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  1. We have a single select input control that currently has an unmanageable number of values. It is not something that can be easily filtered down with a cascading input control. We'd like to implement a typeahead input control so that the user can type a few characters of the name they're looking for and then we'll make a call via visuallize and get the results back from the server. Due to the number of values, we need this search to happen on the server side, not the client side (i.e. we don't want to retrieve all possible values from the server and then just do a typeahead via JS on the client). Can this be done with Visualize?
  2. Solved the problem thanks to a user from another thread: http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/988721/visualizejs-610-report-table-pagination-issue-internet-explorer The solution was to disable the jiveUI features (sorting, filtering, etc.) from the table in the drill down. _reportService.report({ resource: uri, container: containerId, defaultJiveUi: { enabled: false }, runImmediately: false, events: { changeTotalPages: function(totalPages) { EventService.pub("PAGE_COUNT_CHANGED", {pageCount: totalPages, container: containerId}); } }, linkOptions: { events: { "click": function(evt, link){ _fireReportClickEvent(evt, link); } } }, error: function (err) { _handleError("An error occurred while attempting to load the list of reports. " + err.message, err); } });
  3. Have you tried adding plot bands? Then you can add a click event to 2 and 32 and use Visualize to pass a parameter back to Jasper that "unhides" the plot band.
  4. Have you set the report up to be paginated? There are steps you need to take in Jasper studio to make the report HTML appear one page at a time. From there, you can use visualize to page forward and back. Here's a code snippet from our app (we are using AngularJS): var _goToPage = function(pageNum) { var deferred = $q.defer(); $rootScope.isLoading = true; _report.pages(pageNum).run() .done(function(data) { $rootScope.isLoading = false; deferred.resolve(true); }) .fail(function(err) { $rootScope.isLoading = false; deferred.resolve(false); _handleError("An error occurred while trying to load the specified page of this report.", err); }); return deferred.promise; }; Also, you'll need to be able to determine the total number of pages to prevent the user from paging past the end. The way this is implemented in Visualize is a little weird - you need to grab a callback when the report is built, like this: _report = _reportService.report({ resource: uri, container: containerId, runImmediately: false, events: { changeTotalPages: function(totalPages) { EventService.pub("PAGE_COUNT_CHANGED", {pageCount: totalPages, container: containerId}); } }, linkOptions: { events: { "click": function(evt, link){ _fireReportClickEvent(evt, link); } } }, error: function (err) { _handleError("An error occurred while attempting to load the list of reports. " + err.message, err); } });
  5. We have several reports running in production and a user recently reported that the drill down reports are now hanging in Internet Explorer. Upon further investigation, I was able to reproduce, and found that it is the .../reportExecution/.../status call that is causing the issue. Running the same report in Chrome & Firefox, this call takes < 40 ms. In IE (9, 10, 11) this call takes almost 60 seconds. Has anyone else experienced this problem lately? Details: Jasper Pro version 6.1.1 with Visualize.js, running within an AngularJS application URLProtocolMethodResultTypeReceivedTakenInitiatorWait‎‎Start‎‎Request‎‎Response‎‎Cache read‎‎/jasperserver-pro2/rest_v2/reportExecutionsHTTPSPOST200application/json342 B312 msXMLHttpRequest294910902030/jasperserver-pro2/rest_v2/reportExecutions/4d5.../exportsHTTPSPOST200application/json213 B47 msXMLHttpRequest326100470/jasperserver-pro2/rest_v2/reportExecutions/4d5.../exports/c2.../outputResourceHTTPSGET200text/html0.76 MB3.01 sXMLHttpRequest330802995150/jasperserver-pro2/getReportComponents.htmlHTTPSPOST200application/json15.32 KB0.70 sXMLHttpRequest656800468234/jasperserver-pro2/rest_v2/reportExecutions/4d5.../statusHTTPSGET200application/status+json238 B58.43 sXMLHttpRequest854905843800/jasperserver-pro2/rest_v2/reportExecutions/4d5…HTTPSGET200application/json0.51 KB156 msXMLHttpRequest66987787800
  6. I'm experiencing a similar issue on our drill down reports. There is a call to reportExecutions/.../status that runs after the /outputResource call. This /status call is taking under 40ms on Chrome & Firefox, and over a minute on IE. No visible errors or indication of why this would be so slow. Headers all match, etc. VERY FRUSTRATING.
  7. We have successfully integrated Jasper reports into our Angular app. I refactored the Visualize.js code into an Angular service that uses promises and it works pretty well. I posted the simplified source code here: http://community.jaspersoft.com//questions/847542/angularjs-visualizejs
  8. We have integrated Jasper into our AngularJs app by integrating the Visualize.js library. I posted a scaled-down version of the code here: http://community.jaspersoft.com//questions/847542/angularjs-visualizejs Hope that helps! Edited to add: we are using the professional version
  9. Are you getting an error? Can you see the /auth call being made in your browser console? Our token auth looks a little different than yours: visualize({ auth: { token: theToken, tokenName: "ticket" } }, function(v){ _reportService = v; _exportFormats = v.report.exportFormats; }, function(err){ _handleError("An error occurred while attempting to connect to the reporting service. " + err.message, err); });
  10. Hi all, We have created a web application using the Visualize.js library that displays reports from a 6.1.1 Jasper server. We are running into an issue where the call to get the input controls sometimes goes off into the weeds and either never returns, or takes as long as 8-10 minutes (or more) to come back. All of the other web service calls (loading resources/reports, running reports, etc.) complete fine - no timeouts, etc. We are not seeing any errors in the logs to indicate something is going wrong. In general, we can get past this by clearing cache and refreshing the browser a number of times, or restarting the Jasper server. We also see the input controls hang when we take Visualize out of the loop and call Jasper directly. Has anyone else experienced this problem? Any ideas of how to fix it? It's intermittent, so it's a tough one to debug. Thanks, Jen
  11. We are experiencing the same problem. By any chance, did you guys find a resolution yet?
  12. We have successfully integrated Jasper into our AngularJS UI. We created an angular service to handle all the communication between the UI and Jasper and refactored the visualize.js jquery code into separate functions that use promises.
  13. I am running into the same issue - but only on export. I am using the Visualize.js library with AngularJS on the front end. Report renders fine - no breaks, but on export, the XLS renders in multiple segments. Pagination is set to false on the JasperServer. I tried adding the option: "pagination: false" to the export call, but it seems to be completely ignoring the parameter when it makes the actual REST call. My requested export format is there, and if I specify number of pages I can see that too, but pagination: false is never there. Is this a known bug with the Visualize.js library?
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