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Everything posted by nthapa

  1. Did you add resource-ref to web.xml? It generally is in following format <resource-ref> <description>XX</description> <res-ref-name>jdbc/db2_jasper</res-ref-name> <res-type>javax.sql.DataSource</res-type> <res-auth>Container</res-auth> </resource-ref>
  2. Starting with JRS 6.0, heatmaps are available.
  3. Not sure if you already noticed it but you can save the filename using Timestamp and you can specify timestamp pattern. Create Schedule -> output. Sequential File Names by Timestamp Timestamp Pattern:
  4. Oops, didnt catch that, yes, you seem to somehow overwritten your xml file with content from .properties file. If you could get the xml file you dont need to reinstall.
  5. Make sure you save the datasource inside the datasource folder either inside public or organization. HTH.
  6. Here is a chart that shows the difference between the editions: http://www.jaspersoft.com/editions The community edition provides a repository and the related security to enable self-service report execution and scheduling under the AGPL v3 license, which allows you to use it for free for your own use but does not allow it to be included as part of a commercial product or SaaS application. The commercial edition provides additional features such as ad hoc report creation, dashboard design, a semantic data abstraction layer with row and column level data security, auditing capabilities, multi-tenancy, etc. all under a commercial license to allow use and distribution within a commercial product.
  7. It is hard to say why you are having the problem without getting some more information, but if it is possible to upgrade JRS 6.0 offers advanced dashboard. that might be one avenue you can try.
  8. Although I cannot say for certain right now, but this problem might have been fixed in newer version of JRS. specially 5.6 and above. I think there was some work on similar issue.
  9. Just for the shake of testing could you please remove all the commented line and also make sure there are no hidden characters except for what you see. NOTE: please make a backup before you do the changes.
  10. Please look into /WEB-INF/applicationContext-events-logging.xml, the first line should have some space or wanted characters. Have a look at this discussion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5138696/org-xml-sax-saxparseexception-content-is-not-allowed-in-prolog
  11. To wipe out the WARN log in to JRS then Manage ->Server settings -> log settings Create new row on right hand side of the screen put "net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.GenericElementHandlerEnviroment" in the box and select error in the dropdown, that should restrict the log to only error for that particular class.
  12. URL http://superuser:superuser@localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro/rest_v2/roles/newrole put / (application/json) {"name":"newrole","tenantID":"organization_1","externallyDefined":"true"} It creates role newrole. HTH.
  13. If I am not wrong, what you are looking for is feature we call user attributes/ profile attribute, that lets you define differenet user specific value for different attribute. And use can use those attribute to define datasources and so forth. Those attributes are referenced as {attribute('attributeName')}. Please review JasperReports-Server-Web-Services-Guide.pdf, with JRS 6.0 that feature has been even more enhanced, but for your requirement earlier vesion should work as well.
  14. mvn-mirror=http://mvnrepo.jaspersoft.com:8081/artifactory/repo HTH
  15. You can also make request in this format, which might be what you are looking for http://<username>:<password>@localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro/rest_v2/ eg. http://superuser:superuser@localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro/rest_v2/ HTH.
  16. Its complaining that its not able to find org.jboss.teiid:teiid-engine:jar:8.6.0.Final. What kind of maven reporsitory are you using? online or local?
  17. I realize it is a pretty old post, but yes JRS exposes different kinds of webservice. Please refer to JasperReports-Server-Web-Services-Guide.pdf.
  18. Here is the summary. Jasperreports: This comes bundles with jasperreport ServerJaspersoft studio: this is used to design sophisticated report and layout. Depending on your requirement, you might want to use it.Jasperreport server: This is the server, You can use it to view your report, or even better call the webservices to get access to the report through your php code. Jasperreport Server is what you might be looking for to begin with. But depending on your requirement, you might have to add jaspersoft studio.
  19. This might also be useful. https://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/820159/aws-unable-connect-redshift
  20. Did you go through this document http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/v561/jaspersoft-aws-user-guide, page 6 ?
  21. There are couple of ways that you could use: - Use Webservices exposed by JRS ( please go through JasperReports-Server-Web-Services-Guide.pdf ) - Use visualize.js, this is framework tha you can utilize to embed jasper reports into your WEB application (http://community.jaspersoft.com/project/visualizejs). Thanks.
  22. Did you get a chance to look at this thread? http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/505944/dynamically-shift-columns-compiled-report http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/516044/too-many-columns-urgent That seems to be what you are looking for. HTH,
  23. It seems like that you are running out of memory, could you please verify and increase the memory size?
  24. I completely agree to what you are saying, infact JRBaseDataset is serializable in itself but this is a pretty intensive class and some of the component that gets generated for any particular report might not be serializable and that seems to be the main reason. I am not sure what are the components you have on your report, that is one possible route to take.
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