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  1. for japerserver-pro 5.0 : Go to WEB-INF folder: ~/jasperreports-server-5.0/apache-tomcat/webapps/jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF adhoc-ehcache.xml file Change the values as follows timeToIdleSeconds="0" timeToLiveSeconds="0"
  2. The problem was solved in Jaspersoft 5.0
  3. Almost three weeks have passed since i uploaded my question, still didn't get any answers... Please help.
  4. Hello, I've downloaded jasperserver-pro trial edition for evaluation purposes. Now I am experiencing problem concerning ad-hoc feature . when dealing with Graphs, I'd like to make multi dimensional (or multi grouped ) data results, which is selecting more than one group. However, the Group field in the 'Charts' tab Only allow adding One group, when adding another one , it replaces the old one. So, is it a limitation in the trial version, or i am going to face the same problem when downloading the Licensed edition. Thanks for your help and best regards, Michael.
  5. I need to add 3 subreports in one report and all should be beside each other how to do this ? also I need to add two groups of data in horizontal alignment could it be in jasper reports or not?
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