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  1. Hi Team, I Have 2 input control one for start date and one for end date of type datetime added in a report. I have to create third multi select input control displaying all the dates between above two selected date range parameters. So that user can select the dates which he/she want to exclude in the calculation. Is it Possible in JasperServer . Its Quite Urgent. Please Help. Thanks in Advance :)
  2. Hi Team, I have created a report in cabi jasper report server which displays the results by filtering data within a selected period range. I am using the two input controls of type date so that the user can select the period beginning and period end date. The problem i am facing is that the calendar is displaying future dates too. I want to restrict the calendar to the present date only. However, if we can't restrict it , can we validate the input control to pop up an error immediately if the user selects the date greater then the present date or some pop up error message if the user selects start date greater than the end date. Can anyone help me on this ? Thanks in Advance.
  3. Dear Team, I created a report using Jaspersoft studio and then publish it to the cabi jasper report server. I mapped the parameters to the input controls that is created from jasper server end. Report is created to provide records between a given period of time range.I am giving input using Input control of Datatype time. Report is created to provide records between a given period of time range and is giving correct results when executed from the jasper soft studio.But, in case of cabi jasper report server , when i am giving the input values using input controls i am not getting the result as expected .When i checked thoroughly, i found time control is always having values in (Am) irrespective of the time selected from the input control and showing future date automatically along with the time. Please Help.Thanks in advance. With Regards Girish Gandhi
  4. Hi Team , I want to publish a report using jaspersoft studio . As i am new to jaspersoft , I dont have much knowledge about its syntax for writing the sql query that will contain the parameters. I have the following query written and is currently working on sql management studio . The Query filters the records between given specified date and time range based on the condtions. I want the below mentioned query to get its syntax changed that will work sucessfully and will be supported in jaspersoft studio to publish report. ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ DECLARE @Start_Date DATE='2018-08-14' DECLARE @S_TIME TIME='09:00:0.000' DECLARE @E_TIME TIME='17:00:0.000' DECLARE @E_DATE DATE='2018-10-24' DECLARE @DateRange Int=1 DECLARE @Business_Hours INT=1 if(@DateRange=1 and @Business_Hours=1) select *from sampletable where cast(sampletime as date) between @Start_Date and @E_Date and cast(sampletime as time) between @S_TIME and @E_TIME else if(@DateRange=0 and @Business_Hours=1) select *from sampletable where cast(sampletime as time) between @S_TIME and @E_TIME else if(@DateRange=1 and @Business_Hours=0) select *from sampletable where cast(sampletime as date) between @Start_Date and @E_Date else if(@DateRange=0 and @Business_Hours=0) select *from sampletable ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Explanation - Query prints records from the table using if else condition . Whatever condition evaluates true query will filter records between give date period and given time period. Query uses @DateRange Int=1 , @Business_Hours INT=1 as a flag variable . sampletime is the DATETIME type field in my table sampletable DECLARE @Start_Date DATE='2018-08-14' DECLARE @S_TIME TIME='09:00:0.000' DECLARE @E_TIME TIME='17:00:0.000' DECLARE @E_DATE DATE='2018-10-24' DECLARE @DateRange Int=1 DECLARE @Business_Hours INT=1 These Variables values, I need to take from parameters and using input controls created in the report. If we change the values of @DateRange , @Business_Hours variables query result will get changed. Please help . Thanks in Advance
  5. Hi Team I want to make some changes in pre-existing report that uses two subreports.For updating overall report functionality , i have to go through the query of each subreport ,but i am not able to find the query working in background for the sub reports as subreport's jrxml file isnt being listed beneath the parentreport jrxml file in jaspersoft studio. Please Help Thanks
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