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  1. Hi, I have created one report using table component ( jaspersoft 6.3.0) and published in jasperserver community edition 6.3.0. Here all records are showing in single page. I need to limit the number of records in report page for example 10 rows but all records should be available when i exported the data into csv or .excel format. Can anyone help to do this.. Thanks in advance. Murali
  2. Hi, How to load MongoDb data into Oracle Table using Jaspersoft ETL... Thanks, Murali
  3. Hi, I have created one table in Jaspersoft studio 6.3.0 with data sets like StartDate and EndDate. How to get the date parameter value from text field Thanks, Murali
  4. Hi, I am trying to extract the data from mongodb 3.2 i am using $unwind command to read the array fileds from the collection. Some fileds are able to read . But some fields are not able to read .. Thanks, Murali
  5. Hi, I am reading the date field from mongodb using jaspersoft studio. By default one day is added in date field in the report ..... For example mongoDB date field is "10-Jan-17" , I am getting the result as "11-Jan-17" in jasperreport.. Mongodb version 3.2.6 jaspersoftstudio version 6.3.0 Thanks, Murali
  6. Hi, I am trying to use date parameters in jasper table component. My query is : {$match : { 'statusModifiedDate' : {'$gte':$P{StartDateTable}},'$lte': $P{EndDateTable} }} But geting bellow error.. Can anyone help on this.. net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: bad query: BadValue: unknown top level operator: $lte Thanks, Murali
  7. Hi, I have created one table in jaspersoftstudio 6.3.0 from MongoDB dataset. I need to pass the two parameters named StartDate and EndDate to the table component. Can anyone help regarding this... Thanks, Murali
  8. Hi, I have created one table in Jaspersoft studio 6.3.0 How to add freeze in Table rows and columns.. Thanks, Murali
  9. Hi, I exported the report in PDF format, but still same problem.. Thanks, Murali
  10. Hi, I have created one table and added the dataset from mongodb in Jaspersoft studio 6.3.0.... How to set the the tables's column width as autosize... Thanks, Murali
  11. Hi, I have created one table and added the dataset from mongodb in Jasoersoft studio 6.3.0.... I need to pass the Date parameter to table element.. Can anyone share the steps for this.... Thanks, Murali
  12. Hi, I have created one table element in Detail band ... When i see the report on server, only 5 rows only displaying. Actually the table size is more than 500 rows.. I am using jaspersoft studio 6.3.0 . Thanks , Murali
  13. Hi, I am using the Jaspersoft studio 6.3.0 . I have added the table element in the report design... For edit the table, i just double click the table element.. Then i couldn't go back to main layout design to edit the page format and other settings. Please help on this.. Thanks in advance.... Murali
  14. Hi, Anyone can share the script to join the two MongoDB collections using Jaspersoft studio... Thanks in advance.. Murali
  15. Hi, I try to join the two mongodb collections in Jaspersoft studio 6.3.0. It is not working.. I am using mongodb 3.2.6.. { runCommand: { aggregate: [ { $lookup: { from: "inventory", localField: "item", foreignField: "sku", as: "inventory_docs" } } ] }} Thanks, Murali
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