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Everything posted by welsa.chy

  1. Hi jpauze.. i can't get this same to work in jaspersoft ireport 5.0.1.
  2. Hi I am using Jaspersoft iReport 5.0.1. And i am having this same problem.. i saw an issue on that: http://community.jaspersoft.com/ireport-designer/issues/2575
  3. yea this is definitely a problem when you want to export to excel.
  4. Hi Guys, This is really driving me mad.. I read everywhere but still can't understand why mine isn't working I have a main report( a dummy query returning me only one row) and 2 subreports(each with its own header) found in two different detail band. The second subreport splits into multiple excel sheets! The main report doesn't contain any groups.. its just a dummy query and has no links with the subreports. This is what i did in the main report: 1. Add in Properties : Name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.one.page.per.sheet " with Value="True" 2. Set Igonre Pagination="True" 3. Added a Line element and set the Properties Expression: Name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.break.after.row" and Default Value="True" Then for the second subreport: 1. Set Ignore Pagination="True" I just want one excel sheet for each subreports. But the second subreport is being split to multiple sheets... :( Does anybody know what's the problem...?
  5. Thank you so much Jatinb.. if you didn't mentioned the reset type i would have never thought about it. I am new to jaspersoft. The RESET TYPE should be set to "Report".
  6. Hi Jatinb, yea i placed it in all of the bands.. but it would not work.. :( in fact i have a stored procedure which is returning me these data. and i tried putting it in the summary band. the TOTAL Variable is returning me "0" when i put ($F{ID}==1 ? $F{Number_of_Vehicles} : 0 ) in the variable expression and it is giving me a "400"(the last value of the field[Number_of_Vehicles] obviously) when i put ($F{ID}==3 ? $F{Number_of_Vehicles} : 0 ).
  7. Thank you ajinkya_c for your response :) I created a variable TOTAL_TRUCK with the variable expression ($F{ID}==3 ? $F{Number_of_Vehicles} : 0 ) and tried to display it .. its returning me a "0"
  8. Hi Eeveryone, i've been stuck on that for days now.. I have a report where i am displaying data as below: ID Type Number_of_Vehicles 1 Car 1000 2 Lorry 200 3 Truck 400 I would like to sum only the Type "Car" and "Truck". I created a new variable named TOTAL, then the below properties: Variable Class: java.lang.Integer Calculation:Sum Variable Expression: ( $F{ID}== 1 || $F{ID}==3 ? $F{Number_of_Vehicles} : 0 ) But it gives me the last number that is "400" Can anyone figure this out? Thank you so much..
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