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Everything posted by lmbaptista

  1. Someone can tell me what happening since I'm using Studio 5.6.2 and this problem persists?
  2. Since no one says a word, I 'll keep talking to myself. Now I can see tables from "Information_schema" and "System Lobs", but my "Public (Current)" schema is completely empty. All tables are hidden or just not visible. Can you tell me why, please? Thanks in advance
  3. I downloaded the beta version available in: http://sourceforge.net/projects/jasperstudio/files/beta-release/packages/ but the problem is still the same.
  4. Changed Resolution from Fixed to Reopened Changed Status from Closed to Feedback Requested Changed Assigned User from @User_306070 to @anonymous Hello,this problem persist in JS Studio 5.6.2 Community Edition x86 (like in the beta version presently released) in Ubuntu 14.04 with MySQL 5.6.16.Any fast fix?
  5. sorry... not an answer. just a comment (and I can't delete this)
  6. Hello, I'm using jaspersoft studio in Ubuntu 4.04 with MySQL 5.6.16 and java connector 5.1.33 I created a data adapter and test was succeded but when creating a new report, this connection have no metadata associated with it. I can't see no tables. This problem was reported previously and solved but I think it was soilved only for windows edition because I just can't find a fix for Ubuntu. Anyone can help me? Thanks in advance
  7. Thanks for your reply Hozawa. I not only checked the manual like I also search the web for some hints. Right now I created a second parameter to include a "If clause" and I have this: $P{GENDER} To select the GENDERID (since it's a test, I'm using 1 and 2) and with Prompting $P{ALLGENDER} with the default expression: $P{GENDER} == null ? "GENDERID>O":"GENDERID = " + $P{GENDER} and without prompting In the Query Editor I use: SELECT * FROM "CANDIDATES" where $P!{ALLGENDER} This works fine when I select a gender (1 or 2), but once again, if I left the parameter null I get the message "The report requires that you specify the value for some parameters before running it." Any suggestions? Thanks in advance
  8. Hi all, hope you can help me. I have several filters (parameters) in my report like gender, eye color, hair, etc. The user can select each characteristic or left it blank. When left blank, the report should return all records. For each filter I started to use something like: SELECT * FROM CANDIDATES where $P{GEND} = GENDER but this way the parameter can't be left blank. How can I change the script in order to allow blank filters to return all options? Thanks in advance
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