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  1. try limiting the category expression....in ur sql place "MOIS" in order by clause and give a smaller limit by (.say 4or 5) clause just to test....
  2. hey......u have triggered the right property......please uncehck that tick infront of SHOW LABELS and check it again.....its working for me....stay blessed......cheeerzz!!!
  3. hey sayam.....you are using jfree charts(normal ones) or the fusion charts(flash charts or charts pro )???
  4. hey.....open your ireports......in the menu click on WINDOWS....then click on RESET WINDOWS......
  5. i want to display value of labels in the line chart along with the shape......can somebody please help and explain how to achieve this??? Thanx in advance....stay blessed...cheeerzz!!!!!
  6. can you please elaborate sir....i am new to ireports and java too.....i'll be really greatfull if you can do so..... :) thanx in advance....cheeerzz!!!!
  7. i m facing the same issue....kindly reply with the solution....
  8. i have the same kindof issue.....kindly reply people ASAP......
  9. Hello and Hi, i am a very new to ireports and need your help....can anyone please tell me how to DISPLAY values along with shapes in ireports charts.I want to show the Values also along with the shapes displaying there in the line chart
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