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Everything posted by ajinkya_c

  1. Hi, I Have a Report with 5000 page width and 2000 page height. In that report i have a Crosstab & Charts. When this report export to flash then it show half of the report without correct formatting. Is that a bug or any property to handle this?
  2. Hi, I Have a Report with 5000 page width and 2000 page height. In that report i have a Crosstab & Charts. When this report export in Export then it gives error "can't add cell" & when export to XLSX the gives error "String can not cast to number" Is that a bug or any property to handle this?
  3. Hi, I Have a Report with 5000 page width and 2000 page height. In that report i have a Crosstab & Charts. When this report export in DOCX then it shows some table structure without report and gives warning file size to large.Is that jasper problem or version of the word supported by jasper? Is that a bug or any property to handle this?
  4. Hi, I Have a Report with 5000 page width and 2000 page height. In that report i have a Crosstab & Charts. When this report export in RTF then only some part of the report visible on the page. Is that a bug or any property to handle this? Thanks
  5. I have StartDate, EndDate ---Provides to select data of perticular period. Date --To select date from that period. When Date parameter equal to StartDate or EndDate then Date parameter not passed through url. And when click on other than StartDate or EndDate then Date parameter passed through url & report shows data for that date.
  6. Try this Query ------------------ select v.br_code,v.br_name,v.br_admin_unit from branch v where $X{IN, br_admin_unit, br_admin_unit}
  7. I used multi-select operater with $X{IN,database_field,Parameter} with java.lang.collector as datatype , input control that I used is Multi-select query check input controls. and it works fine with that prompts as Optional also.
  8. I also have same issue , please reply if found solution.
  9. I also having same problem to export report in excel. In Some reports I got error 'Can't add cell' & in some reports i got only column header. Please help me if anyone have solution.
  10. Hi I create a report with 20 crosstabs and the jrxml file size increase above 4 mb . So the report can't save and gives heap size error. Then I increase the Heap size. But when i run a report it shows input controls and when i apply input control it shows following error: com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSException: java.lang.ClassFormatError: Invalid method Code length 65912 in class file PerformanceReport_CROSSTAB6_1347456560109_982615
  11. Hi The formate of date change & datatype should not be done at Jasperserver. it should be done at the Parameter mapping in hyperlink at iReport and specify date with "yyyy-mm-dd" format. Do not make Change in jaspersever input controls. Then you can select start and stop date from popup calender and it works fine. I have a question "Can I change date format in Jasper input control other than "yyyy-mm-dd"?"
  12. Hi I have date related problem in hyperlink report. The date not passed to the child report and gives error "Specify valid value for date". So I solved that problem by passing date in following formate with datatype STRING: (date.getYear( )+1900)+"-"+(date.getMonth( )+1)+"-"+date.getDate( )
  13. These options available in jaspersoft proffessional edition.
  14. Hi Thanks for quick reply. In jasper 4.5 when I passed Startdate & Endate parameter through hyperlink with string as datatype in hyperlink link parameter then it works fine.Same report gives error in jasper 4.7 Here are the URL of both jasper 4.5 and Jasper 4.7 Jasper 4.5 Main Report URL http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&standAlone=true&_flowId=viewReportFlow&ParentFolderUri=%2Fpublic%2FTest&reportUnit=%2Fpublic%2FTest%2FPerformanceReport Child/Detail Report URL http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&LoggedInUsername=jasperadmin&REPORTVIEW=Simple&Parameter1=Parameter1_value&StartDate=20100810000000&EndDate=20120830000000&Frequency=Yearly&Parameter2=Parameter2_value&reportUnit=%2Fpublic%2FReports%2FTest%2FPerformanceDetailedReport&Year=2011&Month=&Week=&_eventId_drillReport=&_flowExecutionKey=e7s2&reportLocale=en_US Jasper 4.7 Main Report URL http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&standAlone=true&_flowId=viewReportFlow&ParentFolderUri=%2Fpublic%2FTest&reportUnit=%2Fpublic%2FTest%2FPerformanceReport Child/Detail Report URL http://locahost:8080/jasperserver-pro/flow.html?_flowId=viewReportFlow&LoggedInUsername=jasperadmin&REPORTVIEW=Simple&Parameter1=Parameter1_value&StartDate=20050811000000&EndDate=20120815000000&Frequency=Yearly&Parameter2=Parameter2_value&reportUnit=%2Fpublic%2FTest%2FPerformanceDetailedReport&Year=2011&Month=&Week=&_eventId_drillReport=&_flowExecutionKey=e19s2&reportLocale=en Both the above URL Looks same except the report locale in 4.5 is en_US (English_UnitedState) and in 4.7 is en (English). Is that a problem? I attached Child Report Screenshots with this post to show how date comes through hyperlink in 4.5 and in 4.7.
  15. I also having same problem related to passing date through hyperlink. Let me know if you find solution.
  16. I have report which having StartDate & EndDate parameter as input control in Main/Parent report. These input controls are passed to another report(detail/child report) using hyperlink in parent report. This work fine with jasper 4.5 proffessional version. Same reports was imported to jasper4.7 proffessional version. Main report with StartDate and EndDate input controls the report works fine. The main report has a hyperlink which passes input controls (StartDate & EndDate) to the detail report. When i click on that hyperlink it passed input controls ( Start date and end date ) to detaill report and gives the following error. Error msg: One or more of the report's input control values are invalid. Either contact your administrator or edit the report and select valid values for these input controls: StartDate, EndDate Please let me know if anyone has face similar kind of issue or is it a bug in Jasper 4.7 or any solution to overcome this issue. Post Edited by ajinkya_c at 08/29/2012 14:33
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