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H Mendoza

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Everything posted by H Mendoza

  1. Just a suggestion: Have you tried using $P!{} Create another parameter, add your query, call that parameter from your other parameter using the $P!{} syntax.
  2. This is usually done via the properties of the parameter. There is a default expression field where you can supply a value of some sort.
  3. If I am not mistaken, just drag the Parameter into a band in your report.
  4. Hi there - Check the Calculation Type option for your Columns and Rows (which you see as you navigate the wizard). You'll likely have to start again, so you can set the correct function, SUM, COUNT, MIN, MAX, etc. Hugo
  5. Hello there - I am geting the same error. Do you have a large data set or maybe a complex Domain? Hugo
  6. Hi there - There is a section in the JS Studio User Guide that provides some guidance, see 8.3.4 Relative Dates.
  7. Take a look at this article, http://community.jaspersoft.com/blog/cascading-parameters-jasper-reports-0.
  8. Go to Dashboard Designer. Under Options > Guide, you have these options: 1280 x 1024, 1280 x 768, 1152 x 864, 1024 x 768, 800 x 600 This is it for options via the interface. Switch to Proportional Size once you complete the Dashboard; it should help. If this is not sufficient, you could maybe inject custom JavaScript into your environment. Go to your Webapp and look for ...apache-tomcatwebappsjasperserver-prooptimized-scripts. You'd have to write your own code, but this is worth considering. Note: The Dashboard designer in 6.x is new, a re-write. If you upgrade and migrate your 5.6 Dashboards, you won't be able to edit them in the new Dashboard designer. The legacy designer remains available in 6.0.
  9. Hi there - I could also use some assistance with this article. I follow all of the steps but, like the others here, I am getting errors. As a matter of fact, the same exact error posted at the top. Any assistance is appreciated. Hugo Mendoza
  10. Add the parameter to a Text Field, and then set the Pattern (...Currency type), which is a Property available to you.
  11. I heard that HTML5 Maps will be introduced this year, 2015. Not sure exactly when...maybe someone else knows.
  12. Format of a parameter? More details please.
  13. It depends. There likely is not an option for this, which means you have to leverage the API, which is why I asked for which chart type. The technique varies from one format to the next.
  14. 6.0 Studio has these connections. That is, the ones for Hbase. Maybe upgrade.
  15. Don't know much about Hbase but if there is a jdbc driver for this db, maybe download and deploy it locally. Try using Custom Implementation of JRDataSource. Just a suggestion...I have never tried it.
  16. Maybe move the chart to the Summary band and test from there. I assume that you have a query, etc.
  17. Maybe add that Client field to the Group band. You will first need to create the band from the Outline panel of Studio. I assume that you are using Studio. If you need steps for adding the band, go to the Studio User Guide.
  18. Don't mean to cause confusion. The answer is still no, but with HTML5 there is no Map feature yet. The other visualizations, if built in the Ad Hoc Editor, have a zoom feature that is useful.
  19. No, unfortunately, it is not possible. The HTML5 format, however, does allow you to zoom in and out, assuming you create the chart in the Ad Hoc editor.
  20. Hi there - I don't have direct response since I don't know exactly. I do know that you can call db functions from the domain designer, but Jar files may be a stretch. I have never seen it done. Maybe someone else can add something to this thread. Great question!
  21. See Chapter 8 of the iReport Ultimate Guide, most recent version.
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