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JasperReports Library 7.0 is now available ×


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brian.berrelez's Achievements

  1. Were you able to find a solution for this? I am also need to pass in date and time and I have been unable to do so.
  2. I ran into this same problem and I know how frustrating it can be! I resolved my issue by performing the following. AND m.posting_date >= CAST($P{StartDate} AS TIMESTAMP) -1 MONTHS Also, check your error code on the Jasperserver if you can. Mine was reading the following. DB2 SQL-Error: -182 SQLState: 42816 https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEPEK_11.0.0/codes/src/tpc/n182.html
  3. I am trying to get my data labels to display on a pie chart but I am unable to do so. I have tried both plotOptions.series.dataLabels.enabled = true And plotOptions.pie.series.dataLabels.enabled = true They do not work on a pie chart however, once I change it to a bar chart you can see the labels. Has anyone else had this problem?
  4. I'm trying to find a way to hide a widget pro Horizonal Bullet based on a negative value. I do not want the charge to show if I have a negative balance. I have custom styling to indicate the negative values but I cannot figure out how to hide the chart. <style name="NegativeEnding"> <conditionalStyle> <conditionExpression><![CDATA[new Boolean($F{ENDING_BALANCE}.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0 ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE)]]></conditionExpression> <style forecolor="#FF0000"/> </conditionalStyle></style>From the API reference it states to call a dispose() function. However, I have no idea where to implement it. The report is using a jrxml format. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  5. <conditionalStyle> <conditionExpression> <![CDATA[new Boolean($F{AVERAGE_BALANCE}.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0 ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE)]]> </conditionExpression> <style forecolor="#FF0000"/> </conditionalStyle> [/code]
  6. I'm trying to conditionally format a value on my report if it is negative but I am not able to evaluate if a value is less than Zero or not. I'm still new to Jaspersoft. Here is my custom formatting method. <style name="NegativeAverage"> <conditionalStyle> <conditionExpression> <![CDATA[new Boolean($F{AVERAGE_BALANCE} < 0.00 ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.False]]> </conditionExpression> <style isBold="true"/> </conditionalStyle></style>[/code]Errors: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file: 1. Syntax error, insert ")" to complete Expression value = new Boolean(((java.math.BigDecimal)field_AVERAGE_BALANCE.getValue()) < 0.00 ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.False; //$JR_EXPR_ID=14$ <---> 2. Syntax error, insert ")" to complete Expression value = new Boolean(((java.math.BigDecimal)field_AVERAGE_BALANCE.getOldValue()) < 0.00 ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.False; //$JR_EXPR_ID=14$ <---> 3. Syntax error, insert ")" to complete Expression value = new Boolean(((java.math.BigDecimal)field_AVERAGE_BALANCE.getValue()) < 0.00 ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.False; //$JR_EXPR_ID=14$ <---> 3 errors[/code]Any help is greatly appreciated.
  7. Thanks for the help! I was able to access the information. <resourceDescriptor name="Addresses_Report" wsType="reportUnit" uriString="/organizations/d0042liv/Reports/Accounting/Addresses_Report" isNew="false">...</resourceDescriptor>
  8. I'm able to connect but I receive the following message: This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.<resourceDescriptors></resourceDescriptors>Do I need to do some additional configuration on the server?
  9. I had a request today to provide a list of all reports that been deployed to our Jaspersoft Server. Is there a way that I can export all reports to a file or somehow connect to the Jaspersoft studio database and query them? I can easily do this is SQL Server Reporting Services however, this is a completely different animal. Thanks in advance!
  10. Found my problem! SELECT CASE $P{Month} WHEN 1 THEN '2017-11-30' WHEN 2 THEN '2017-12-31' WHEN 3 THEN '2017-01-31' WHEN 4 THEN '2017-02-28' WHEN 5 THEN '2017-03-31' WHEN 6 THEN '2017-04-30' WHEN 7 THEN '2017-05-31' WHEN 8 THEN '2017-06-30' WHEN 9 THEN '2017-07-31' WHEN 10 THEN '2017-08-31' WHEN 11 THEN '2017-09-30' WHEN 12 THEN '2017-10-31' END AS StartDate,CASE MONTH(CURRENT TIMESTAMP) WHEN 1 THEN '2017-12-30' WHEN 2 THEN '2017-01-30' WHEN 3 THEN '2017-02-27' WHEN 4 THEN '2017-03-30' WHEN 5 THEN '2017-04-29' WHEN 6 THEN '2017-05-30' WHEN 7 THEN '2017-06-29' WHEN 8 THEN '2017-07-30' WHEN 9 THEN '2017-08-30' WHEN 10 THEN '2017-09-29' WHEN 11 THEN '2017-10-30' WHEN 12 THEN '2017-11-29' END AS EndDateFROM core.env[/code]I wasn't evaluting the Parameter in the second CASE statement. It works now!!!
  11. I have a report that runs by month name. Once this date is selected I need to set a specific date range based on the month selection. I've tried using a cascading parameter but I am only to get the first input date to set, not the second one. So, is it possible to set the parameter values within the JRXML file? Using JAVA and switch method to evaluate the parameter and set the other additional parameters accordingly. Thanks in advance!
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