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  1. Hi, When using ad-hoc, are you using Topics or Domains? Domains-----------------------------------------------Open Ad-hoc View Log----------------------------------------------------------------2013-11-28 21:35:55,633 WARN CommonDomainDataStrategy,http-bio-8443-exec-305:880 - error while trying to retrieve query native string2013-11-28 21:36:13,073 INFO adhocAjaxRequests,http-bio-8443-exec-297:214 - start request 0: action = loadState clientKey = 39632601509952013-11-28 21:36:13,088 INFO adhocAjaxRequests,http-bio-8443-exec-298:214 - start request 1: action = generateFilterPanel clientKey = 39632601509952013-11-28 21:36:13,089 DEBUG adhocAjaxRequests,http-bio-8443-exec-298:220 - decorate = no2013-11-28 21:36:13,098 WARN CommonDomainDataStrategy,http-bio-8443-exec-297:880 - error while trying to retrieve query native string2013-11-28 21:36:13,103 INFO adhocAjaxRequests,http-bio-8443-exec-298:230 - end request 1: time = 15 ms2013-11-28 21:36:13,114 INFO adhocAjaxRequests,http-bio-8443-exec-297:230 - end request 0: time = 41 ms2013-11-28 21:37:50,966 INFO adhocAjaxRequests,http-bio-8443-exec-307:214 - start request 2: action = addAdhocFilter clientKey = 39632601509952013-11-28 21:37:50,967 DEBUG adhocAjaxRequests,http-bio-8443-exec-307:220 - addAdhocFilterFields = juro_latam_emitido_ago_leg.file_date2013-11-28 21:37:51,042 DEBUG JRJdbcQueryExecuter,http-bio-8443-exec-307:254 - SQL query string: select "file_date"from "juro_latam"."emitido_ago_leg"group by "file_date"order by "file_date" limit 1000001 2013-11-28 21:38:09,383 INFO adhocAjaxRequests,http-bio-8443-exec-307:230 - end request 2: time = 18417 ms2013-11-28 21:38:09,393 DEBUG adhocAjaxRequests,http-bio-8443-exec-307:23 - modFlags = [addAdhocFilter]2013-11-28 21:38:46,832 INFO adhocAjaxRequests,http-bio-8443-exec-304:214 - start request 3: action = addAdhocFilter clientKey = 39632601509952013-11-28 21:38:46,833 DEBUG adhocAjaxRequests,http-bio-8443-exec-304:220 - addAdhocFilterFields = juro_latam_emitido_ago_leg.msttkt2013-11-28 21:38:46,930 DEBUG JRJdbcQueryExecuter,http-bio-8443-exec-304:254 - SQL query string: select "msttkt"from "juro_latam"."emitido_ago_leg"group by "msttkt"order by "msttkt" limit 1000001 thanks
  2. Hi, thanks for the answer Are you experiencing the issues in reports or when using Ad-Hoc data exploration: In both.Are you trying to list 1,000,000 rows or are you aggregating them? The data source is much larger, has 70 million of databut aggregated data reach the million. Is the issue happen when rendering a large table of data, chars or both? Large tables Can you share the configuration of your AWS Ad-Hoc (Go to Manage -> Server Setting -> Ad-Hoc settings)Ad Hoc Dataset Row Limit: 1000000 Ad Hoc Query Timeout (seconds): 3600 Optimize Queries for Domain-based Reports: checked Optimize Queries for JDBC-based Reports: checked
  3. Hi, We have the solution Amazon web service (AWS) with a m2.4xlarge instance, which has 68.4 RAM and 8 cores. We also have the following settings for java, which comes by default in the AMI ("m2.4xlarge") echo "-Xms2048m-Xmx62000m-XX: MaxPermSize = 2048m-Xss2m"; As database we use 'Redshift', which is very fast. And we limit data downloaded to 1000000 rows But ... the performance of the tool is not as good as expected. Many reports we build, after much waiting, simply stay blank or not loaded. We review the log of the tool but does not show any errors.
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