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Everything posted by abroitman

  1. Thank you for the extra details. I have a few follow up questions based on the above. When using ad-hoc, are you using Topics or Domains? Can you please attach a screenshot of your ad-hoc cache after trying to run one of the reports which fail. (Go to manage -> server settings -> Ad-Hoc Cache -> Find your query). If you cannot add a screenshot, please share the results for the following:Query/FetchMemory UsedRows (Click on the query to get this data point)Please share the server logs for your query execution, to configure the server to track your execution do the following:As superuser, go to Manage/Server settings/Log settings, and set the following to DEBUG:Ad Hoc cache activity (CachedData): Logs the lifetime of cached data setsAd Hoc AJAX requests (adhocAjaxRequests): Logs details about server requests for the Ad Hoc UI, including timingsRun your ad-hoc reportSearch Jaspersoft server log for the events above (use name in parenthesis as the search term, i.e CachedData)Post the resultsThanks, Assaf
  2. Hi, I'm sorry to hear you're not getting the performance you expected from the Jaspersoft server. We have many users and use cases of successful large deployments with high performance so I'm confident we can, with some more details, identify the root cause for the issues you outline. RedShift is indeed a very fast BigData DWH, however, there are a few places performance issues can initiate, from the queries optimization, cache settings and Jasperserver configuration. Can you answer the following questions: Are you experiencing the issues in reports or when using Ad-Hoc data explorationAre you trying to list 1,000,000 rows or are you aggregating them?Is the issue happen when rendering a large table of data, chars or both?Can you share the configuration of your AWS Ad-Hoc (Go to Manage -> Server Setting -> Ad-Hoc settings)Ad Hoc Dataset Row LimitAd Hoc Query Timeout (seconds)Optimize Queries for Domain-based ReportsOptimize Queries for JDBC-based ReportsWith this information we can begin estimating where the issue may be located and focus our next steps. Thanks, Assaf
  3. Nalla, A few follow up questions on this issue: How did you delete the users?Can you please attach the error / exception you're seeing to this post?Thanks, Assaf
  4. Ruben, The error you outline is due to an input validation control failure which is part of securing your reports. You can read more about it here: http://community.jaspersoft.com/sites/default/files/docs/jasperreports-server-admin-guide.pdf on page 103. Can you outline how was the report created? (Was this a topic or domain and was it created using iReport?) Thanks, Assaf
  5. Hi, We have escalated your issue to our technical team and will be responsing as soon as possible. We apologize for the issue you're experiencing.
  6. Hi, Here is a link to a page detailing how to perform a date range search on documents: http://cookbook.mongodb.org/patterns/date_range/ Please note, that while Jaspersoft is allowing and enabling a connection to MongoDB, the query language documentation and support are provided by MongoDB. Thanks, Assaf
  7. Hi Philipp, With useHTML=true, Highcharts creates HTML DOM elements in addition to the SVG document. The server side renderer is not familiar with the HTML input and generates the error you see. I have opened a bug on this issue. Apologize for the inconvenience, Assaf
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