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Everything posted by kcollins

  1. This video demonstrates adding HTTP headers to your web traffic. This example uses Apache webserver and Tomcat application server.
  2. A few warnings can occur while importing a js-export if you a multi-tenant and aren't using specific steps. This video helps explain the two hurdles you might face. When exporting with the --organization flag or as a specific org-user, you could encounter these two warnings. You need to mimic your approach for the export side as well as the import side to avoid them.
  3. This video demonstrates how to enable snapshots at both the server level and the report level to reduce the number of database queries when executing reports.
  4. Filters in Ad Hoc reports are independent of each other by default. This video demonstrates how to set up cascading filters in Ad Hoc reports.
  5. This video demonstrates how to generate a HAR file in IE 11 browser. This file can be helpful in troubleshooting issues caused by javascript or other failed network requests made by the browser.
  6. This video demonstrates how to generate a HAR file in Firefox browser. This file can be helpful in troubleshooting issues caused by javascript or other failed network requests made by the browser.
  7. The video below shows tips for setting JNDI resources for the TIBCO JasperReports® Server webapp via our buildomatic scripts. You can use variables or entirely hard-code values, but this allows you to set values once instead of having to recreate them within your appserver after every deployment deployment. Terminology and syntax are from the Install Guide and Admin Guide. Links: Install Guide: community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-installation-guide/v640/locating-and-changing-buildomatic Admin Guide: community.jaspersoft.com/documentation/tibco-jasperreports-server-administrator-guide/v640/jndi-data-sources
  8. This video demonstrates how to create a standalone TIBCO Jaspersoft® Studio report that uses a TIBCO JasperReports® Server. domain as its datasource.
  9. This video demonstrates how to use TIBCO Jaspersoft® ETL to extend TIBCO JasperReports® Server scheduler functionality. In particular how to introduce encryption for report exporting (PDF, Excel and CSV formats). >
  10. This video demonstrates how to generate a HAR file in IE Edge browser. This file can be helpful in troubleshooting issues caused by javascript or other failed network requests made by the browser.
  11. This video demonstrates how to generate a HAR file in Google Chrome browser. This file can be helpful in troubleshooting issues caused by javascript or other failed network requests made by the browser.
  12. This video demonstrates how to add custom functions to the list of available ad hoc calculated measures in TIBCO JasperReports® Server. This will allow you to add your own functions for manipulating data in ad hoc.
  13. Hello, What you read about the text fields not aligning is typically the cause of this behavior. The issue is not with the code, but with the JRXML design. You need to properly align the text fields in the report, then create your new jasper print object. It appears you already have a jrprint object with the mis-aligned fields. -Kris
  14. Hi Bob, I'm assuming you want to look inside the Jasper repository database?? Below are the details you are looking for: Database Name: jasperserver Username: postgres Password: postgres Hope this helps. If you installed the sample data there will be two other databases, "foodmart" and "sugarcrm". Same username and pass. -Kris
  15. JasperReports Library includes a property which can be used to set the CSV export field delimiter: http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/config.reference.html#net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.field.delimiter By default it is set to "," (comma), but can be changed with the above property. This property can be set either at the report level with report properties, or at the global level by adding the property to the jasperreports.properties file. However, in JasperReports Server, this particular property is set in the /WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml file which over-rides the jasperreports.properties file: <bean id="csvExportParameters" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.jasperreports.common.CsvExportParametersBean"> <property name="fieldDelimiter" value=","/> </bean>You can change the value in the fieldDelimiter property in applicaitonContext.xml if you wish, but you can also comment out the line if you would rather set this in the jasperreports.properties file: <bean id="csvExportParameters" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.jasperreports.common.CsvExportParametersBean"> <!-- <property name="fieldDelimiter" value=","/> --> </bean> Then, the property can be set in jasperreports.properties. For example, adding this line would set the delimiter to <TAB>: net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.field.delimiter=\t Setting this as a report property will take priority over both files.
  16. Ok, I tested both ways and you can override both applicationContext.xml and jasperreports.properties with a report property. So either way should work fine and still allow you to override at the report level if desired.
  17. Actually, I just got it to work properly by setting the property in jasperreports.properties. I commented out the line in applicationContext.xml: <!-- <property name="fieldDelimiter" value=","/> --> Then I set this in WEB-INF/classes/jasperreports.properties: net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.field.delimiter=t I think using jasperreports.properties would be a better approach, because the applicationContext.xml setting cannot be overridden. By setting it in jasperreports.properties, you can override the setting with a report property. -Kris
  18. Ah yes, you are correct hozawa. The reason the jasperreprots.properties is being overridden is because applicationContext.xml takes priority. You can comment that property line out in applicationContext.xml and use jasperreports.properties, however I'm finding that the tab escape code isnt properly being translated there. mariushechter, modifying the applicationContext.xml should work for you. I just tested it also and its working for me in 5.6: <bean id="csvExportParameters" class="com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.api.engine.jasperreports.common.CsvExportParametersBean"> <property name="fieldDelimiter" value=" "/> -Kris
  19. The error seems to indicate that your parameter is a string, not a number. Is the parameter set to use java.lang.String datatype? You can't do math with strings, so if this is the case you'll need to change this to the proper datatype. -Kris
  20. Hello, Have you tried adding another detail band and putting the subreport there? You can add another detail band by right clicking the band in the left pane. -Kris
  21. Which solution are you using in the thread you posted? You should be adding the property in the link below to either the report, or globally by editing /WEB-INF/classes/jaserreports.properties: http://jasperreports.sourceforge.net/config.reference.html#net.sf.jasperreports.export.csv.field.delimiter -Kris
  22. Hi Kris, You should simply be able to use an expression like this: $P{prevAdvanceLine1Sum} / 1.23 Is this not working for you? -Kris
  23. I'm not sure I understand your example. Your example is not all zeros; there is a 1 in the dataset. That being said I'm not sure if what you are trying to do is possible. You could try with an expression like this: $P{myfield} == 0 ? NULL : $P{myfield} With this expression, if there is a 0 in the data, it will set the value to NULL instead. However, I think the chart (or parts of it) will still show.
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