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Everything posted by pramod3181990

  1. http://www.coderanch.com/t/435096/open-source/RESOLVED-jasper-iReport-multi-reports
  2. Yes, you can have more than one query in jrxml although you can run only one query. You can have a condition based on which you want you want to fire the query during run time and I think this is what you want. Take a look at the follwing: <parameter name="param" class="java.lang.String"> <defaultValueExpression><![CDATA[]]></defaultValueExpression></parameter><parameter name="query" class="java.lang.String" isForPrompting="false"> <defaultValueExpression><![CDATA[(new String("postgres").equals($P{param}) ? "select * from employee limit 5" : "select * from employee where ROWNUM>=1")]]></defaultValueExpression></parameter><queryString> <![CDATA[$P!{dbType}]]></queryString>Here's the explanation:Use the first parameter(param) for entering the value based on which you want your query to be picked during run time. Based on this value the query is picked and gets set in the second parameter(query). You can see the conditional operator being used in the second parameter. This checks the conditionand returns the query. I hope this helps.
  3. thanks a million Carl....your post helped me in solving the problem I was facing while I was working with hyperlinks in jasperserver...many thanks..
  4. This was very helpful. I could do what I wanted to very easily after going through this tutorial.Thanks a lot.
  5. I need to learn how to generate jasper reports using ireport 4.1.1. Since I am required to learn this as quickly as possible I want to know how to use all the options available in the palette from which u just drag and drop things. I don't have time to write code for generating the reports so what I really want is to know more about how I can explore the functionality of palette. Please reply asap.
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