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  1. <queryString language="MongoDbQuery"> <![CDATA[{ collectionName: 'orders', findQuery : { customer: 12834, _id: { '$gte': ObjectId(Math.floor((new Date() - (1000*60*60*24*1) / 1000).toString(16) + "0000000000000000") } }, sort: { attr.order_No: -1 } }]]> </queryString>[/code] Whats the correct usage for that? Why is the documentation so whack? Can anybody provide information on the Date object usage or how to get Documents within the past N days ?
  2. http://community.jaspersoft.com/sites/all/libraries/pdf.js/web/viewer.html?file=http://community.jaspersoft.com/system/files/documentation/jasperreports-ultimate-guide-3.pdf#page=3&zoom=0,330.2,622.3 Link does not work from http://community.jaspersoft.com/project/jasperreports-library/resources Where is the ultimate guide? Its here: (Cant delete question or answer my own) http://community-static.jaspersoft.com/system/files/documentation/jasperreports-ultimate-guide-3.pdf But from 2011
  3. Consider the following data: { "test": "value1", "attr": { "gender": "male" }, "blarg": 1234 }[/code]When I change my simple report from using test to using attr.gender,it fails because of the dot, or how the array element gets accessed. Error filling print... Key is null in pie dataset.Setting up the file resolver...net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: Key is null in pie dataset.[/code]It works with "$F{test}" (string) but it does not work with "$F{attr.gender}" (string)!
  4. You have to login first and keep the jsessionid for further requests. If you are using PHP, have a look at this library which contains basic access to jasper server: https://github.com/flowl/jasper/
  5. I need to make a report with different chapters like 'browser report' and 'country report'. I want to loop through an array, make a new page for every chapter and include a sub report in that page for each chapter. This does not work yet, can you help? <variable name="chapters" class="java.util.List"> <variableExpression><![CDATA[java.util.Arrays.asList("browser", "country")]]></variableExpression> <initialValueExpression><![CDATA[new java.util.ArrayList()]]></initialValueExpression> </variable> <group name="ChapterGroup" isStartNewPage="true" keepTogether="true"> <groupExpression><![CDATA[$V{chapters}]]></groupExpression> <groupHeader> <band height="20" splitType="Stretch"> </band> </groupHeader> <groupFooter> <band height="20" splitType="Stretch"> </band> </groupFooter> </group>
  6. I have the same problem, all java applications use my jre but jasper studio can't find it. I updated the PATH variable and it's now able to find the JRE, but another error appears: "Failed to load the JNI shared library "....binclientjvm.dll" The file is available, it just seems Jasper Studio does not work with jre7
  7. I found out that child ResourceDescriptors are references to themselves, so I had to add: PROP_RU_IS_REFERENCE = truePROP_RU_REFERENCE_URI = uriString for it to work!
  8. Dots represent rn PUT /jasperserver/rest/resource/reports/Customers/3221/Wasser1 HTTP/1.1.Host: */*.Cookie: JSESSIONID=D170F2EA5110E4ADA55515C8F1B4D68F.X-HTTP-Method-Override: PUT.Content-Length: 1697.. <resourcedescriptor isnew="true" name="Wasser1" uristring="/reports/Customers/3221/Wasser1" wstype="reportUnit"> <label> <!--[CDATA[test_report(test.jrxml)]]--> </label> <description> <!--[CDATA[Wasser1 generated by Jasper.php through REST Mon, 15 Jul 2013 09:57:56 +0200]]--> </description> <resourceproperty name="PROP_PARENT_FOLDER"> <value> <!--[CDATA[/reports/Customers/3221]]--> </value> </resourceproperty> <resourceproperty name="PROP_HAS_DATA"> <value> <!--[CDATA[false]]--> </value> </resourceproperty> <resourceproperty name="PROP_IS_REFERENCE"> <value> <!--[CDATA[false]]--> </value> </resourceproperty> <resourceproperty name="PROP_RESOURCE_TYPE"> <value> <!--[CDATA[com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.jasperreports.domain.ReportUnit]]--> </value> </resourceproperty> <resourceproperty name="PROP_RU_ALWAYS_PROPMT_CONTROLS"> <value> <!--[CDATA[false]]--> </value> </resourceproperty> <resourceproperty name="PROP_RU_CONTROLS_LAYOUT"> <value> <!--[CDATA[1]]--> </value> </resourceproperty> <resourcedescriptor isnew="false" name="test02" uristring="/reports/Customers/3221/test02" wstype="jrxml"> <label> <!--[CDATA[test02 Report]]--> </label> <description> <resourceproperty name="PROP_PARENT_FOLDER"> <value> <!--[CDATA[/reports/Customers/3221]]--> </value> </resourceproperty> <resourceproperty name="PROP_HAS_DATA"> <value> <!--[CDATA[true]]--> </value> </resourceproperty> <resourceproperty name="PROP_IS_REFERENCE"> <value> <!--[CDATA[false]]--> </value> </resourceproperty> <resourceproperty name="PROP_RESOURCE_TYPE"> <value> <!--[CDATA[com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.metadata.common.domain.FileResource]]--> </value> </resourceproperty> <resourceproperty name="PROP_SECURITY_PERMISSION_MASK"> <value> <!--[CDATA[31]]--> </value> </resourceproperty> </description> </resourcedescriptor></resourcedescriptor>[/code]Response: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request.The request sent by the client was syntactically incorrect (). What can be wrong?
  9. awesome! been looking for this the whole week now
  10. thanks. I can't find anything about uploading jrxml files and let them auto compile by the webservice or jasper. are you sure, you upload a jrxml file, without hitting it on ireports or anything, and just run it? What webservice call to use to upload+compile ?
  11. I use 5.1.0 Commnunity Edition. You do not compile reports? Can you show how to do it? I know the request for report execution is like: http://:/jasperserver[-pro]/ rest_v2/reports /path/to/report . ? where is one of the following: html, pdf, xls, rtf, csv, xml, jrprint But whats the request for upload + (pre)compile? Thx!
  12. I can upload jrxml files into jrs via standart web gui on tomcat, but you can't run these reports without compiling. Because only compiled files are stored as/in ReportUnits
  13. I cannot use the standart JRS GUI running on Tomcat. I want a custom gui that talks to jasper via webservice
  14. I cannot run jrxml files as reports. They have to be compiled first. MMy solution now is to compile the jrxml via ANT to .jasper files, and here the solution for deploying: In the postgresql database there are 3 tables for Folders (`jiresourcefolder`), Resources (`jiresource`), ReportUnits (`jireportunit`) and the contents (blob) of those in `jifileresource`. To import a ressource / file / folder into JasperServer, just INSERT into the database :-))))))
  15. no, Im not using ireports or any gui. I prefere the webservice to upload files but it only accepts jrxml, not .jasper files. I use ant to compile report files via command line / shell. The files are not stored physically, they must be in the database. how to fetch and put files into? via shell or webservice only, no gui
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