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Everything posted by sthomas_3

  1. ISSUE:The job tries to load data from Hive tables to MySQL tables, While loading to MySql getting below error while connecting to Hive. "[iNFO ]: hive.metastore - Trying to connect to metastore with URI thrift://ecprodns:9083/ [WARN ]: hive.metastore - Failed to connect to the MetaStore Server... org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException: java.net (https://java.net/) .UnknownHostException: ec1prodns" Resolution:This seems to be a configuration issue and suggest to check on below information:- - First of all, the goal will be to create a metadata connection that will pull the configuration from your cluster directly. The connection should fetch all the services including HDFS, HIVE and other ones which are used. ** While creating the metadata connection to hive, please make sure that the hostname is pointing to the actual hostname and not the nameservice name. * Nameservice name should be given to only node manager & the resource manager and not to hive metastore host.
  2. You may try using table element which should keep the alignment intact.
  3. Hi, You may try removing the elements from the top Manu. You can do by commenting out the following in /WEB-INF/decorators/decorator.jsp <div class="sectionLeft"> <c:if test="${pageProperties['meta.noMenu']==null}"> <div id="mainNavigation" tabindex="2" class="menuRoot menu horizontal primaryNav" js-navtype="actionmenu" role="menubar" aria-label="Main Menu"><!--FIXME ARIA i18n --> <ul id="navigationOptions" js-navtype="actionmenu" data-component-type="navigation"> <li id="main_home" js-navtype="actionmenu" role="menuitem" class="leaf hidden" aria-label="<spring:message code="menu.home"/>" data-title="true"> <p class="wrap button"><span class="icon"></span><spring:message code="menu.home"/></p> </li> <c:if test='<%= !((NavigationActionModelSupport)application.getAttribute("concreteNavigationActionModelSupport")).banUserRole() %>'> <li id="main_library" js-navtype="actionmenu" role="menuitem" class="leaf hidden"> <p class="wrap button"><span class="icon"></span><spring:message code="menu.library"/></p> </li> </c:if> </ul> </div> </c:if> </div>
  4. Hi, "overwrite" will replace the resource if already exists. "overwrite only expression" just updates the expression which is specified in the next tab . It will not replace the resource. "overwrite" option is used when you first create the resource or you want to replace the resource with subsequent publishing. "overwrite only expression" can be used if you don't want to replace the resource in repository.
  5. Hi, Cache control can done through applicationContext-webapp.xml file. Could you try to add below lines for cache control in file /WEB-INF/applicationContext-webapp.xml. <bean p:method="GET" p:urlPattern="/rest_v2/reportExecutions/.*" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.war.httpheaders.HeadersRule"> <property name="headers"> <list> <bean class="org.apache.http.message.BasicHeader"> <constructor-arg value="Cache-Control"/> <constructor-arg value="no-cache,no-store"/> </bean> <bean class="org.apache.http.message.BasicHeader"> <constructor-arg value="Pragma"/> <constructor-arg value="no-cache"/> </bean> </list> </property> </bean> Try adding it under <property name="headersRules">
  6. Hi, If you are looking to connect database with tls then you can change it to TLS 1.2 version by adding "CryptoProtocolVersion=TLSv1.2" in the jdbc oracle driver. Need to check the jdbc url from database vendor for parameters list.
  7. You can try as below: 1) create a style template and apply the styles to the report. 2) create a copy of the style created at first step and then edit the styles with no changes to the names. 3) In the report create a string parameter. 4) In the report where the template has been added just click on expression editor and add the parameter created before. 5) Now when running the report just specify the template name as Input control value. You may create a single select list of template name as values so that users can choose any one. Hope this helps
  8. Hi, While scheduling the report in Jasperreports server , In the Notification tab you will find an option 'Do not send emails for empty reports' This property available in scheduler has two requirements: report query should not return any values, and whenNoDataType property should be set to 'No Pages' Did you try this option out?
  9. How to use $sortByCount in Jaspersoft Studio with MongoDB Native query?Please find below the queryand example used and the output. In the below example it's first trying to unwind the tags and then apply the sortByCount.
  10. How to use $lookup in Jaspersoft Studio with MongoDB Native query? Please find below the query used and the output. In the below example it's creating a join between product and salesfact table and returning the rows under store_data.
  11. Issue:How to remove default value ('---'/'~NOTHING~') value from Single select list of values. Resolution:This is not configurable and needs customization. Will need to modify TIBCO JasperReports® Server source code to make the change. The affected Java class is com/jaspersoft/jasperserver/war/cascade/handlers/InputControlHandler.java /** * Label substitution for empty selection in multiselect controls and for empty value in single-value controls * which sent from or to UI. * @see {@link BasicInputControlHandler#fillStateValue} */ public static final String NOTHING_SUBSTITUTION_LABEL = "---";Additionally need to do the change in SingleSelectListInputControlHandler.class. Need to recompile the class and package it again.
  12. Issue:How to remove PPT option from list of exports for reports in Jasperreports server. [toc]Resolution:Edit file <your_installation>jasperserver-proWEB-INFflowsviewReportBeans.xml . At the very bottom of this file, you will find the following section, which allows you to enable/disable exporters: Comment below line : <entry key="pptx" value-ref="pptxExporterConfiguration"/> Need to restart application after change.
  13. Issue:Date format not reflected in Jasperserver after setting below property in jasperreports.properties file . net.sf.jasperreports.text.pattern.date=MM/dd/yyyy net.sf.jasperreports.text.pattern.datetime=MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss Resolution:The format was set correctly for in the properties file. Also they had a style format set earlier with dd/MM/YYYY , but it was de selected in the field properties. The issue was the previously set style was still taking effect. To remove the effect can do reset of elements under the Text Field properties Inheritance tab.
  14. How to Calculate Count, Sum, and Average in Jaspersoft Studio MongoDB Native query?Please find below the query used and the output.
  15. sthomas_3

