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  1. Hello, I want to output to a multiple-sheets xls. Each sheet is to be filled with data from a different report. I figured out that I could combine all reports as subreports in one master report. Each subreport has set "Ignore pagination" true, in the master report there's a manual page break between each subreport (and "Ignore paginatio" is not true). But this approach does not work - output of each report is spreaded across many sheets ... There must be a better way to achieve this. How can I do this? Any hints? Many thanks, Stephan
  2. solved! the problem was in the SQL, where I had a column definition as: to_date($P{p_beginn}) startdatum this worked fine in iReport Designer but not on Tomcat. Changing it to this makes things better: to_date($P{p_beginn},'dd.mm.yyyy') startdatum So, omitting the format mask is not really a good idea ... cheers, stephan
  3. Hi, I'm still fairly new to jasperreports, and this is the first problem that I don't seem to be able to master: I created a number of reports based on one original report - there are just slight differences in layout and different queries. All of these reports run ok in iReport Designer (4.5.0). When I move these to the tomcat server only the original one runs ok. All the others give me the error "Error: Error executing SQL statement for :<ReportName>"I don't quite understand this. The SQLs are perfectly ok and run in iReport Designer. Any clues and hints? Thanks, Stephan
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