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  1. Hey All, I have a strange problem with my JasperReports server. I can't add any resource (image, jrxml, css, ...). The only error I have is the one in the screenshot attached to the topic. In the logs of jasperreports (jasperreports.log) I only see login warnings, no error that corresponds my problem. Anyone of you lot encountered this problem? I'm running it on a Oracle Glassfish 3.1 application server Mysql version: Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 71556 Server version: 5.1.63-community MySQL Community Server (GPL) Operating system is: Oracle Linux Server release 5.6 This is a real pain in the ***.Regards, Bram Pintelon
  2. Hey Guys, I have a problem, a really weird one. First of all this is my set up: MySQL 5.1 Glassfish 3.1.2 JasperServer 4.1 Windows Server 2003 (up to date)I have followed all of the steps described in the installation manual (step 5, installing from the WAR file distribution) I have succesfully done the following steps: js-ant create-js-db js-ant init-js-db-ce js-ant import-minimal-ce js-ant deploy-webapp-ceCheck the attachment for the output of the last step (js-ant deploy-webapp-ce. The problem is when I go to the GlassFish administration console, there is no entry under the applications menu. When I go to <server>:<glassfish_http_port>/jasperserver I get an error that the application is not available. Have I missed any steps perhaps? This really is annoying because I need the JasperServer up and running as fast as possible. Thank you all in advance!
  3. Hey All, A client of mine is having problems while running JasperReports (from iReport and from APEX (application express)). I have a few questions: 1: is it possible that there simply is no more space to generate the reporst (locally on his desktop or on the server?) 2: is it possible that something can't be loaded and the buffer is just out of space? 3: is it possible that something can't be loaded when generating the report? Thank you in advance, Bram Pintelon
  4. No problem, that's why forums exist ;-)! Hopes this helps people in the future ps. if you find any spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes feel free to correct them. English isn't my native language so I'm more subject to these kinds of errors ;-) Post Edited by pintebr at 04/26/2012 13:00
  5. Hey Guys, Thanks for all the help, but in the end I "hacked" the xml files in the WEB-INF folder. Here's what I did: The Problem The problem I was confronted with was a huge one. On a project I was working on we were asked if we could alter the JasperServer default role permissions to such an extent that we could tell that certain customers on our JasperServer could add all of the resources that an administrator can. After searching the net endlessly we were at the point of giving up, but then out of blue we were given a hint. This hint was the succesfull one. check the above post and on stackoverflow The Solution The solution is one were the JasperServer XML files need to be altered/changed. I was already in the process of scouring all of the XML files, but to find the right one proved to be a challenge. The XML file you need to alter is located in the WEB-INF folder of the JasperServer installation directory. On my machine it was this one: C:Program Filesjasperreports-server-cp-4.5.0-2apache-tomcatwebappsjasperserverWEB-INF The file you need is this one: actionModel-search.xml WARNING: don’t forget to first make a backup of the original. You don’t want to start all over again if things go wong! The Explanation First things first, install the JasperServer. I have tested this only on a community version of JasperServer. So I guess if this works on a community version, it’ll also work on the paying supported version. After the installation go to your JasperReports homepage and login with the following credentials: URL: http://localhost:8080/jasperserver User: jasperadmin Password: jasperadmin Note that this is only a test setup on a virtual machine. If you intend to do this on a production server, change the password of the jasperadmin user for security reasons. As soon as you are logged in go and create a new user. 1. Click on “Manage” 2. Click on “Users” 3. Click on “Add User” a. Give a user name b. Give a password 4. Click on “Add User” Now that the user is made, you can go ahead and make a new role. To do this follow these steps: 1. Click on “Manage” 2. Click on “Roles” 3. Click on “Add Role” 4. Fill in the Role Name 5. Click on “Add Role” Write down the newly created role name, because this is the role we are going to use to “hack” the XML to our needs. To add users to the role do the following: 1. Click on the role you just created 2. Click on “Edit” 3. Select the users that need the new role. 4. Click on “Save”. The next thing you need to do is to give the role read + write + delete permissions on the folder. 1. Right click on a folder 2. Click on “Permissions” 3. Select read + write + delete next to the role that needs this access Now you’re all set and ready to go “hack” your way into the XML file. Open up the actionModel-search.xml file. Don’t forget the take a copy of the file first! At the start of the xml file look for a line of code that looks like the one below. <condition test="checkAuthenticationRoles" testArgs="ROLE_USER,ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR"> This is the first line you need to alter. Add your role to the testArgs section. Make sure that all of the roles are separated by a comma. Ex. <condition test="checkAuthenticationRoles" testArgs="ROLE_USER,ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR, USER_RESOURCES"> On the next condition line make the same change. Save the file. For the changes to be made current, you need to restart the JasperServer. On windows systems you can go to To Stop: All Programs => JasperReports Server … => Start Or Stop Services => Stop Service To Start: All Programs => JasperReports Server … => Start Or Stop Services => Start Service Now login with the user that you created and right click on the folder with the right permissions. Now you can add all of the resources that an administrator can add. If you want you can play a little around with the XML file to further change the behavior. For example: you have a client that is prohibited to add images the jasper reports. In that case you can alter the XML like the following. Place a condition test around this code: <option labelKey="resourceTypes.image" action="invokeCreate" actionArgs="FileResource@@img" className="up"/> To look like this code: <condition test=checkAuthenticationRoles” testArgs=”ROLE_ADMINISTRATOR”> <option labelKey="resourceTypes.image" action="invokeCreate" actionArgs="FileResource@@img" className="up"/></condition> This way, only an administrator can add images to the folder. Voila, you are all set to go and play around with your copy of JasperReports Server. Have Fun! Post Edited by pintebr at 04/26/2012 12:43
  6. No one knows the answer? Or does anyone know if this is possible at all?
  7. Yes I know this, the user has been granted with read+write+delete. But then you can only add a new jasper report as a resource, not images, files, ... So I'm searching for a way to achieve this, if this is possible at all off course.
  8. Yes, that's what I want to do. The thing is that these users should ONLY be able to add all of the resources. They mustn't be able to add/alter users and everything else an administrator can do. The users musn't also see all of the folders, but only the folders that are assigned to that user. That's why I want to alter the permissions on or maybe even creating a completely different role that can be assigned to users which can only add resources. But I have searched and searched but can't find an answer. I even don't know if it's possible at all. I'm also using the community version of jasper server and maybe it's a limitation of this community version?
  9. EDIT: go to the end of these posts to check the solution! After searching the net, this is my "last resort" ;-) I have a JaserServer set up with users that are mapped to the ROLE_USER. The problem I have is that these users may do all sorts of things. **My set up:**Virtualbox Windows XP SP3 with **JasperServer 4.1** installed on it. They need to be able to do all of things that you can do if you are logged on as an admin user and you right click on a folder and select Add Resource. I can't find a page where you can **alter the default folder permissions for certain roles**. I already looked on the **WEB-INF** folder, but couldn't make out what to change and what to leave alone... This is what I have: http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/1641/screenshotat20120406135.pngThis is what I want: http://img804.imageshack.us/img804/617/screenshotat20120406140.png Any help is welcome! Thanks all! Post Edited by pintebr at 04/26/2012 12:41
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