    mongo db max operator

    Issue:How to use max operator in TIBCO Jaspersoft® Studio native query? Solution:From mongodb version 3.2 max operator can be used in $group and $project. Below is the query and output screenshot.
  16. How to connect Mongo DB 3.4 in TIBCO Jaspersoft® Studio?You can connect from Jaspersoft® Studio to Mongo DB with or without the credentials. Make sure you are specifying the database being conected to. In the above screenshots , it's connecting to test database.
  17. COuld you try to add tibco oracle driver that is tibcosoftware.jdbc.oracle.oracleDriver
  18. In 7.1 version you can browse to /scripts/bower_components/jquery-ui/ui/jquery.ui.datepicker.js file. You can explore options with below lines yearRange: "c-10:c+10", // Range of years to display in drop-down, // either relative to today's year (-nn:+nn), relative to currently displayed year // (c-nn:c+nn), absolute (nnnn:nnnn), or a combination of the above (nnnn:-n)
  19. what type of authentication is it? Also is there any custom class used?
  20. Hi, cursor_copy.cur is a file at path /themes/default/images/cursor_copy.cur. Could you check if that file is missing or you may try to apply different theme.
  21. Are the data through database or some Parameter.? You may try to add if condition while you select the Expression field if $P{month number}==1 then "January" elseif and so on.
  22. I have created below procedure : CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE prc_JasperEmployeeData(LoggedInUserName varchar2,LoggedInFullName varchar2, emp_cursor OUT sys_refcursor) IS BEGIN OPEN emp_cursor FOR SELECT username,fullname FROM jiuser where username =LoggedInUserName and fullname=LoggedInFullName; END; / and from Jaspersoft studio called the procedure as below {call emplist_proc($P{LoggedInUserName},$P{LoggedInFullName},$P{emp_cursor})} This returns the value as expected. You may have manually create fields to get the values.
  23. sthomas_3

    charts not loading

    Issue:Cannot run any chart based reports, ad hoc or Dashboards, even samples. When you open one the "Please Wait" box pops up and it just sticks on loading. Resolution:The issue was caused due to one of ad blocker installed in chrome. Removing the plugin got the charts to load again.
  24. Use Case:Need to hide "save button" on input control Dailog based on logged in user Role. example: Role: superuser -> display user -> hide Resolution:You need to add below taglib in /WEB-INF/jsp/modules/viewReport/ViewReport.jsp after <%@ taglib prefix="fn" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/functions" %> <%@ taglib prefix="authz" uri="http://www.springframework.org/security/tags" %> Then need to locate <button id="save"... and add open and end tag as below. <authz:authorize ifAnyGranted="ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR"> <button id="save" class="button action up" ${isReportReadOnly ? 'disabled="disabled"':''}><span class="wrap"><spring:message code="button.save" javaScriptEscape="true"/> <span class="icon"></span></span></button> </authz:authorize>You can add where ever you see <button id="save"...>
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