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  1. So this is the concept I want to achive: A report has a single-value list input control, and depending on which value is chosen, the report's query uses field in the results set. Example: Input values: Country, State, City, District SELECTCASE WHEN P{InputList} = 'country' THEN s.country WHEN P{InputList} = 'state' THEN s.state WHEN P{InputList} = 'city' THEN s.city ELSE s.district END AS locality,SUM(s.sales) AS sales FROM sales_table sGROUP BY CASE WHEN P{InputList} = 'country' THEN s.country WHEN P{InputList} = 'state' THEN s.state WHEN P{InputList} = 'city' THEN s.city ELSE s.district ENDWhen I try this kind of query, it complains that the correct field is not present in the GROUP BY clause. Also, I am only assuming I can reference the parameter (which has the exact same name as the input control itself) that way, because the documentation for this kind of input control doesn't actually describe how to use the value selected.
  2. So apparently Jaspersoft Studio 5.6.2 doesn't allow "special symbols" in user names when setting up a server connection. As a concept I can understand that, but all of the user names in my company have a dot in them, and apparently this qualifies as a "special symbol", so in 5.6.2 none of us can connect to Jasper Server anymore to uploads reports. Is there a way around this? (without rolling back to a version where it worked) And is it going to be fixed in 5.6.3?
  3. I've tried looking for existing answers on this, but any semi-relevant articles I can find either don't make sense to me, or don't work. So... I have what I thought was a pretty simply scenario in that I have two different databases, each of which has their own data adaptor set up and working in both Jasper Studio and Jasper Server. One is a Redshift database, the other is a MySQL database. There's information in both that we'd like to compare in a report, and I need a way to do that. I don't really mind if that solution is a bunch of separate Datasets, each using a different connection, or subreports, or whatever. But I need to end up with: Master Report using any data adaptor, doesn't matterTable 1 using Data Adaptor 1Table 2 using Data Adaptor 2Obviously I can easily create several datasets within the same report, eash using their own data adaptor, but then when I want to plug those datasets into a report element, say a table, that element needs to be told which connection to use, and "the one the dataset uses" isn't an option. Similarly I can create subreports which exlusively use one data adapator, but again there doesn't seem to be a way for the Master Report to instruct the subreport elements to use their own data adaptors. Thoughts? Thanks.
  4. This is going to be a little difficult to explain, but hopefully it gets the message across. I want to nest two groups in a report, with the desired output being it produces every value in the inner group for every value in the outer group. Instead, it's producing every value in the outer group, for every value in the inner group. For illustration, I WANT it to do this: GROUP 1 value 1 Group 2 value 1 Group 2 value 2 Group 2 value 3 ------------------------ GROUP 1 value 2 Group 2 value 1 Group 2 value 2 Group 2 value 3 etc. What it's actually doing: GROUP 1 value 1 Group 2 value 1 --------------------------- GROUP 1 value 2 Group 2 value 1 -------------------------- GROUP 1 value 3 Group 2 value 1 ------------------------ GROUP 1 value 1 Group 2 value 2 ----------------------- GROUP 1 value 2 Group 2 value 2 etc. Any ideas welcome. Thanks
  5. So you're percentages aren't stored in a field in the data source? You're creating them in the report for each value from the number field?
  6. Why not store or create the % values as decimals? 0.3, 0.4 etc.? Then they'd sum correctly, and all you'd need to do in the report is set the display pattern to be a percentage.
  7. So I'm getting this error from a report which is simply a series of crosstabs. It seems to be the column headers that are throwing the exception, and the method for filling the cells - something to do with the width or height it's being told to use being too small? But I have no idea which cell is at fault. This runs with no problems at all in Jasper Studio and only fails on the server. And when run, everything fits happily in the cells, including when exporting to Excel etc. Anyone else encounter this? Googling is useless, it only finds sites which have, for some reason, copy/pasted a bunch of Jasper source code. Cheers.
  8. Hi Lucian, thanks for the reply. Does that also apply to things like CONCATENATE() and IF(), etc. I'm getting the same errors for those now that I've removed all uses of DATE() and DATE_FORMAT(). It's making my report look quite ugly, to be honest, because I can't format things how I want them (without breaking the ordering), but hopefully it'll be fixed in JasperServer 5.2.
  9. Hi, After building a new report in Jaspersoft Studio 5.2, which works perfectly, I'm finding it get a bunch of exceptions thrown once it's been uploaded to JasperServer. The report contains a series of CrossTab elements, and several of the TextField boxes contain methods such as DateFormat(), Date(), and Concatenate(), mainly used to display certain values in the required way for users. All of these throw MissingMethodException on JasperServer, usually stating that the method accepts parameters of certain types, then giving an example of the values it's received, which are of course of the type it claims to require. Here's an example: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: Daily32Detailed32Marketing_CROSSTAB2_1373458176594_741565.DATE() is applicable for argument types: (java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer) values: [2013, 5, 1] Possible solutions: wait(), any(), dump(), find(), grep() Is the problem some kind of incompatibility between groovy methods and java data types? Or something classpath related on JasperServer?
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