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Everything posted by szadroga

  1. Changed Status from Resolved to Feedback Requested this appears to have been marked resolved. I opened a new instance JS Studio 6.0 and I still see the same issue. I have attached 2 screenshots.
  2. I have created a case in Tracker for this issue
  3. how do i go about creating a case in Tracker?
  4. I am using the following SQL but for some reason NOT EXISTS is being underlined as being incorrect. The query still works and I am able to build my report in JS Studio 6 but can't figure out what the arguement is SELECT * FROM dsat_export WHERE serial_item = 'Y' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM oracle_export WHERE oracle_export.serial_number=dsat_export.serial_number);
  5. I want to create a report using MS Access as the data source. How do I go about setting up MS Access as a data adapter in JS Studio 5.6.2? I am running Office 2010 64bit
  6. The user who knew the "jasperadmin" password on our PROD server is no longer with the company. Is there a way to reset the jasperadmin password? Would resetting the password cause any issues?
  7. Is this for JS Server 5.6.2 or JS Studio 5.6.2? The input controls are displayed on JS Server...
  8. I have created 2 input controls on Jasperserver (startDate and endDate). These appear when a report is ran, but the order of them is currently endDate then startDate. How do i get them to display startDate then endDate? I tried deleting the startDate input control and recreating this way it would be newer than the endDate, but it still does not appear first. seems to just be alphabetical
  9. Is this still current. Is there no way of reordering/sorting input controls on how they layout. I have a startdate and enddate controls and currently enddate appears first. need that switched. i have access to server and using studio 5.6.1
  10. I have the following expression that is valid in iReport but when copied into Studio I am getting an error message that the expression is not valid. Studio does not like the Period "." before format in the second half of the expression. any thoughts? both ireport and studio are using java as the language (new SimpleDateFormat("'This report was generated on' EEEE, MMMM d, yyyy 'at' h:mm:ss a.")).format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime())
  11. I am running the commercial edition and tried the adding the piece of code to the LDAP external config file (at the end but inside the </beans> tag), but still no luck. Anything else I am missing? <bean id="ldapExternalTenantProcessor" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.multipleTenancy.security. externalAuth.processors.ldap.LdapExternalTenantProcessor" parent="abstractExternalProcessor"> <property name="ldapContextSource" ref="ldapContextSource" /> <property name="multiTenancyService"> <ref bean="internalMultiTenancyService"/></property> <property name="excludeRootDn" value="true"/> <!-- to place externals users in a single organization, make sure this list is empty --> <property name="organizationRDNs"> <list> </list> </property> <!-- to set the organization for all users, add this property --> <property name="defaultOrganization" value="organization_1"/> </bean>
  12. I have a new instance of JasperReports Server 5.6 that has AD authentication working. Within the logs, you can see the user login and all the AD Groups are referenced but when I go into the front end console as "jasperadmin" I am not seeing the users or groups under the manage option. Is there some "hidden" location where these users/groups exist?
  13. I have a new instance of JasperReports Sever 5.6 and I need to copy already established data sources from our PROD repository to this new instance. Is there a way to do this in iReport 5.5? if not, what are my other options?
  14. In iReport, when I right click on a report file I do not get the export option. I only get Open in editor Replace with current document Delete Run JasperServer Report I am running iReport Designer Pro 5.5.0 Refresh Properties
  15. If I have already installed the software using the packaged bundle, is there a way to now point to an existing Postgres DB?
  16. I stood up a new instance of JasperReports Server (5.6) on a testing environment and I was wondering if I can connect this with an existing repository?
  17. I stood up another JaserReports Server (testing environment) instance and I am looking to import a set of current reports. Is there a way to take the JRXML from a report in our PROD environment and copy it to notepad and copy that JRXML into this new testing environment?
  18. I am running a 32 bit Linux VM and trying to download the "jasperreports-server-5.6-linux-x86-installer.run" using the command " wget https://d2ev2buidpvgfo.cloudfront.net/5.6/jasperreports-server-5.6-linux-x86-installer.run" but I am getting a permission denied error message. I tried putting in my credentials in the command line, but still no luck. I also tried a different URL ("wget https://d2ev2buidpvgfo.cloudfront.net") but I get a 403 Forbidden error message. Am I using the wrong URL?
  19. I am working on a Linux box via a terminal session (SSH) and I am looking to unistall/remove previous versions of the software. Currently there are versions for 4.2.1, 4.5, and 5.2.
  20. I have a terminal session into a Linux 32 bit box (SSH) and I am looking to install the latest version of JasperReports Server (5.6). I am new to Linux so any help is appreciated.
  21. hozawa, i noticed in other posts you mention iReports becoming depreciated. When is this tool slated to become obsolete. What should I use as its replacement?
  22. here are my PC specs: 16 GB RAM Windows 7 64 bit The current values for XMS and XMX are the following. What should i update them to? -J-Xms24m -J-Xmx512m -J I do have Java installed on my machine. How would i go about setting the jdkhome value? replacing the
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