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  1. Hey, I have made the variable in ym subreport and need this variable to be returned to the calling report. In the calling report, I click on the subreport element and go to the section where I can choose return values for the subreport, and all I can do is only return predfined parameters such as Pahe Number, Coulm Count etc. Is there a work around, or am I not doing this properly? Cheers Guys! Blake
  2. Hello Everyone! I am making simple login page. The page will log into the main screen you see, when you usually log into JasperServer 4.7. What i want to know is, what the the URL i should specify, and also add paramaters to, so i am able to login. Below is the current forms code. Does anyone know the answer? form class="form-3" method="POST" action="http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro/flow.html?j_username=myuser&j_password=mypassword" p class="clearfix" label for="login"Username/label input type="text" name="myuser" id="myuser" placeholder="Username" /p p class="clearfix" label for="password"Password/label input type="password" name="mypassword" id="mypassword" placeholder="Password" /p p class="clearfix" input type="checkbox" name="remember" id="remember" label for="remember"Remember me/label /p p class="clearfix" input type="submit" name="submit" value="Sign in" /p /form note: I removes all the closing and opening arrows because its the only way i know how to show source code Cheers Guys!
  3. Hi Guys, when I say "change" I want to: - have my own custom written html page - little bit of css - simple login form in the cetre of the screen And then when I click login it simple mimics the default Jasper Server Login page and deirects me to home page of the serve. http://localhost:8080/jasperserver-pro/flow.html?_flowId=homeFlow If anyone knows how to achieve this please let us know, I have seen other similar questions but they all seem to be referring to logo's and changing links.... I want a complete facelift on the login page, which essentially is a mimic of the a standard login page. Also, can someone tell me how JasperServer is structured in terms of web pages... (what is .jsp and how does it work?)
  4. OK, this is going to sound really silly! You ahve two levels of reports: The main one, and the subreport. even though the main one tries to access the subreport, for anythigng to return form the subreport, the main report needs its own independant result set!
  5. OK, this is going to sound really silly! You ahve two levels of reports: The main one, and the subreport. even though the main one tries to access the subreport, for anythigng to return form the subreport, the main report needs its own independant result set!
  6. I am connecting to the server OK with safari on the iPad, so there is no problem with the URL and port.
  7. Hi Guys, I currently have JasperServer running locally on my Windows Machine, and have successfully managed to connect my iPad to view the login page of the JasperServer (through the safari browser) by connecting to the same network, and using my computer IP address. So I know I am able to connect to the Server through the browser. Although I get a strange error with the iOS app. I enter the settings, and when the iPad tries to connect through the app, I get an eror referring to something about not being available? Or soemthing? (on the App, the error comes in a small window which shows the error within all this html syntax (which I cannot seem to copy n paste out of the app) So I try to actually go to this URL on my computer and I recieve this error to do with AXIS? So now, I am unsure what to do. I am an Intern at the moment and my mate (also an Intern) is telling me, I'm reading into this AXIS probelm too much, but I just want this iOS app to connect so I dont feel so guuuuuuuh! I have looked on tomcat on my computer and made a mnager user, so I was able to see what services are on it, and I dont anything referring to AXIS. Any suggestions or resolutions would be great! Cheers, Blake
  8. Dont worry, all fixed! In iReport, you can export the connection, and import the connection back into iReport Pro :)
  9. kcollins: I am very sure I have all these set properly. jstinb: I tried it, and no luck :(
  10. Hi Guys, Jasper Server 4.7.0 -> transfer Input Data Types to -> Jasper Server Pro 4.7.0 is this possible? Thanks! Blake
  11. Hi Guys, I am new to iReport. I currently have a report that works. I have a sql query and a Sybase Database connection, I am using one paramter, I know of which will return a result set form my query. I want this report to now act asa sub-report. So dag and drop in the subreport object into the Detail band. Use the wizard to specify the report i want to use, I specify 'use the same connection used to fill the master report', I also have made a paramter identicle the one i have in the subreport and pair the expression to the parameter name, then finally specify to use "$P(SUBREPORT_DIR) + reportname" durign the subreport exp step as I want to then move it to JasperServer. OK,so now I have the subreport object is in the detail band. So i click preview to run the master report, It asks me for the parameter (which - I hope have specified to be passed to the subreport) BAM "The document has no pages" Thanks for any helpful advise. ps. I do notice there is an XML backing to all of this but, if you do post anything related to XML, I am most likely to not understand what you want me to do unless you are very clear :) Thanks Again, Blake
  12. Hi Guys, I am new to iReport. I currently have a report that works. I have a sql query and a Sybase Database connection, I am using one paramter, I know of which will return a result set form my query. I want this report to now act asa sub-report. So dag and drop in the subreport object into the Detail band. Use the wizard to specify the report i want to use, I specify 'use the same connection used to fill the master report', I also have made a paramter identicle the one i have in the subreport and pair the expression to the parameter name, then finally specify to use "$P(SUBREPORT_DIR) + reportname" durign the subreport exp step as I want to then move it to JasperServer. OK,so now I have the subreport object is in the detail band. So i click preview to run the master report, It asks me for the parameter (which - I hope have specified to be passed to the subreport) BAM "The document has no pages" Thanks for any helpful advise. ps. I do notice there is an XML backing to all of this but, if you do post anything related to XML, I am most likely to not understand what you want me to do unless you are very clear :) Thanks Again, Blake
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