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Thomas Zimmer

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Everything posted by Thomas Zimmer

  1. I assume, there is something wrong with your group expression, as the data shows correctly in the preview. pls. post your group settings! Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  2. That was NOT your question ("... count values lower than a given number ..."). Like this, the answer was another one... ;-)
  3. You don't need to set your TEXT FIELD as high to show the whole text in design view... do the following: 1. use a text field, placed in summary in the main report 2. Set "Stretch with overflow" for the text field an type your text in the fields' expression 3. Uncheck "Print summary on new page" in the report options. That should do it. Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  4. is it a true type font (I assume this) and did you check "embed font in pdf" when defining the font extension? Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  5. You can use the Java-styled i18n mechanism: You simply attach resource bundles to your report (<jasperReport .... resourceBundle="MyBundle" ..../>). You have to place the bundles files in the classpath at report execution time. Default bundle has no extension (like "MyBundle.properties"), for each language a bundle with extension (like "MyBundle_de.properties"). In your expressions in the report you use the syntax $R{text.key.from.bundle} to get translated text. Search for Java i18n to get more background. Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  6. See answer here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16982822/conditional-executing-subreports-in-ireport Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  7. When you right-click on the charts in the dashborad designer, there should be an option "Hide scroll bars". Is that what you needed? Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  8. Simply use the "Print When expression" setting of subreport, that will do it. Hints: Either you overlay the subreports AND hold their layout small (1px height), or you use a detail band for each subreport where the "Print When expression" is on the band. Otherwise you will propably get problems with offsets with the subreports or even empty pages. Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  9. You could have activated "No Pagination" if you export your report to xls only. Otherwise, use jasperreports properties: http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/config.reference.html You will need net.sf.jasperreports.export.{format}.exclude.origin.{suffix}.{arbitrary_name} and possibly net.sf.jasperreports.export.{format}.exclude.origin.keep.first.{suffix}.{arbitrary_name} to supress single bands in specific output formats. Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  10. Which version of jasperreports library do you use in java? your report uses a newer spec of jasperreports (you can see it by the "uuid=..." attribute of the text field, so you cannot use an old library version. did you try to recompile the jrxml in java? would be helpful to post the complete stack trace. Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  11. Hi Raman, although I do not understand your whole date string, you should s.th. like the following: configure your xml datasource with a date pattern: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS if the 'T' means s.th. special (I don't know) replace it with the according character from the patterns: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/i18n/format/simpleDateFormat.html Problematic - as far as I can see - is the timezone, because it's not standard; it should be either "PMT-05:00" => z or "-0500" => Z. Like this, you only can leave it away. Set the field in the report as java.util.Date, insert into text field with pattern: dd-MMM-yy hh:mm aaa (again, leaving away the timezone) Hope this helps, Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  12. As you told not much about the environment you are running your report it's hard to figure out a solution. I would say, use "Reference" as link type to open a second report/pdf from somewhere. If your report a placed in Jasperserver, link type "Report execution" is right, but you have to pass the report name as a parameter (I believe to remind the parameters' name has to be "_report", value whole repository path and name of jasperserver report). Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  13. Save a set of parameters. Then you will have to log in as administrator to restrict access to the saved options (e.g. remove the access of ROLE_USER). As a normal user you are still able to see that the report has saved options (a small arrow in front), but the user cannot select or execute the options. Tried that in jasperserver 5.0.1. Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  14. ah, but you could use a stacked bar chart, and then try my second suggestion (category and series same expression) that will work
  15. then use the same expression for category AND series and you will be able to use the series color palette. :-) ups, forget that, please, no good idea. if you cannot switch category and series as I mentioned first, the only way I see is to use a chart customizer for this special need.
  16. good reply. teh second part should be more easy; simply drag the field to sum on the page footer and you will get a ui where you can select a sum function (if your field is a numeric type). this will create the variable an so on automatically. Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  17. which chart types did you use? pls. post your report.
  18. Simply implement the increment(..) Method of the Incrementer interface and the net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fil.JRIncrementerFactory to get an instance of your incrementer. Compile, pack as jar, put into classpath and edit the "Incrementer Factory" of your crosstab measure. that will do it. Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  19. your question is not clear. a bar chart has series and categories as well. what I understood is, you are using the categories only and not the series (keep it static), correct? Why don't you simply switch? keep the category static and only use the series as bars. like this you can use the color palette. Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  20. that's not correct at least; $!P{...} is used for String Parameters only and tells the executor not to create inverted commas around your string at execution time.
  21. which version are you using? however, as the expression seems to expect an "Integer", not an "int", the expression should be: $F{SUM_Y} != null ? $F{SUM_Y} : new Integer(0) My recommendation would be, use a substitution in your query, not in the report, like "... NVL(SUM(...), 0) as SUM_Y..." Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  22. Have a look here for comparison: http://www.jaspersoft.com/editions Cheers, Thomas
  23. it's not clear, what you mean with "group"... simply put four text fields with $F{..} expressions on the detail band, one upon the other or side by side. for each text field set the properties "Blank When Null" and "Remove Line When Blank". That will remove a field and its height if it's empty. groups or lists are for other purposes. Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  24. terminate only the quotes, not the backslashes themselves: value = ""test"" Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
  25. if you don't specify any concrete settings to your text field, its setting shows another font than you set in the jasperreports properties, but if you look at the xml code, you will see, that no font is really attached to the text field (besides you selected one). I assume, this way setting a default font is deprecated, it doesn't work for me, too. Use a style instead and set the "Default" flag. Cheers, Thomas http://www.thomaszimmer.net
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