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  1. Hello, I'm running the same jrxml file on a local 5.1 community server, and on my client's 5.2 commercial server. The jrxml contains rotated text in both text and static text fields. The rotated text is readable on the local server, but it is distorted on the commercial 5.2 server. It is also distorted on a 4.2 commercial server. Thanks in advance for any insight into this problem. The jrxml file is attached. 5.1 community screen shot: 5.2 commercial screen shot:
  2. Hello All, I was wondering if others have seen this problem. Whenever a new browser session is started, the same src url appears in all iframes on the page. A page refresh fixes the problem, ie. the correct source displays in each iframe, and the problem does not recur for that browser session. -Thanks.
  3. Hello, We have Jaspersoft BI embedded in an app using two iframes on a page. Each iframe points to a different report url src. When we first load the page, the same report url displays in both iframes. After a page reload, the iframes display the correct reports, and the problem never recurs while in that browser session. It occurs everytime we first load the page in a new browser session. Any help or insight into resolving this issue is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  4. Hello, I'm using a url to call a dashboard, with &viewAsDashboardFrame=true. I want to change the default fonts for the dashboard title and the input parameters labels. I have a customized theme I am pointing to with &theme=themename in the url. This is getting picked up, it hides the dashboard refresh button. However, I am unable to locate the css for the title and input control label fonts. Thanks.
  5. Are there known problems with 'print blank when null' in crosstabs? I have it checked but values are printing 'null'. Thank you.
  6. Carl, Thanks for the response. I'm using mysql, which I do not think supports CTE. I'm still working on the solution.
  7. I need to set a Start_Date parameter default to a date that is calculated in the sql query: DATE_sub(ea.air_date,INTERVAL 7 DAY) as start_date I am setting the default as follows, but it does not take effect: <parameter name="Start_Date" class="java.util.Date"> <defaultValueExpression><![CDATA[$F{start_date}]]></defaultValueExpression> </parameter> Is there a way to set the default to the query field? Thanks.
  8. How can you pass a main report's page numbers to a subreport? The main report uses $V{page_count}, which is evaluated now and report to get page x of y. I am passing $V{page_count} to the subreport but it is not getting the correct results. The main report has pages 1 and 2 of 40, and the subreport should have pages 3-40 of 40. I've tested with a number of evaluation combinations in the subreport but it always gets pages 1-38 of 38. Thanks.
  9. Hello, Has anyone implemented Word Cloud reports in iReports/JasperServer? If so, I'd be interested in knowing how you implemented it. Thanks in advance.
  10. Hello, We're using row level security, populating the jiuserattribute table with the attributes each user has access to. There are many duplications, that is, multiple users have the same attributes. Wondering if anyone has thought of a way around this duplication. Perhaps using an alias related to a user role, or some other alternative. Thanks in advance.
  11. Hi, thanks. Do you have an example of a function that executes a procedure that creates a temporary table, and returns the contents of that table? Thanks in advance. I'm using mysql.
  12. Hi, I've written some stored procedures for iReports. I now want to pass iReport parameters to those procedures. Perhaps write a function I could use in a query, along with the iReport parameters. Was wondering if anyone else had done this. Thanks in advance.
  13. Hi, Try this - In iReports, select your subreport. In properties, change the subreport expression from your local file to "repo:yoursubreportname", assuming it is in the same repository directory as the main report.
  14. Matt, thanks. I found the stray character, and also the source of my original problem. I was passing field values that contained blanks. Jean
  15. Matt, thanks for responding. I did look at the Top 5 reports, that passed parameters to subreports. The dashboard url is not working when I pass the $F{big6category} "http://iccdswp.inetu.net:8080/jasperserver-pro/flow.html?_flowId=dashboardRuntimeFlow&dashboardResource=/organizations/MeijerTest/Dashboards/Meijer_Dashboards/big6&hidden_comment_type="+$P{comment_type}+"&hidden_big6category=”+$F{big6category} I get an error when running the report: com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.JSExceptionWrapper: Errors were encountered when compiling report expressions class file: org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed: calculator_big6yearchange_1304019197229_454123: 181: expecting anything but ''n''; got it anyway @ line 181, column 356. 1 error If I hardcode the value of the field, it works fine: "http://iccdswp.inetu.net:8080/jasperserver-pro/flow.html?_flowId=dashboardRuntimeFlow&dashboardResource=/organizations/MeijerTest/Dashboards/Meijer_Dashboards/big6&hidden_comment_type="+$P{comment_type}+"&hidden_big6category=Pricing" Post Edited by jeanjenkins at 04/28/2011 18:52
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