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Everything posted by oesina

  1. Hi Bianca, how many pages do you generate? Just curious on volume where you notice the performance difference. Are your page counters inside the subreport or in the parent report? Did you use standard component Page x out of y or you created your own text field? Make sure x got page evaluation and y is a report evaluation. Regards, Olga
  2. Hi Michael, if you could attach a sample (best on foodmart data) it would be easier to understand what you mean "cannot get" and "did not work". Also, beware or positioning - you can link one object to the top of the band, and the other to the bottom. By default it would be overlapping properly as both are top-attached. Thanks, Olga
  3. Guess connection was broken already. Can you see the progress - how many % or MB you completed download already? is it progressing? Could you just re-start download? Good luck!
  4. Hi Xing Cai, Please see Recurrence parameter on he bottom of the Scheduler job page: None Simple Calendar If you select Simple - you will have few options to select number of Days/Weeks/Months. Good luck scheduling! Olga
  5. Looks like you need to move pagebreak between 8-10 records. You probably will need some kind of calculation how many records you generated so far. Are you really sure you need the page break? maybe you can trust default settings to manage it for you? Just set "Print in first whole band" to avoid broken lines.
  6. Hi, Use Page Break element in your Detail band and make Print When expression PAGE_COUNT==10. So it will only be effective for every 10th record per page. Good luck, Olga
  7. Hi Gustavo, If you used a wizard, make sure you select checkboxes to display Row Groups and Subgroups. Since you added 3 measures it looks you already modifying the default crosstab with the crosstab design mode. Crosstab object creates all the subgrouping/grouping calculated variables for you automatically and uses names for it for example Cost price by Code Cost price by Quanitty Cost price by Code/Quantity Cost price by Code/Quantity/Supplier Name You would need to create new text field in the crosstab summary areas pointing to those variables (not fields!). If unsure, create a simple crosstab using wizard with a single measure and look into report inspector and the XML code. Good luck with Crosstabs! Olga
  8. Hi Blake, So your parent report should have a system variable to return the subreport value to. Make sure it's calculation is system. Then in subreport return values you need to declare a pair report_var = subreport_var you need to type in the subreport_var name manually, since the parent report in not loading suberport object. Good luck reporting and subreporting! Olga
  9. Hi Swallan, please make sure you have Read/Write permission for the PostgreSQL Data folder. Once you solve this, you should be able to rerun installation successfully . Regards, Olga
  10. I was referring to the log of the other thread, tat displays list of parameter and values as below: SELECT * FROM STAT.PODQ WHERE ZSTYEAR=cast(year(?) as char(4)) AND ZSTMONTH=cast(month(?) as char(2)) AND ZSTDAY=cast(day(?) as char(2)) 09:24:31,418 DEBUG JRJdbcQueryExecuter,http-8080-Processor22:206 - Parameter #1 (DATE_SEL of type java.util.Date): Thu Jan 22 00:00:00 CET 2009 09:24:31,419 DEBUG JRJdbcQueryExecuter,http-8080-Processor22:206 - Parameter #2 (DATE_SEL of type java.util.Date): Thu Jan 22 00:00:00 CET 2009 09:24:31,420 DEBUG JRJdbcQueryExecuter,http-8080-Processor22:206 - Parameter #3 (DATE_SEL of type java.util.Date): Thu Jan 22 00:00:00 CET 2009 Could you please confirm if you see that detailed parameter information? Thanks and regards, Olga
  11. Hi bz3x, try to make the size of your subreport image with something like 200pixel Height, so that will become the minimum size to start the band and the subreport object on the same page. So there's onlly less than 200 pixels on the bottom of the page, it will force to start from next page. Hope it helps, Olga
  12. Hi Spierepf, I believe you activated net.sf.jasperreports.engine.query.JRJdbcQueryExecuter what encolding are you using in the database? Do you have non-latin symbols that are translated to questions? In that link - all the parameters' values were resolved successfully to the dates.. What Jaspersoft version are you using? Olga
  13. Hi Brijesh, Since sqljdbc4.jar supports XML, it should not be a problem to retrieve the field. You could try to use java.io.InputStream data type. What you probably would need then is to resolve your XML structure with some xpath expressions. You could do that either with calculated variables running scriptlets or probably you could create a custom data source, so that you could provide it with SQL and Path expressions as parameters and let it figure things out and return your fields both of usualy data types and XML types. Hope it helps, good luck, Olga
  14. Hi Abdelahi, Could you please include complete log? Does export to Excel/HTML work fine? Usually compilation is anyway happenning before execution, so from that message I assume your report can not compile at all. Thanks and regards, Olga
  15. 1.select root of the report in report inspector 2.right click for menu 3. choose add Subdataset Subdataset will appear under the report and include Parameters, Fields, Queries and Groups. Good luck!
  16. Input control will use default Java locale to set date format. Use Pattern property in your report to adjust report view.
  17. Anuj, very elegant solution! One definitely can resolve same with subdatasets (queries) and subreports but calculated var is best for sure! SK, guess you are talking about resolution. How big is your page size in iReport? Since PDF pages are always print - A4 or letter by default, it will always stretch a small report. You could leave empty space on the report itself and review all the Stretch properties for your elements. Hope it helps.
  18. Problem was - security for data folder or the jdbc driver. Solved. Good to go, Shankar!
  19. If you need to create some condition depending on the user name, you can create another parameter, and define formula in the Initial Expression. Variable will not work, cause variables are evaluated only per records of data.
  20. Your example bares many parameters and dependencies. In your Group footer you have scriptlet running and another field as CDATA[$P{PAGE_BREAK_HELPER}.unsetFlag(). Could you possibly simplify your report and figure out what's exactly causing your page breaks? Thanks!
  21. You can also pass your column name as report parameter, for example displayColumn with a list of values. Then in your query you can make something like select $P{displayColumn} as displayField from myTable So that you have field in the report to create tables and charts with a constant name. Good luck reporting!
  22. You need to download WAR deployment project file. Jaspersoft supports only manual install on Centos as per supported platforms list http://www.jaspersoft.com/sites/default/files/Jaspersoft%20Platform%20Support%20V5.0.1.pdf. Update default_master.properties file and run the manual install steps with js-ant under the buildomatic folder. Good luck, hope it's up shortly!
  23. Do you have anyinformation in your webserver log? Could you login as superuser? Could you check just the database for repository elements? Do you see nothing at all - like even no folders?
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