TODAY( ) - 1, in pseudocode, with a time of 23:59:59

    I am unbelievably old and dim before I was, any painfully explicit help would be greatly appreciated.

    Best regards - Martin

  2. If this is ever resolved - with Cascade?! - I need to enter a start and end YYYY DD range.  The 3rd parameter I'm adding is a list one of all YYYY DDs, which will become unmanageable I realise.  The report displays a date select column as YYYY DD in it's first column, I'm just trying to build up this functionality one step at a time.  It has occurred to me that the very nature of the input control is preventing its display under Options AND the the other two input controls.  I'll experiment with removing one of those to see if that affects Options display.  The report won't be usable of course, due to the removed input control for a start.

    So, is the work-around Cascade?  If it is impossible to display 3 input controls if they are lists?

  3. java.lang.Exception: The Server has returned an error with code 1 and with the message could not delete: [com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.common.service.impl.hibernate.persistent.RepoFileResource#11767]; SQL [delete from JIFileResource where id=?]; constraint [fk98818b778c8df21b]; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: could not delete: [com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.common.service.impl.hibernate.persistent.RepoFileResource#11767]

                    at com.jaspersoft.ireport.jasperserver.ws.WSClient.delete(WSClient.java:232)

                    at com.jaspersoft.ireport.jasperserver.ws.WSClient.delete(WSClient.java:203)

                    at com.jaspersoft.studio.server.protocol.soap.SoapConnection.delete(SoapConnection.java:315)

                    at com.jaspersoft.studio.server.protocol.ProxyConnection.delete(ProxyConnection.java:355)

                    at com.jaspersoft.studio.server.WSClientHelper.deleteResource(WSClientHelper.java:414)

                    at com.jaspersoft.studio.server.action.resource.DeleteResourceAction$1.deleteResource(DeleteResourceAction.java:145)

                    at com.jaspersoft.studio.server.action.resource.DeleteResourceAction$1.run(DeleteResourceAction.java:94)

                    at org.eclipse.jface.operation.ModalContext$ModalContextThread.run(ModalContext.java:121)

  4. I'm running a parameterized report in JasperReports Server.

    It has two parameters, one is a java.lang.String and works fine in versions of the report with just that.

    The other is a java.util.List pull down list.  This errors with:

    net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: Invalid type java.lang.String for parameter CustomerOrganisationList used in an IN clause; the value must be an array or a collection.

    I take it the 'value' being referred to is that being selected from the pull down list.  Where that is defined as a java.lang.String I haven't the faintest idea.  UNLESS the error is saying that the parameter CustomerOrganisationList is a java.lang.String.  It isn't.  In Studio it's a java.util.List as mentioned above.  Convert the CustomerOrganisationList java.lang.String to an java.sql.Array or java.util.Collection OR the 'value' needs defining as an array or a collection.  How please?

    I have adapted the excellent Carl Barlow's response in


    from iReport to Studio. 


    I can run the report in the painful Studio Preview mode.

    Is there a how-to on this anywhere please?

    I've tried this:



    It's such a simple requirement, I'm astounded that there isn't a single worked example anywhere.  I've spent six days on this so far.  I'm old and dumb, but I am stubborn.


    $ martinpeterclarke@hotmail.co.uk $ 24/7 $

  5. Carl,


    I WAS going to nominate you for a Nobel. I faithfully adapted your iReport instructions for Studio, it only took a day (I'm OLLLD), I could see the banks of the Jordan after a bipolar week with Jasper to this point, pulled down the list on the server, could only choose one item (DANGER! Danger Will Robinson), but knew I'd conquered such insurmountable obstacles before, then:


    net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: Invalid type java.lang.String for parameter CustomerOrganisationList used in an IN clause; the value must be an array or a collection.


    Is the 'value' referred to the single one only I can select in the server parameter pull-down list and that is of the type java.lang.String?


    That isn't in the Studio Design or Source?


    Studio Parameter CustomerOrganisationList is of class java.util.List, as per your instructions.


    Best regards



  6. Stroll on Peter.  Hope against experience said try to progress the thread with an Answer or Edit, but it has to be a Comment again:

    WHA HOO!  Not only must one do it for the column detail, one must do it for the column header:

        <columnHeader>        <band height="26" splitType="Stretch">...            <staticText>                <reportElement style="Column header" x="333" y="7" width="111" height="18" forecolor="#000000" uuid="c403ee30-44b8-44fb-8775-fd9be9db62d0"/>                <textElement textAlignment="Right"> <-----                    <font isBold="false"/>                </textElement>                <text><![CDATA[Hours Worked]]></text>            </staticText>...        </band>    </columnHeader>    <detail>        <band height="18" splitType="Stretch">            <frame>...                <textField isStretchWithOverflow="true">                    <reportElement style="Detail" positionType="Float" x="333" y="0" width="111" height="18" uuid="8dd14df6-2cf5-4bd2-b126-886246c57f8b"/>                    <textElement textAlignment="Right"> <-----                        <font size="14"/>                    </textElement>                    <textFieldExpression><![CDATA[$F{timeworked}]]></textFieldExpression>                </textField>...            </frame>        </band>    </detail> [/code]

    Now we know peter!  You probably did anyway and assumed I wasn't a TOTAL noob! : )

    Thanks again for being part of the process.




  7. Thanks peter.w

    This is SO frustrating.  I just posted a detailed reply and there's no sign of it.  This works but aligns left.  If I incorporate your suggestion naively it errors. 

    If I implement it slightly more intelligently, it doesn't error, but doesn't work.

    This is a diabolical interface.  I posted this twice as an Answer and it failed.

    <textField isStretchWithOverflow="true">  <reportElement style="Detail" positionType="Float" x="333" y="0" width="111" height="18" uuid="8dd14df6-2cf5-4bd2-b126-886246c57f8b"/>    <textElement>      <font size="14"/>    </textElement>    <textElement textAlignment="Right"> <-----    </textElement>                      <-----  <textFieldExpression><![CDATA[$F{timeworked}]]></textFieldExpression></textField><textField isStretchWithOverflow="true">  <reportElement style="Detail" positionType="Float" x="333" y="0" width="111" height="18" uuid="8dd14df6-2cf5-4bd2-b126-886246c57f8b"/>    <textElement textAlignment="Right"> <-----      <font size="14"/>    </textElement>                      <-----   <textFieldExpression><![CDATA[$F{timeworked}]]></textFieldExpression></textField>[/code]


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