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Everything posted by mvcoile

  1. Changed Priority from Normal to High Changed Assigned User from @User_306070 to @anonymous Note: external preview is ALWAYS 1 run behind.
  2. Ah I see. It would be more intuitive to have the paste option in the properties dialog also. People who aren't you or me will never figure out that you can (must) paste those properties onto the element in the designer. Kind regards, Maarten @ Yesplan
  3. Changed Severity from Critical to Block Changed Assigned User from - to @User_306070 There is no difference between the preview button below or the green play button. both return old files.
  4. Changed Resolution from Fixed to Reopened Changed Status from Resolved to Acknowledged Hi,I notice you forgot the paste part. I can copy, but I'm not seeing a paste option. cmd-v doesn't work either.Kind regards,Maarten @ Yesplan
  5. Thank you. 1) We build a jrxml generator that produces a jrxml with the correct fields in main and subdata sets. We use these as a foundation. (highly dynamic fields) 2) We did not use the "queryString" in the past, because we use more complex expressions that talk directly with the provider plugin. Maybe not the most elegant solution we have build, but definitely one that is quite flexible to (attempt to) match the dynamic nature of our main product. Kind regards, Maarten @ Yesplan
  6. Yes, me and all my colleagues are still experiencing this. I tried reproducing this on a Windows VM, same issue. For testing purposes, I attached a 'base' file that will trigger the issue with 100% chance on Mac and windows with any recent version go JSS. Steps: - Change a name of an existing parameter. Our common setup: Java 7, JSS 6.0.3, Mac OS X 10.10.2 (14C109) Kind regards, Maarten @ Yesplan
  7. Changed Severity from Critical to Block Changed Reproducibility from Sometimes to Always System Message
  8. Changed Assigned User from - to @User_306070 Tested and stripped using Library 5.6, using iReport and Studio on Mac.Also tested on Windows Studio 6.0.1
  9. Thank you! I've read that you fixed it, it sounds nice! Is there a timeline for the 6.0.2 already?
  10. Changed Assigned User from - to @User_306070 JSS even removes the custom data provider (-s) I added. It's quite ridicules to see.
  11. "About the missing image" Well no, I should make a screencast, but a little low on free time at the moment. (since you'll need one that shows mouse clicks) I'll try and describe: - select an element with plenty of attributes applied to it - go to inheritance - hover over the delete attribute button of the first one - from now on, don't move your mouse - click to delete the attribute: it goes away - the next attribute moves up and under your cursor - now you should see that the delete button of this next attribute does not appear! - clicking again does not remove this attribute, it would be nice if it would. - move mouse to make remove button appear
  12. You call this a bit? I have not succeeded at moving a single field correctly! The whole point is that it doesn't even take into account the correct level! Show me a screencast of yourself successfully moving fields in-between groups (and lists, because if you're not paying attention, the fields will disappear into them) in JSS on Mac and then you can say "wouldn't define this critical".
  13. Changed Assigned User from - to @User_306070 May this have something to do that we have parameters with our own java classes?
  14. There seem to be a lot of bugs in swt... This is a rather critical one!!
  15. Ah, I see I was wrong now. I haven't played with iReport much myself. Indeed, you only have a reset style option. Although, I don't see the usecase for a reset on a style. I'd assume attributes on styles are simple and focussed, while attributes on report elements can quickly become more then 10. Deliberately resetting them allows a style element to control the attributes of the element again. I might even select a couple of element to reset at the same time and then set the predefined style. Kind regards, Maarten @ Yesplan
  16. Hi, Yes, I confirm that there is a refresh problem. What I would like, though, is an action that removes all "Element attributes" that were set directly on the element itself. Of course, not the attributes that get applied through Default or Styles. Kind regards, Maarten @ Yesplan
  17. Update: disabling template set removes this behaviour. I've attached my template.
  18. Yes, I'm using the template set as you suggested. No, I'm not using style template. However they have they have no styles applied (besides the jasper default ones). The styles applied include border lines (0) that I have not set or even touched in the template. See images. I see this on static text and text fields. But did not test further. Kind regards, Maarten @ Yesplan
  19. I tested with the new 5.6.2 v201409091438 beta, and no it's not fixed. When I drag to reorder a group and drop it with the insert indication (the line with the little ball on the left), it drops the group INSIDE the NEXT group instead of in front. Kind regards, Maarten @ Yesplan
  20. Immediately editing a parameter after previewing a report usually causes this also.
  21. Changed Priority from High to Immediate Changed Status from Feedback Requested to Acknowledged Again, this issue is just the tip of the iceberg. This is the indication that JSS is going wrong. Edits are no longer saved, copy-paste starts failing... In a way I'm glad I can spot it early on and save before I lose too many changes.With the latest build and just working on a report (nothing too special, not even manipulating subdatasets) I'm encountering it every 30 minutes.
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