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Everything posted by elizam

  1. We did update a number of libraries in 6.4, and if you are using a web browser, it may be still loading the old libraries. Try using incognito mode to see if it loads the correct libraries.
  2. Do you have the community edition or a commercial edition? If you have the community edition, you can't use the tibco driver for Oracle. I don't know why the Add Driver button is missing. You could file it as an issue in the tracker, but I don't know how quickly anyone will respond.
  3. You can set the x position in properties view (lower right when frame is selected). Check the x position of the top frame, then make sure the x position of bottom frame is the same. You could also put your frames inside a bigger frame and then position them inside the frame. http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jaspersoft-studio-user-guide/v630/inserting-selecting-and-positioning-elements
  4. HighCharts is a commercial feature, and I'm pretty sure there isn't a pro version of the library (since we can't distribute source code for pro features), so I think it is not supported.
  5. This has to do with how the domain is set up. Adding fields to your domain doesn't help you unless those fields are somehow connected. So it's possible to create a domain by grabbing two different tables from your database. Say Orders and Customers. But if you don't do anything more, those tables aren't connected in the domain, and when you get to the ad hoc view, you can't combine tables from disconnected tables (hence "islands"). So to get the fields into the same ad hoc view, you have to create a join between the tables inside the domain. (Joins page). Usually you do this on some kind of key field, like customer_id or something. It doesn't have to have the same name in the two tables, but it has to let you make an intelligent connection between them. So then you've built a bridge between the islands, and you can put fields from both tables in the domain.
  6. You don't name the specific properties, so I'm not sure, but most properties that can be set at the server level can also be set as advanced properties in the report.
  7. $F is only used for fields. Try something like <imageExpression>"\"></imageExpression>
  8. Frames are now dynamic, not sure exactly when that happened (6.1?). The size you make the frame on your canvas is the minimum size the frame will be when you run the report. What you need to do is position everything and then shrink the frame up. For example, if you make the frame only as tall as your first line, it will expand when it needs to.
  9. What did you try to do for an input control? I don't think the complexity of the query affects how you set up the input control. You just want a simple filter on the PROJECT_TYPE_NAME field. The query controls which data is displayed, and the input control functions within the confines of that data.
  10. (I'm afraid I'm too lazy to watch videos, so I hope this is right.) You can join tables in a database to put them in a domain in JRS. So if you have five tables in your database, and there is a way to join them all up, you can put them all in the same domain and then use them in ad hoc. (Databases don't normally have domains so I'm guessing you mean tables). The fields don't have to have matching *names*, but they have to make sense to match on. For example, if I have LAST in one table, and SURNAME in another table, then I can still make a join, because that makes sense. But if I have a table that has NAME and it means Last Name, and another table with NAME and it means First Name, then making that join doesn't make sense. So you are looking for a field that between the two tables functions as some kind of key field, whether or not it has the same name. If you have tables in your domain and you have set it up so they are not connected to each other in any way (for example, you have A joined to B, and C joined to D, but no other connections), you can't use the disconnected chunks (sometimes called islands) in the same ad hoc. (So you have to choose between A&B vs. C&D.) But if there is a field that it makes sense to join on (so say, A has Last and D has Surname), you can go in the domain and modify and make the join and then you can get all of them into the same ad hoc view.
  11. This is confused. You have a data source and a connection for your parts, but you should only have one of those. If you're using the same connection as the main report, just use <subreportParameterExpression><![CDATA[$P{REPORT_CONNECTION}]]></subreportParameterExpression> </subreportParameter> You need to have separate jrxmls for your reports that you are putting in, and then reference them. Take a look at the JasperReports sample file for books. http://community.jaspersoft.com/wiki/jasperreports-library-samples You can also install these samples in JSS, if you are using that.
  12. Yeah, it's the JSS manual: http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jaspersoft-studio-user-guide/v630/user-interface-and-design-tab Eclipse InterfaceIn Eclipse terminology, the initial layout of the Jaspersoft Studio interface is called a perspective. The default Jaspersoft Studio perspective contains an editor area and views. Some views appear by themselves, while others are stacked together in tabbed notebooks. You can open and close views and drag them to different positions in the Eclipse workbench. •To open a window you have closed, select Window > Open View from the menu. Select the window you want to open from the drop-down list. •To reset the interface to the default perspective, select Window > Reset Perspective. •To save a perspective, select Window > Save Perspective As and enter a name for your perspective.
  13. If the report book interface was not available, you would get an error, not just a blank report.
  14. It depends on how you are authenticating your users in your web app. Take a look at the External Authentication Guide. http://community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-authentication-cookbook/v610/introduction
  15. No, it is not possible. You would need to create a new domain that contains all the fields you want. You can create a virtual data source that combines multiple data sources, then create a domain on top of that.
  16. Currently, preview only works if you have saved at least once.
  17. You can create a Domain if you use a JDBC driver to access Hive, but depending on the driver features, the domain might not work.
  18. Make sure everything has read permission, including the directories that contain your domain and data source.
  19. com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.jasperreports.service.impl.TibcoDriverManagerImpl.getOriginalConnection(TibcoDriverManagerImpl.java:186)df[/code]It looks like you're trying to use the TIBCO Oracle driver, which is only included with pro. You should download the Oracle driver and make sure you use that for the connection.
  20. I agree you need to ask the superuser for help. They will have to go in and see what you have done to your permissions and try to fix them.
  21. Take a look at attributes. These let you set the data source parameters based on server, user, or organization. For example, if your clients are in different organizations then you can set the data source by organization and they don't have to enter anything. See the answer to this question for doc links: http://community.jaspersoft.com/questions/1052176/setting-datasource-parameters-dynamically
  22. Have you tried creating a simple script and then having the cron job run the script? For example: cd /home/jason/jasperreports-server-cp-6.3.0-bin/buildomatic/ ../js-export.sh --everything --output-zip jas1.zip My guess is that the js-export.sh script is using a local path for the build.xml command and when you run the script from the default cron location, it doesn't find build.xml.
  23. Jasper is not really about manipulating and saving files. It is more about creating visualizations from your files (graphs, tables, crosstabs, etc.)
  24. I would guess not, even in general, because it is using the font to figure out line breaks, pagination, and kerning. You know how you see weird spacing if a font is missing and it's replaced by something? You would be basically forcing that on your default font. You would also have to know the name of the font file, not just the name of the font. I don't know whether Jaspersoft would throw its own error or not; it seems like it might. You would get better information if you asked this question on a forum with experts on PDF, such as stack exchange.
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